Game of Thrones Season 7 | Episode 7 Preview | Finale


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Game of Thrones Season 7 | Episode 6 Preview

Game of Thrones season 7 | The Wall



  1. Honestly, I find it rather weird that a) Rhaegar annulled his marriage to Elia, instead of having two wives like his ancestors;
    b) Why Jon's real name should be Aegon, while it was also the name of Elia's son… unless perhaps Rhaegar had known that Elia's Aegon had died?

    I have no comment on any other things. I personally don't ship Jon-Dany as a romantic pair, but their relationship might be important if we remember story about Azor Ahai-Nissa Nissa-Lightbringer. I find Arya to be too harsh as well, but I can still tolerate it.

  2. At all episode 7 was disappointing and nothing really important happened. If you switch from season 6 to 8 you will have no problem to follow. They could have built in more interesting of flashbacks of Bran (Lianna, Rhaegar, mad king, fight of Robert vs Rhaegar, ….), showing more of Brans emotions, cause he knows everything, even his destiny. Nightking still did not pass the wall, while in the South characters move through the continent like a jet. The plot with prisoning a white walker in North was stupid, they should have found a better idea to give the Nightking a dragon. Jon still does not know his origin and he is an ugly strategist, I would not follow him :->
    Even I would have had better ideas.

  3. I wonder if the flashback of Rhaegar and Lyanna will confirm my longstanding theory that Rhaegar isn't who Robert Baratheon killed at the Ruby Ford, but, in fact that Rhaegar has secretly been posing as Jaquen H'gar since Ned took the baby from the Tower of Joy!!!

  4. how is Jon the rightful air, Raeghar never was king, he died before that which means viseryion then was the right full air but he died too which then means the previous kings daughter is the rightful air. so basically raeghar was never king. the last king was arys which makes daenerys the right full queen.

  5. More crap writing from the worst GOT season?

    Daeny arrives with TWO dragons? She's just shown Cersei that that Daeny is ONE dragon weaker due to the NK. Hmmmmm? Daeny should trust Daeny will support her to fight the NK, why exactly? LOL

    Foolish fanboys.

    The Azor Ahai is the Three Heads of the dragon.

    Those morons D&D are making Jon the AA & Daeny his Nissa … and as a result have given us the most idiotic & convoluted storylines imaginable.

    Capturing a wight to prove to Cersei she needs to support Daeny to fight the WW is an IDIOTIC invention by D&D …. who want Jon to be the AA not the THOTD.

    Season 2 Visions at the House of Undying …. should have had Cersei go mad queen THIS SEASON and jaime kill her. Daeny takes the throne in winter … and in this season finale, Daeny & Drogon should have die north of the wall trying to save Jon …. the LAST HERO. Daeny, tyrion & Jon should have found out at Dragonstone that they are related … are the the three heads of the dragon …and are the three dragon riders that will save the living.

    Cersei, Daeny …. & Drogon were meant to die this season, but instead we only get Little Finger & Tyrion's dragon viserion. Cunts.

  6. There better be a Rhaegar and Lyanna flashback if not many next season. I really want to see what really went down and who he and she really were. On screen. (Maybe even add Elia, to see how her personality was).

  7. Rhaegar's other son with Elia Martell is already called Aegon! Why would Lyanna call her baby with Rhaegar Aegon again? People don't even give twins the same name. It lacks originality. There's a bajillion other Targ names out there.

  8. Petyr (Littlefinger) Baelish dies. He gets killed by Arya after Sansa finds
    out from Bran about his plan. If this turns out to be true and Baelish
    does die, don't worry. You get to kill me too. I live at…. 🙂

  9. k I know im going to sound weird but I'm just getting into game of thrones last night I watched the first episode of the first season and it was great and the whole season has ten episodes which is solid . but I am a huge walking dead fan and ever since season 3 every season has been 16 episodes long but I can see that this season of game of thrones is only 7 episodes long. that is short coming from a show were evey season is 16 episodes long so can someone pls explain and is every season this short


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