Game of Thrones Season 7 Finale Review… long story short, loved it. Still in denial that Season 7 is over 🙁

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  1. Hopefully you read this because i'd like to hear what you think. I believe Cersei is going to take the golden company, capture storms end and take all the food and resources available to survive the coming…. Storm ;). It apprerently withstood the wrath of the gods so. Seems legit

  2. just wanted to point out that Sansa swinging the sword wouldn't match up w/her character nor the contrast between her and Arya which is why it was smart that DD never had Sansa do so, From a story telling perpective having Sansa and Arya combine into something Ned was but also wasn't , since Arya>>Ned in physical ability/power while Sansa trained by LF/Cersie >> Ned in playing the game both combine to represent and surpass him.

  3. I think Cersie foreshadowed what the plan is of the Night king. She said that the North would have to deal with the army of the dead first. I think the Night king will come to kings landing first and destroy it first. I still want to believe that the crypts of winterfell will play a Huge part. And all those winter kings just have a role to play. I am looking forward to the final season.

  4. Imo season 7 was probably the worst one yet. Because so many things happen in like 2 min, compared to the other season who had more character developement and better dialogue. Really I hope season 8 will be less "rushed"

  5. I have no doubt the Night King is watching EVERYTHING going on south of the wall and has been for awhile.

    He saw Westeros in chaos with the War of the 5 Kings and decided it was the perfect time to strike.

    Also he saw Dany arrive at Dragonstone and that's why he had all those spears with him in Episode 6. That the scene on the ice was him using Jon and the rest as bait so he could take down the dragons.

  6. What do you think about the night king flying to kings landing and burn it with Dragon and wild fire and then he will have night queen cersi and walker mountain and 1million soldiers and they attack from two fronts South down to winterfell and North up to winterfell

  7. I just discovered your channel. Awesome and Outstanding is what my first impression is. You give an intelligent breakdown of the episode from different angles, and a more realalistic perspective. Well done video.

  8. I've had the same thought – that they were set up to catch that wight, and this is why one wight animated by someone other than that white walker in the scouting party. The Night King might then warg into the wight and get some insider information.

  9. Hear me out for a second — what if Cersei allowed Jamie to go because she knew he'd be loyal to her always? He'd continue his legacy of king slaying after using his brother's emotional bond with him to temporarily join their party, and take Jon's life. In the legacy of Azor Ahai, the original stabbed his wife through the heart. If Jon is imbued with the spirit, perhaps Jamie killing him would release the spirit onto him, ruining both Jon's plans of fighting the white walkers, Dany's true love interest, Jamie's plans of being with Cersei, and Cersei's plans of ruling. Azor Ahai would destroy the white walkers, but perhaps not before they ravaged the entire continent.

  10. hey I have something to ask….or rather to tell….
    I just noticed that the dragon in the poster of season 7…. the dragon that's sitting on wall and on its back some wight walker is sitting…..yeah that dragon…. you got it…if not then you must see that poster first…
    That dragon isn't having any hole in its wings….. not that can be seen.
    But the viserion…..the reanimated viserion that we saw in finale episode had big holes in its wings……so…..
    I think either some other dragon is going to die or Night King has some dragon egg that he will hatch…… Though It would be interesting to see how he hatches an egg with ice…..
    Yeah…… yeah……I know it just fucked up your mind ~ as fuck…. as hell would be better….. Idk think about it……

  11. I don't know if Rhaegar and Lyanna keeping their marriage a secret is the cause of Robert's Rebellion. Wouldn't the marriage have gone over even worse with Robert, since Lyanna was betrothed to him? And what would that have done to the relationship between the Starks and the Baratheons, especially Ned and Robert? Also, if they didn't hide it, they wouldn't have been able to hide Jon or Aegon or whatever we're calling him now in the event that the Targs lost the war.

  12. Hey man, good job on the channel…i guess you were right, making GoT videos really paid off! Awesome…in regards to Jon, of course you are right: Jon the bastard was much more interesting that this whole birthright business (I doubt it'll play this way in the books, R+L=J is the obvious answer, but a bit of scrutiny puts it all in question). Anyway, somebody (I hope) has probably already mentioned it, but calling Jon 'Aegon' is absurd. Rhagear already had a son, and his name was *drumroll*…Aegon. I'm a little foggy on the timeline of Robert's Rebellion, but Rhaegar's children were probably still alive when Ned got to the Tower of Joy, and regardless, Leanna wouldn't have known of the sack of King's Landing. And even if she had (let's bestow onto her Bran's superpowers for a second), she wouldn't have named her kid after Rhaegar's recently deceased toddler. So…Wtf.

  13. You really do want Jon to get Dawn don't you?!?😂😂Jokes aside, I personally would also love Jon to kill the Night King with Dawn but sadly I don't think it's going to happen at least not in the show…

  14. Was just wondering if you could make a video about the difference between say someone the likes of Maggy the Frog and Bran. Why can she essentially see the future and predict Cercei's life, but then Bran can only see the past and the present?

  15. Aaa I found you again. You did the Dragon analysis. Im nearly positive I know, what the night king wants as well as who the Prince that is promised is. And how this whole thing will end. It WOULD make a homerun video regardless. Let me know if you want the info to make it


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