My super, super late Season 7 Finale review of Game of Thrones, The Dragon and The Wolf.
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Alachia Queen
PO Box 18345


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  1. I admit that I was starting to believe the Sansa/Arya feud. Not because it made sense, mind you, and not because it was realistic or believable in any way for their characters. I began to believe it because I fully expected D&D to be that dumb, dumb enough to think it was a good story idea and made for a good (if lazy) subplot. D&D, being the bro-tarded Hollywood meatheads that they are, probably have no clue as to how real hardships change people, how they mature people, so I could see that they might think a childish sibling rivalry could still exist between Sansa and Arya at this point. This season's been fanfic-quality writing anyway, and the Stark girls' petty rivalry probably would make sense to a teenage fanfiction writer. I only "fell for it" because D&D set the standards that low this season.

  2. also jon snow lied to the wildlings because he was orderd to. The wildlings r not westerosis so he is not honour bout to them. I mean they call them wildlinglings for goodness sakes. Come on this show has plenty of real problems this season no need to pick at a scab that ain't there

  3. I don't get your question. This meeting was never about 7 kingdoms it was always about getting cersi to agree to a cease fire. So how would the tyrells get there? who is alive to represent them? they were pretty much all slaughtered who didn't join must have been killed similar to when dany defeated the lanisters. And Dorn has no leaders! most if not all of their army was destroyed/killed by euron greyjoy's fleet. Freys killed by arya. tully's submitted to the lanisters so I don't know who you were looking for and why. great houses get destroyed and new ones take their place all the time in westeroes. we r basically looking at the only ones still existing at this time

  4. Here are my thoughts on the actual Game. Daenrys could have skipped an entire war after defeating the dead by taking Cersei right there and using her Army to fight the Walkers and then just return to a peaceful, albeit transitioning King's Landing. As to why John may have acted that way at the meeting I put it on them killing Ned and consider that he isn't like Littlefinger or Varys where he can knowingly could have an ulterior motive. I think he holds a grudge against the Lannisters for what they did.

  5. Have you ever played Risk? Also, remember what happened to Stanis when he tried to invade King's Landing with a superior force. Some or all of the dragons might've been killed by Cersei's necromancer. Half of Dany's forces might've been destroyed too & everyone in King's Landing would be dead. While all of that is going on, the Night King with a full army, just marches south & picks the bones clean. Just like Risk.

  6. The hound was like, "member me?, you member … member?" Oh good point jon did lie to the wildlings, but that was to save his ass. Brienne said fuck honor, but she really meant fuck me …jamie here now! Everyone asks why the night king speared vicerion, instead of drogon, but I ask why did Dani not burn the 5 walkers that where obviously the generals… all sitting there… on their horses… in line, ready to be shish kabobbed! Game over. Vicerion lives, let's go murder the lannisters.

  7. personally i disagree on theon, rescuing his sister is very much him being a stark and a greyjoy not leaving the lone wolf to die but returning her to his pack so they can all fight together is very stark, standing up after being beaten down again and again is the stark in him to do what is right no matter personal cost. abandoning yara would be a greyjoy move she's irrelevant where she is. but if he frees her and together they take out euron that gives them the greyjoy fleet so they can get troops from dorne!!! and possibly the golden company as well

  8. Bran is actually the knight King and we all know that Bran is a seer. That's how the knight King set the trap for Dany to get one of her dragons. Fan fiction and all is possible. I will have to watch the show from the beginning to enjoy the best episodes again. This season was poo to me. Not as rich and full as the beginning of the show.

  9. It's already been said in interviews that D&D has no interest in continuing the show. HBO has already offered to back up truckloads of money to continue with new seasons, but D&D said no. That is why HBO is looking at all the spinoffs with new show runners.


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