Game of Thrones season 7 episode 7 trailer breakdown. In-depth look at the new teaser trailer for the season finale of Game of Thrones.
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The Game of Thrones season 7 episode 7 trailer doesn’t give away a lot. The latest GoT teaser trailer shows everyone arriving in King’s Landing to show Cersei the wight that captured beyond the wall. We see Tyrion, Jon Snow, Davos, Brienne of Tarth, Podrick Payne, Jorah, and we assume the Hound will be there as well. Queen Cersei Lannister receives them with her brother Jaime Lannister by her side.
The Game of Thrones s7 e7 trailer leaves a lot to imagine for the season finale. We get only one short look at Sansa Stark from the North, and no shots of the Night King and his white walkers.
We also don’t see Queen Daenerys Targaryen or her dragons in the GoT s7x07 teaser trailer. We guess her absence in the e7 trailer means that we will see Daenery arrive on Drogon at the Dragonpit after the meeting begins.
What did you think about the Game of Thrones season 7 finale trailer? What do you think they left out of the s7 episode 7 teaser that will be important? What are you most excited about to see in GoT episode 7, before season 7 ends?
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Game of Thrones s07x07 teaser trailer breakdown.
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  1. Thanks for the video, and I'm with you on not liking the idea of Bran as the Night King.  What about Long Claw?  Anyone have any theories as to why the eyes turned blue?!  Also, If a Scorpion arrow with a Dragon glass arrowhead pierces the newly created Ice Dragon, will it turn into something equivalent to Uncle Benjin? (sorry for the misspelled names.)  If Arya does kill Little Finger, do you think she will use his face to talk with Sansa to hear what her true feelings/plans about taking Jon's place at Winterfell?  She may have already killed Little Finger… watch the last conversation between Sansa & Little Finger, humm.

  2. In the the filming of GoT (until these last 2 seasons), the medieval travel times "experienced" was often used to flesh out characters and historical back story. For the last 2 seasons, obviously (Battle & CGI scene budgets needed!) have forced shortened seasons, they actually use a much more normal method of not typical lengthy and redundant travel scenes, except possibly in one instance, during Episode 7-06 the show has not actually "teleported" anyone, but simply cut out almost all travel time not being used to reinforce characters and plot development, it is however mentioned at times. For instance, Jon has been gone for "months" per both Sansa, various Northern Lords, and I believe Little Finger makes a sly comment of time passed…Sansa reminds Brianne that the trip to King's Landing is not the n Summer roads and it will be hard to get there in time for the meeting. It is repeatedly quietly that rather lengthy time has passed…
    The 1200 mile distance to get a Raven to Danny on Dragonstone, then from there past the wall to Jon's "suicide squad In one day at the most, that would FTS travel, which is rather impossible even in a magical world! The raven can possibly get up to to 50-60 mph (with magical intercession!) some how Dany can keep on at one hundred? That takes some serious mojo!

  3. no, no, no, no, no… no.

    These guys have walked into an ambush and Cersie will be shooting fish in a barrell. Why?

    1. Cersei is a cnut. She always has been. The only thing that changes from season to season is how much more of a cnut she becomes – like how wine matures in a cellar, Cersie is a vintage cnut. I wouldn't conduct any form of business with her unless it relates to black market weaponary. To cast an analolgy, she's the Kim Jong Un / North Korea of the 7 Kingdoms — how do you negotiate with crazy??

    2. Just last season she destroyed half the highborn kingdom, performed genocide on her enemies – and in the process, forced her son to comit suicide through dispair – why the F would she care about white walkers? If these guys were playing poker, all the other guys have just declared their hand except for her – that puts her in a position of power.

    3. It's not about numbers – smaller armies have been able to cause substantial damage through strategic application of their forces – Rob vs Jammie; Tyrion vs Stanis; Nights Watch vs Jon; Jamie vs Unsullied; Arya vs Freys…

    4. Olenna Tyrell even said that her downfall was that she under estimated the type of cnut that Cersei was – and just how far she will go. What more evidence do you need when the smartest, most strategic woman in the kingdom got outsmarted because she under estimate the degree of inhumanty her enemy had. I mean, COME ON!

    5. Sana is on the top of Winterfell thinking, who wrote this shite….

    Cersie is in the position of power, which is why this whole plot line to include her his "f'n dum, bro". The only advantage Danerys/Jon/Etc have is that Jamie just might kill the cnut. That's it.

  4. I am holding out hope that Arya & Sansa work together to take down Littlefinger.

    Now that the Night King has a dragon, will he ride it? Speculation has been that the Night King is possibly a Stark, could he be a first man from Valeria?

    What the heck happened to Euron? He was (magically) everywhere & now he's just gone.

  5. You, sir, just earned yourself a new subscriber…Fantastic breakdown, but please invest in a better mic. I think the majority of the dislikes are from people who were turned off by the audio quality, and I would gladly pitch in to fix this. Audio quality aside, this was a tremendous breakdown and this channel clearly has potential. I look forward to seeing more of these!

  6. Am i the only one who noticed that in the shot of cersi walking in the shadows shes wearing furs and also the poster of GoT season 7 had the ice dragon on a ledge or potentially the wall because there is nothing that says the dead can't go over the wall especially with a dragon

  7. I don't think it's Sansa in the preview. I think it's arya with sansas face. We all know the faceless men can use faces of people that are still alive. I think it's a shot of Arya just after she killed little finger. In the previous episode, Sansa saw aryas collection of faces. That scene would be pointless if Arya doesn't use her faceless man skills in the season finale. We haven't seen Arya in action this season.

  8. Where the hell is Varys?! Did he go to Volantis or maybe Bravos to talk to the Iron Bank? Is he with Cersei again? Inquiring minds want to know. S6 E10 Cersei blows up the Sept of Baelor. Here we are at the season finale – will the Drowned god (Euron) have an encounter with Dany/her dragons? I think Cersei will try to take back Dragonstone (someone else mentioned it) and provoke Dany, just like Tyrion warned her about. We'll see if her dragon blood gets too hot.

  9. It is very possible that Dany would be killed in the last episode and she could be revitalized by Melissandra in the next season, which empowers her as was done to Jon. Together they could be powerful enough to defeat the Night King.

  10. As far as Yara is concerned, in the books, didn't Euron have a woman he impregnated tied to his ship after he cut her tongue out? I think that sight would make anyone wretch… especially if it was your sister.

  11. For those that say the writing sucks, do yall realize GRRM has had years to rewrite and refine every plot in his books? Since we are passed that the writers dont have the time to go and rewrite plots and dialogue. There are only 2 seasons left and if you werent book snobs and enjoyed the TV series for what it is instead of waiting for fat man to ponder his writing of WOW book, (which likely NEVER gets finished) you could sit and enjoy it like the rest of us.

  12. Does the "no-pass" magic of the wall extend into the airspace above? If not, the White Walker King could pass over on Viserion's back.  HEY–what if the White Walker gets away and turns Cersei???

  13. I don't think Cersei cares about the dead army in the north, at least not until it starts to snow in the south. I neither think she goes into the meeting without an insane but brilliant plan. So at the end of the episode all of the good guys who went to the meeting are probably imprisoned or dead.

  14. They've moved the location shooting from Croatia to Spain for this year. Much more variety- The stairway and beach at Dragonstone, Streets of Kings Landing, Field of Fire location, under the Red Keep, High Garden, Old Town, and now the Dragon Pit.


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