Spoilers! Terri and Steve get into the events that they think will play out in the Season 7 finale, both based on promos and released trailers as well as pure conjecture. Is the Wall going to come down this season? You tell us!

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Game of Thrones: “Winter is Here” Trailer:

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  1. Not sure in the finale, but I think the Night King's walker dragon will spew torrents of ice rather than fire (since the spear who killed him and most walker weapons are ice.) This would also set up a violent sibling rivalry with the two fire-breathing dragons, and thereby reflecting the overall fire and ice theme.

  2. What sense does Clegane bowl make? He holds a grudge against his brother, not against the now zombie Clegane. With all the illogical things happening, making sense is not really high on their list priorities. So it could happen.

  3. Love Triangle? haha No way. Jamie admires Brienne; he's sort of fascinated by her honesty and moral code, and she sees in him an essentially honorable man who hasn't yet fully come to terms with his own honor (or is in denial of it because to acknowledge it puts him in necessary opposition to Cersei, and he doesnt want that.) They admire each other, that's all.
    And I dont think The Hound will be picked to fight The Mountain – something will happen, and he will rush in and fight his brother – it's inevitable that they will fight; the story line set up vis a vis those brothers just about guarantees it.

  4. I think Dany is going to bring her army and Jons bringing his army, and they both get destroyed by the White Walkers. They have to retreat and we see Jon carrying Dany on the sunset rowing a canoe off of Eastwatch escaping the White walkers. I called it here first. Subscribe to my page for more predictions. [The white walkers are the driving force behind GoT, to see them lose would not make sense since we still have one more season to go, THEY NEED TO WIN, and I think, they will WIN BIG]

  5. Ayra will go to Kings Landing after killing little finger to kill Cersei. Since she knows Jon will be there. After a failed attempt of killing Cersei, they capture Ayra and Cersei sends the mountain to excute her in front of Jon Snow. The hound, being part of Jons group will take notice and try to save her, causing the brothers to fight, while others try to protect Denarys. Cerssei set a trap to kill all of them, that Jaime takes notice, and kills his own sister to keep the peace.

  6. Stop hyping Clegane Bowl. It's not happening this season. It's only happening in Cersei x Jon/Dany army last battle. Mountain will be defending Cersei to the last moment, her only shield against the attackers, and the Hound will kill him.

  7. The narrative for the fight between the brothers should happen because the Mountain is her protector. Once he goes, she will vulnerable to anyone who approaches her like Euron. He wants to get close to her, but he can't because of the Mountain.

  8. There is a book about the history of game of thrones and they mentioned that the taigerians had trouble having children… Some of them came out misformend and with wings… But they neva lived. I think they mentioned that two taigerians had more success with children, that's why incest was in family.


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