Check out my Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode FINALE Preview Breakdown and Predictions.

I will be posting my Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode FINALE Breakdown video tomorrow.

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode FINALE Breakdown

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode FINALE Explained

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode FINALE Predictions.

Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 7




  1. It is a wise child who knows his own father (Homer).
    Daenerys' father is Jaime Lannister. Jon's father is Rhaegar. Tyrion's father is Aerys II.
    Tyrion is therefore Jon's uncle, and it's okay to 'ship Jon and Daenerys.

  2. Arya kills Littlefinger.

    Brann shows Sansa what Littlefinger is up to. It all makes sense. Sansa sentence Petyr to death and be executed by Arya.
    Arya uses the dagger that started it all. Slit Petyr throat. Petyr falls down and asking the northern lords for help. He gets ignored. He tries to crawl away but dies shortly.

  3. Hey man, I just watched the scene where Melisandre meets Arya for the first time. The conversation between them ends with Melisandre telling Arya, "We will meet again.". If you look closely, as she turns away her eyes are wide almost as if she is afraid of what she seen. Her voice becomes lighter and almost higher pitched as she states those words compared to the mysterious tone of voice she has when describing the eyes looking back at her. But once she gets to the "We will meet again" it is like her whole demeanor changes as she possibly sees her own death, could it be Arya that kills her? What'd you think?

    It might make for some good content if you can connect the dots better than I can.

  4. Arya will cut Peter's throat with the dagger that Peter held to her father's throat in the throne room. Bran will tell everything that Peter has done because he can see it all. Sansa will ask Arya to do it.

  5. Agree with everything except, I reckon Cersei maintains her relationship with the iron bank cause she needs an army – she isnt just going to do nothing. Also is it 120 minutes or 1hr and 20 minutes???

  6. Arya can tell when people are lying. That pretty much fucks Littlefinger from the start. I want to see Arya cutting his throat with that dagger. That's GOT to happen. Not only is it poetic, as that's the dagger that almost killed Bran, but it was certainly LF that set this entire thing in motion. I can't believe that's not what's going to happen.

  7. Things to look forward to:
    1.The look on Shittlefinger's face when he gets his comeuppance
    2. The look on Danarys's face when John plants a big kiss on her
    3. The look on John's face when he finds out he's been making out w/ his aunt  XD

  8. Littlefinger is the best character in Game of Thrones. The other characters use supernatural cheats, or their beauty, high birth, inherited wealth, or huge strength to screw people over. Littlefinger just has his intellect and wits. Even Varys is a shit who enslaved children and cut out their tongues to be his spies. Littlefinger is the most giving, likable, and virtuous character who has a chance to actually sit on the Iron Throne. His fatal flaw is that he was nice to that spoiled Stark bitch. She will repay him by cutting his throat – even while she never did a damn thing to Joffrey or Ramsey. She will kill the one guy who helped her.

  9. here are my predictions and I will separate them by story lines:

    Cersei will meet with the whole crew from the North. She will agree to help but only with steep conditions that Dany will not adhere to.

    Little Finger or Sansa is dying. Arya has been untouchable and basically a god. The writers love to have these seemingly untouchable characters have moments to shake them back to appearing human and with flaw. So it is possible that Arya could mistakenly kill Sansa from Little Finger's ploy. It is more likely that Arya dresses like Sansa, tries to entice Little Finger sexually (giving him what he always wanted) and kills him.

    We find out the motive behind the Night King. Also, part of the wall has to be coming down, ending with the White Walkers heading to Winterfell. Personally I hope that Bran is the Night King , but who knows!


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