Will Weekly
Game of Thrones Season 7 finale Reaction last 15 mInutes

the dragon and the wolf! In last night’s Season 7 “Game of Thrones” finale, some things left us a bit unsatisfied—what we’d hoped would be a Cleganebowl was more like a Clegane side salad—and some things surpassed our wildest imaginings. Switcheroos were pulled, sisterhood was powerful, a snowflake fell on Jaime’s glove, we warged to the wedding of all weddings, love was in the air, and tremendous things were revealed about Jon Snow. Tremendous ass things, specifically. Also, his real name. But first: genitals and a Cold War.
Have the dragons already won?

We’re not talking about a battle between a zombie ice dragon and its two hot-blooded siblings. It’s a potential conflict “Game of Thrones” fans will no doubt spend the next year pondering, and no doubt a special-effects house is already figuring out how to deliver that kind of rousing, scaly battle.

But the non-literal version of the question still stands: Is “Game of Thrones” about dragons, spectacle and huge battles — or is it still about people? At times this past season, it was hard to tell.

Certain storylines, most notably the Arya-Sansa conflict, would have benefited from the kind of clarity and depth the show can provide when it’s not racing from one fiery clash to the next (as my Variety colleague Sonia Saraiya pointed out in her review of “The Dragon and the Wolf”). Fantasy worlds are full of what-ifs, so consider this alternate scenario: What if the rivalry between Arya (Maisie Williams) and Sansa (Sophie Turner) had better conveyed their conflicts and disagreements, and had also contained the fake-out of Littlefinger (Aiden Gillen), but delivered in a way that did not make viewers feel they’d been cheated out of thoughtful character development?



  1. They're Aunt and Nephew, Rhaegar was Daenerys oldest brother and thus the oldest son of the Mad King Aerys which made him the Crown Prince of House Targaryen and thus the original heir to the Iron Throne, who Robert killed during the Rebellion before she and Jon were born. Jon's actually a few months older then her though. Rhaegar has been mentioned a fair few times in this series so I'm surprised you guys didn't realize who he was by now.


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