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Game of Thrones – Season 7 Episode 7 ‘The Dragon and the Wolf’ Review!








Cersei and Jon Snow Art by



  1. Man, those tensions at Winterfell are gonna be off the charts next season. Will Jon's alliance with Dany be treated as a betrayal? Will Sansa/Arya think any less of him? How might the North welcome the Mad King's daughter notwithstanding? How and when will Bran deliver the big news? How exactly will Jaime be received at Winterfell given his reputation and with news of Cersei's betrayal? Might Bran have a thing or two to say about his past misdemeanors? Brienne would surely go to the grave in his defence…

    See what I mean? What a precarious situation we're in. You have to worry it could all just descend into a complete cluster fuck at any moment. The Night King might just catch everybody with their pants down. Hell, would we expect any different given everything we've learned about Westeros these past years? Everyone hates everyone. Maybe that's it. The Long Night will be a deliverance of some kind from this fucked up world in the grand scheme of things. A chance to wipe the slate clean. Just thinking out loud here. This is what the show's done to me 🙃

  2. Alcohol has only recently been known to negatively affect a fetus. mediaeval women would not have avoided wine just because they were pregnant-they may have even thought it beneficial.

  3. For all the people that write: stop hating women, your assumptions are wrong. The chick in this review is annoying because she is acting like a dude-bro "that's dope", "that's a plothole" (even tho the latter is in the books). Ideasoficeandfire and the Order of the Greenhand had a podcast, and everyone loved lady Greenhand, and she was acting super girly, just check out that podcast. Surely if people hated women they would hate her, for her feminine behavior.

  4. Usually enjoy your videos, but was incredibly disappointed when somebody used the term 'retarded' to describe a baby that results from a pregnant mother drinking wine. That's terrible. It's a derogatory term used to dehumanise people, not a punch line to a wayward joke.

  5. The start saying of "the man that passes the sentence must swing the sword", is explained by Ned as if you are unable to look into the eyes of the man that is being executed, you probably don't have the right to kill him. In that way, Sansa actually looked into both Ramsey and LFs eyes as they are being killed!

  6. How was Tommen's SUICIDE Tyrion's fault? The Church gained power because the High Septon was an excellent player of the game. He manipulated his King and their fast growing power led Cersei to blow them up. The only two factors that could have changed was if Margeary was far from wildfire and if Lancel could have made it in time.

  7. Ok so I am dying for someone to make a theory hash-out video on something and you guys are THE BEST with GoT! So if you have it already, can you share the link? And if not, can you please look into it?

    Ok so: I've had this long suspicion that the gods of GoT are way more tangible and directly involved with everything going on than the "far off distance" stance that is so often assumed. While I'm still grappling with balancing book knowledge with the show to find solid proof for ALL the gods, I do want to know your thoughts on the Lord of Light at least.

    Personally, I've had a hard time NOT believing that Jaquen H'gar is actually Rhollor (sp?) There are a lot of reasons why, and some of it does play into the theories that Jaquen was also Cyrio, etc, but I was wondering if any of you have toyed with the idea of at least Rhollor being an actual, real god arranging everything to take on the Night King and overthrow the other gods' influence in the realms. This may seem like a stretch, but I read somewhere that GRRM loosely based the Lord of Light religion on the spread of Christianity through the ancient world, to give a sort of perspective via the "pagan" viewpoint.

    So what are your thoughts?

  8. This series got lazier and dumber every season. The writers managed to reduce a great story to… Spartacus or Black Sails with dragons and zombies. Every episode more dumb gore and Michael Bay style action. No wonder most fans love Tyrion and Varys, the others are deliberatly (screen)written as cardboard characters. Even the action scenes are DUMB. Jon Snow is soooo DUMB, he can't even get on a dragon and escape when everybody else has. Lazy screen writers? Dracaris!

  9. In the scene where Bron is talking to the Lanister soldier…he ask how many barrels of oil they have then ask for 500 more. Why would this be included this scene if they were not used in the episode. This was an indication of what they will resort too when fighting the undead. Jaime will probably rally some men and supplies ( flamable oil barrels) and help fight alongside Jon and Danny .

  10. I just had a thought, thanks Nerd Soup, about why D&D choose Aegon for Jon. Since the TV show never talked about Aegon and Jon Connington being part of the Golden Company and coming for the throne. The Golden Company is still loyal to the Targaryans because of their connection to the blood line. Maybe that is how the throne is taken. Jon Snow and company arrive to Kings Landing to face the Golden Company and take the throne, they're exhausted after the the battle in the North. So not to cause blood shed Bran (or someone) make Jon aware of the Golden Companies roots. Then Jon announces he is Aegon Targaryan true blood heir to the Iron Throne blah blah blah (finally getting a proper title introduction though I did love Sir Davos 's introduction) and the Golden Company having known rumors of an heir thanks to Varys, along with Dany's help give their swords to Jon. And BOOM King's Landing is won. But Cersei in her madness has the throne blown up before Jon can sit properly. But that is when we see Jon accept his real heritage and accept another leadership role and accept his destiny.

  11. Read the last Daenerys chapter in a clash of kings, she talks to Jorah about her seeing Rheagar with his wife(unspecified which one) and she held his son and Rhaegar called him Aegon the prince that was promised, and Jorah comments that the vision meant nothing because his head was crushed. That just hints so much to why Jon's real name is Aegon!


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