The Host, La La, Angel Eyes, their Mum, and Some Ol’ Guy return to react to the 7th season finale of GAME OF THRONES!!! Thank you all for watching with us and we will see you again next time for the final season… which I hear is going to be in 2019, I’m not 100% sure, so strap in for a much longer wait, just in case.


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  1. After watching some of these reaction video, and growing up in a house with younger sisters, I've learned one thing, that women's company is so FUCKING TEDIOUS!!!! They have to talk over everything, make stupid comments, and those loud fucking screams…GOD!!!!!

  2. The mom is ridiculous. Cheering with joy at Baelish getting his throat slit, and then says "sheesh, violent!" at her daughter for saying "That's for Ned Start beeyotch". What drugs is she on? Slitting throats is not violent, but saying beeyotch is violent?

  3. jon is the lead character of GOT but why the writer make him so stupid in battle of the basterd he almost lost and with white walker viserion die because of him and he almust band the knee for dany in front of cersee i hate when the writer want do something stupid they let jon do it i mean we all no one of dany dragon will die but they let jon be the reason of veserion death i just hate that because jon my fevert charecter


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