We breakdown the preview of Game of Thrones Season 7 episode 7 and share our theories & predictions of what is to come. There is no released title for this season finale episode at this time. The episode will air Sunday August 27th at 9pm on HBO.
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Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 6 Review:

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  1. I think the armies are just a show of force and also if Cersie tries anything they'll attack. Don't see anyone dying this episode except Littlefinger, Sansa is going to have him killed. I don't think the writers know what to do with him so they'll kill him off. Think the while episode is just them trying to convince Cersie to help and to get everyone in one place for fan service.

  2. If this Arya/Sansa plot doesn't turn out to be a trap to kill Baelish, I'm going to be really disappointed in the writing. With everything that's happened to them both, the only people they should/would trust is family

  3. Remember Bran uploading the entire fucking past, present, and future, last season? He saw a dragons shadow over the red keep. Dany gonna make an appearance in front of all of Weeteros, by riding in on a fucking dragon. First impressions and all that shit

  4. Jon should listen to Tyrion? JON IS LISTENING TO TYRION. It was Tyrion's plan for them to go up north and capture a wight. (And then when they find out the party is in trouble, Tyrion doesn't want Dany to go help them, BTW.) It was Tyrion's plan to bring the wight to show to Cersei. This is all Tyrion's mess. Jon is trusting that Tyrion knows his sister. Jon is desperate. Tyrion seriously needs to drink more because he doesn't know crap this season.

  5. What did Tyrion say to Dany, don´t go crazy but if it kicks off then burn Kings Landing to ground plus he said ¨Cersei would torture you and then murder you¨ plus something like I trust her the least, I know what she´s like so I don´t think Dany is going to appear in the Dragon Pit unless it´s necessary because there could be more scorpions and she probably will do something stupid and I hope she doesn´t kill another one of Dany´s dragons because that would be suicide for her and all of the living. I can see her coming in with Drogon with some quickly knocked up body armour and armour for herself.Can you imagine if Gendry could learn to make Valerian steel again with the help of the scrolls and books from Sam and maybe help from the Red Witch??? Then make swords and armour for everyone? I wonder if Jon finds out at the end of the finale about his heritage and his relation to Dany.Also if he found out before would he presented at the Dragon pit as having the strongest claim to the throne and Jon Sand or Aegon Targaryen?

  6. john snow is a real heir to the mad king, litlefinger will die through this girl, the kingsslayer will join the north, sansa will be queen in the north, and the stormborn will be pregnant

  7. I feel that the more we see Danny's Dragons the less their mystic holds sway. Every time she enters a battle I'm thinking "no contest" and "job done". I find the scenes between Danny and Jon quite tiresome; she's no Ygritte!!! As for LittleFinger, Death by Arya can't come soon enough. By the way I believe Arya's character is the bizness. Watching Sanza shit bricks was a delight worth the whole episode 6. Come on GOT, deliver big time during the finale.

  8. Little Finger is comfortable having all the information and pulling all the strings, his downfall will be Bran, Bran knows all of Little Fingers dark secrets and I believe he will tell Sansa and Arya the truth, and Sansa will call him out for his sins then sentence him to death.
    Arya will use the Catspaw dagger to carry out the sentence.

  9. Hold on….What are they gonna do with the captured Walker? This whole episode depended on capturing one of them, but no one know why the hell that is necessary and why it is worth the cost in lives (including a dragon). Is he going to tell them some secret that they don't already know?

  10. I'm not a fan of Brienne and Jaime getting together. He's in love with Cersei (however icky that seems) and there's no way Brienne can take her place in Jaime's life. Not many female warriors in his part of the world, and I don't think she could keep up with (or care about) all the plotting and intrigue. Besides, he's about to become a father again and that would be a damper on any new romances for him. I do like her and Tormund together, tho. He gets her and she'd fit right in with that culture. The Arya and Sansa drama – it's what sisters do, but I think they're going to figure out LF's trickery and turn the tables on him. The Red Priestesses – there's more than just Melisandre. They can bring the dead back to "life," so can the Night King. Could there be something to this? So many possibilities! It's gonna be an epic finale. Love the show and your reviews. 👊🏽

  11. Huge fan service, terrible plot. These are exactly my thoughts about this season as well. And though I keep whining and whining about how the series is dumbing down, I cant stop watching it… :p

  12. Of course the meeting is a fucking trap. Team Dany are a bunch of morons and most of them are going to get ballistaed. These idiots do know that Cersie can use wildfire to make bombs? The most hard core thing they could do is have the Sansa and Arya fight to the death, which looks like it is on course for next week.

  13. A bunch of morons walk into a trap and dumb ass queen loses her most valuable warrior in the world saving the idiots. The moron Jon Snow has gotten a lot of people and now a dragon killed.


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