Game Of Thrones Season 7 Gendry and Daenerys Targaryen Mind Blowing Theory. Robert’s Rebellion, Aegon the Conqueror, Jon Snow Daenerys Targaryen and Arya Stark ►
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  1. Why do I feel like Arya is going to back Gendry on his claim to the throne, and take on Dany as an enemy because of it? And then Jon is going to be stuck in a tough spot, because he has to try to resolve the tension between his love interest and the girl he sees as his little sister.

  2. I think Gendry will retake Storms End and will also end up with Arya, partially because he and Arya had such a close bond but also because it's the only way I can see her happily settling down after this is all said and done. I also think there's a clear parallel between Gendry and Arya in the same way Robert and Lyanna were as Arya is described as being like Lyanna in a lot of ways. This being supported by the Knight of the Laughing Tree theory alluding to Lyanna.

  3. i dont ship him and arya …. i dont see it…. hes a baratheon id rather see him with sansa and shes a better age for him…to rule the north and jon and dany will team up to sit on the thrown hopefully she will die and jon gets the seat permanently…well atleast jon will have it until the night king thros his spear across westeros hitting jon in the chair…

  4. Bittersweet Ending…. Jon and Dany die. Gendry having both Baratheon and Targaryen blood will take the throne. And the common people will love him and the Lords will recognize him for his blood and good deeds while fighting against the others beside Jon and Dany. 😉

  5. Do a video about the possibility of Gendry actually being Aegon (son of Rhaegar). During the sack of kings landing it was said that Aegon, his sister, and mom were killed, but he was able to be properly identified because his face was smashed. What if he was Rhaegar's son and hidden away. Varys mentions Aegon was different then Tommen because he was groomed for this and learned and handy. Also seems funny that Arya has been compared to Lyanna Stark and she's been really close to (a possible) son of Rhaegar, and Rhaegar ran away to be with Lyanna. His hair is Brown (possibly dyed to protect his identity) but has dark (Almost purple) eyes that is a trait in the prophecy of the "prince that was promised". I think Eddard mistook Jon Arryn's interest in Gendry as being one of Roberts bastards when really he was the son of Elia Martell and Rhaegar.

  6. Sure you gave a warning of everything that has happened so far but you didn't say you were going to spoil season 7! Yet another YouTube I can't trust anymore. Got YouTube sucks this year due to plot leaks!

  7. I think it would be poetic justice if Arya and Gendry got together. At the start of the series, King Robert tells Ned how they should have been brothers, and then stating that marrying Ned's daughter to his son would bring them together. We know that Joffery was never his son, but Gendry is, so wouldn't an end to the series where the bloodlines of wolf and stag finally combine be amazing? Lord Gendry Baratheon and Lady Arya Stark of Storm's End. A coat of arms with both the prancing stag and the direwolf

  8. Ok welllll I love how they make gendry out to be all warrior like lol like c'mon we all know Arya is going to be the reason gendry fights and survives. She's going to be fighting n ultimately end up protecting gendry. They will survive and conquer n most likely decide not to rule the 7 kingdoms. Probably be the ones pulling all the strings in the end. Totally heart gendry and arya. 😍😘😜☺️ lol haven't read the books I hope I don't get hate mail from this post 😳🙄🙄😜

  9. Gendry is not beholden to any big code of honor or nagging sense of moral obligation to the people. Gendry already made it clear that "he wants a family, a place to belong." Its why he joined the brotherhood w/o banners. Why would he want Daenerys when she can't have children? Dany is a conqueror always at war–always about ruling and defending what she sees as hers. Her people, subjects and dragons would ALWAYS come first. Her marriages would only be political alliances never love. No, Gendry wouldn't choose the Iron throne storm's end makes more sense. He also told Arya she would be "his lady." So he would not marry for complete power pursuing the Iron throne. Unlike Jon who is a do-gooder out to save the realm.

  10. Now, I was sure by reading this title you were going to blow my mind by telling that Gendry is not Cersei's kid but Rhaella's kid and Gendry is another secret Targ. You totally named the title Gendry and Daenerys Targaryen… Like Gendry – and Dany Targ, like they are both named Targ. Well, if his mother was blond afterall.

  11. I really like this theory~not far fetched – a repeat of history somewhat, the same families are coming back together to put an end to the walkers – they all have to learn to live and work together the way Aegon had first started it –

  12. Why was Gendry supposed to keep the coast on his left side in order to reach King's Landing? According to the maps, to get there from Dragonstone the coast would be on one's right side. The average viewer wouldn't care, but errant details like this surviving the final cut make it seem like D&D didn't put a lot of effort into the scene.


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