Gendry has been missing since Season 3 of Game of Thrones. Will he return in Season 7? Will he become a member of House Baratheon? Reunite with Arya and learn how to forge new Valyrian Steel? Thanks for watching!

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  1. Gendry will be made a Baratheon, last of the name, and will need a Warrior Queen to continue the line…😉 -I believe all the Starks are reflective of their direwolves (by name and fate); I have a feeling Gendry's still around because he will need to forge Valyrian and use that war hammer in an actual war like his father…pass on that King's blood….otherwise, why bother….?

  2. es qar como lo tome jon no vaa degar que se lleven a su hermana tan fasil primero asa que la vuelvaa ver segundo es muy pequena gendry tendra que esperar y tersero aver cpmp le va cuando le diga a jon que conose a arya

  3. Valyrian Steel? Not so sure. My bet is that Gendry gets is hands on his later father's war hammer, which has been gathering dust somewhere in the Red Keep (along with the old dragon skulls).

  4. Stating hard facts and obvious conclusions is not being aggressive. I use upper case words for emphasis. I don't post my opinions to make friends, i do it to post my opinion on the subject. Nowhere have i made any personal attacks or belittled you, or your comments. I simply refuted your claims with evidence from the show, and assumptions made in the story so far in the TV series.
    I like to debate theories also, and exchange ideas. But when i do, i give examples, theories, and counter claims based on evidence at hand and what is known in the show. Not what i'd LIKE to see.

    For example. Caps attack again…. NOWHERE in the books, or in the show, is it true that "Dragonglass can''t pierce the White Walkers armor and now they know it can kill them so I assume they will wise up to it."
    We can't discuss theories about the books or the tv show if people make up false statements to back theories. Any discussion has to use available relevant facts, not fanciful 'what ifs' procured out of thin air. That is not being aggressive, it's being truthful. Using what is known in the GoT world against fanciful claims of what people would like to be true in the GoT world.

  5. By the time the last battle against the WW's arrives, you'd have to assume the dragons are dead. Otherwise, given half an hour of cruising around by the dragons, they'd have turned EVERY wight into ash. So that would make the idea of needing a large army useless and negates the threat of the WW's completely.
    It's pretty much a lord of the rings ending that will happen. While all the heroes are battling the final hopeless battle, Bran's off at some magic place to do the "throw the ring into the fire" scene that destroys the WW's and the magic that animates the wights.
    I don't think steel will be of any value until it's the heroes fight the ww's themselves.

  6. Hi, what if Gendry discovers a stash of Valarean Steel and is able to help Jon and Dany against the Wites by providing swords.
    Where will he find this stash of Valarean Steel? I believe the Throne at Kings Landing is made from it, still has its edge and hasn't rusted after Hundreds of years and it's near the Sea so would corrode quicker than normal if it was standard Iron/Steel.
    Just a thought. keep up the good work.

  7. Better late than never. Any thoughts on little finger telling Sansa the hound and mountain fire story? He said if anyone heard this story, etc. Death. The hound told Arya the same story later. Tinfoil I know. Just curious.

  8. Yes! I can't wait to see how he is going to be reintroduced! He is a character that could do so many different things! Forge a new weapon (Lightbringer??!), become the Lord of the Stormlands, the husband of Arya Stark?? Gahhh!! It is as huge as the return of Sandor and the death of the Hound! Too much!! 🙂

  9. You promise and you deliver! awesome, I loved the video, everything you mentioned I agree with 100%. It would be amazing to see Valyrian steel be forged by him and see him legitimized.. he is the last Baratheon after all. I also somehow doubt Gendry and Arya will get together.. (Although my fangirl heart would be elated if I'm proven wrong)

  10. i know it prbly wont happen in the story but itd be hypothetically pleasing to see if their paths are crossed, that Jon and Gendry become good friends/strong allies as far as the legacy type of bond their fathers had their whole lives. Yeah Jon was raised by Ned and Gendry never knew his father, but that would be an interesting relationship to see formed thru what similarities they would share, though i wont ever see it take place in the story. just a thought i had

  11. As a D&D (+Runescape, WHFantasy, RPG) veteran, minor Medieval history fan, British history buff etc. I've always thought the Warhammer was a bit crazy.
    I know they strictly speaking existed, but the actual hammerhead was very small (otherwise…. Imagine the weight). Otherwise they'd need to be wielded by a supernaturally strong being. And surely a giant/troll/beast, if they could wield a WH, would STILL prefer a sword with a 7 foot blade!
    It still rocks that Robert Baratheon was so strong as to be able to wield a Warhammer, AND WIN! However…. Good storytelling.

  12. Thanks for this vid. I love, love, love that Gendry is coming back. I'm hoping that he does get STORMS END! However as he needs to hook UP with ARYA AND (hopefully) they will get together.💜❤💚

  13. Yes, Gendry was always strong; one would have to be to be a blacksmith. However, Ned could hardly lift Robert's hammer.We'll see,I'd love to see him have it.

    No one, formula notwithstanding, could mass-produce enough Valyrian steel to kill the army of Whites. They have all the many we were shown, plus all of the Free Folk, and Brothers who could not possibly be burned when they overcome them all. Plus, any others they encounter on their way southward, after they breach the Wall, which they will, one way or another.


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