Just a warning, these predictions are all are not mutually exclusive! We created a story of what we believe may happen.

We still have a year until Game of Thrones Season 7 is released so we give you our theories and predictions on what we think will happen. We focus on the main plot throughout season 7 which may focus around Cersei and Daenerys. We only have a production trailer to go off of so the majority of the video is well thought out fan fiction.

More character specific predictions are coming, so you can look forward to that!


Daenerys’s Strategy (0:00)
Sam Tarly’s Mission (5:15)
Cersei’s Plan (12:10)
The Conflict (18:00)
Winterfell (24:10)
Little Finger (26:45)
North of the Wall (27:23)

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  1. Aaaarg! Theon has suffered enough!
    As for Jamie going after Edmere … what a mis-match!
    Even with one-handed fighting, Edmere is a baby bunny in front of Jamie the Warrior … Jamie might feel it's beneath him.

  2. sam will have his sword melted to make more swords and a chain? i stopped the vid there cause these guys clearly don't put much thought into their predictions. only a few people know how to reforge that metal and i don't think sam will get in touch with them or afford their service. I know its fun to speculate but whats the point if you say such outlandish things. Why melt down a sword to make a chain that symbolizes how your a slave.

  3. I think what will happen with the white walkers and the dragons is that the white walkers will find someway to kill one of the dragons and will raise it from the dead to fight on their side sort of what they're horses are like.

  4. This is a completely crazy theory, and I'm gonna go out on a limb here. The majority of fans think that the real 'game' is between Varys and Baelish. I think that they have been secretly working together this entire time. They both know of Jon's true heritage, and they have been setting everything up perfectly so that when the time comes for Jon and Daenerys to meet, House Targaryen will defeat The Others.

  5. Brann will tell John his lineage. Him and Dani will unite. And the dragons are going to fuck Cerci up. John isn't stupid. He knows not to trust little finger. Sorry doesn't make any sense that a Lannister army marches north. They will be decimated. John is worried about the walkers. He was the damn lord commander. He knows what's coming.

  6. Wouldn't Gendry be the heir to Storm's End?
    And I have had the feeling for a while that Jamie has to kill Cersei, because she is about to kill Tyrion. Jamie has to choose between his corrupt twin/love, and his decent brother/friend, and he chooses Tyrion.
    And I worry that Dani will risk her life (perhaps even die) protecting Drogon, as he has always been there for her. There has always been a special bond between them.

  7. Here is my synopsis for Seasons 7 and 8. Short version: I pick the Starks to emerge as the ultimate victors (reason: both the books and the TV series starts in Winterfell, so it makes sense that they would be the last standing). For the long version, keep reading. I apologize for the length, but I don't do videologues and I wanted to voice my opinions and hopes for the last seasons. I have also included (in parentheses) arguments and proofs at various points, so here we go.
    At the beginning of Season 7, Arya is on her way home after dispatching the Freys when she re-encounters the Hound, who tells her about the retaking of Winterfell by Sansa and Jon. He also warns her about Littlefinger's past with her family, including her father's betrayal (he was present for that), when he learns her destination. She arrives home and has a happy reunion with Sansa and Jon (although his is briefer, for why see below), during which she relates all that she has accomplished, and she has an enjoyable first encounter with Lyanna Mormont. She also tries privately to warn Sansa about Littlefinger's treachery, but being the responsible older sister, and Lady of Winterfell, Sansa wants proof. Shortly thereafter, Arya intercepts some communication and overhears a conversation (remember with her disguises she could get closer, plus Baelish's obsession had always been with Sansa; she herself was in the background), which both verifies the Littlefinger/Lannister connection and indicates a forthcoming plot against the Starks. Faced with the overwhelming evidence, Sansa has had enough. She orders Littlefinger's execution (as lady of Winterfell she could legally order it) and then, in true Stark tradition, carries it out herself (remember both her father and her brothers believed in personally carrying out execution orders, plus the Bolton case clearly demonstrates her own bloodthirstiness when it comes to revenge) after Arya gives her some instructions in the fine art of throat-slitting. Meanwhile, there are those in the North, including Mormont, who believe that Arya's peculiar skills could be useful and Sansa is persuaded to send her (although willingly) to King's Landing to take out Cersei (the author of the confiscated correspondence), thereby both avenging their family and removing at least one name from her list.
    In the midst of all this, Sam arrives in Winterfell from Oldtown (coming the very day after Arya's, hence Jon's shorter reunion) with information for Jon; some about his true heritage (ironically Sam comes at the same time word comes from Bran about his lineage also) and some about Winterfell itself. Jon undertakes his own research and discovers the proof of his ancestry and the truth about the secrets lying beneath Winterfell; among them an ice dragon, which as a Targaryen descendant, Jon could control. With this new information, and dragon, Jon gathers a sizable northern army and orders a march on the Wall (it was why Sansa was the one dealing both with Littlefinger and with the decision to assassinate Cersei). In a fitting climax for Season 7, the army reaches its objective just as the Night King blows his horn, which brings down the Wall and launches the invasion of the walkers.
    At the start of Season 8, Arya is on her way to King's Landing when she encounters Jaime, also on his way there (decision made in Season 7) for the same purpose after hearing of the wildfire incident. Initially, disposed towards killing him, since she recognizes him from her foray to the Twins (plus he's a Lannister), she changes her mind when she realizes that (1) he isn't on her list and (2) they have the same goal. Together, they hatch a plan. While Jaime creates a diversion for the palace guards and eventually kills the Mountain (or what's left of him), Arya, using her disguises (one of them a reasonable likeness of Tyrion), successfully infiltrates the castle and kills Cersei. Almost immediately afterward, the city comes under attack from Daenerys and her army (but not her dragons since she wants the city as undamaged as possible), which had spent all of Season 7 disembarking and trying to figure out what was going on in the city, especially after the wildfire (another reason the dragons weren't used).
    Back up north, Jon launches his counterattack on the walkers. With the assistance of his dragon, plus the timely discovery of an exceptionally large cache of dragonglass (also found in the crypts of Winterfell; apparently at one point Winterfell was the focal point for resistance against the walkers – this was the other part of the information discovered by Sam in Oldtown), Jon and his army eventually gain the upper hand, after a long and deadly battle with no quarter given or asked for, which culminates in the death of the Night King and the near-destruction of the walker army. The remaining walkers are forced to sign a peace accord, in which they agree to rebuild the Wall, only better, and to destroy the King's horn.
    Back in King's Landing, Jaime, still seeking to regain his lost honor, gains an unexpected surprise when the Hound and the Brotherhood appear in the area. That very night, he launches a solo surprise attack on the enemy camp (which was even more successful than he anticipated due to the Hound, unbeknownst to him, attacking the other side of the camp) and kills Daenerys (earning the name Queenslayer – remember he got his other name from also killing a Targaryen), but is roasted by her dragons, which then (in grief, maybe?) proceed to run wild through the camp until they are brought down. Tyrion, who was in a different part of the camp conferring with the commanders (ironically the part attacked by the Brotherhood; he had some sort of foreboding and left, just in the nick of time), comes on the scene of destruction too late to help anyone and in a panic, flees for the only sanctuary left that he knows of: the castle, not knowing what has happened within. He runs afoul of Arya, disguised (at first) as Cersei, who kills him in retribution for the attempt on Bran's life in Winterfell (the one that crippled him), plus before she had left Winterfell, Sansa had secretly instructed her to do away with him should their paths cross. With the deaths of Daenerys and Tyrion (and the commanders killed by the Hound, plus in their rampage the dragons had also killed Jorah Mormont and Missandei), their army falls victim to internal squabbling and eventually it breaks up. Theon and Yara Greyjoy (not present at the commanders' tent and thereby still alive) hear about the change of ownership in Winterfell (through Arya) and decide to travel there, preferring even servitude to remaining anywhere near the south, and bring their news with them, plus Arya manages to send back a secret message of her own to her sister.
    When the news reaches Winterfell, Jon makes an announcement, which shocks everyone (including its recipient), but turns out to have good repercussions for him. He abdicates as King in the North (a position he had neither sought nor asked for, as was his previous selection) and then immediately swears his own allegiance to Sansa as Queen in not only the North, but the Seven Kingdoms, which is quickly ratified by all present (many of whom were impressed by Sansa's dealing with Littlefinger). Initially hesitant, Sansa eventually accepts (after she realizes that all other claimants were dead) and sets out for King's Landing. She arrives to throngs of well-wishers and is gloriously crowned Queen of the Andals and First of Men, after which she names Arya and Lyanna Mormont as co-Hands of the Queen. However, Arya is once again thrust into intrigue when she uncovers and breaks up one final plot against the Starks, this one led by Jaqen Haqar (who didn't want Westeros united under one ruler, no matter the House) and Euron Greyjoy (the only Lannister supporter still alive). Arya dispatches Haqar, then in retaliation, in her first command as co-Hand, orders the destruction of the House of Black and White. In her turn, Lyanna deals with the other half of the insurrection (or at least the leaders) and personally executes Greyjoy (she would have witnessed how the Starks did things, and someone like her would want her own turn in the fun). In her first act as queen, Sansa offers herself to Jon in marriage in repayment for his earlier support (the repercussions), thus promoting permanent unity between Houses Targaryen and Stark. Jon eventually accepts and names Bran as his Hand and appoints Davos Seaworth as Commander of the Night Watch to succeed him there. So Jon ends up King after all.

  8. A few thoughts: Cersei will have an ego trip as you mentioned and sit tight in KL slowly losing her mind on the throne. Dany lands in 3 pronged attack. The majority of the forces land in Dorne with the Dothaki/Storms end and Dragonstone. The forces in Dorne move North West through Highgarden towards Casterly Rock.

    Jamie has rebelled and taken the majority CR forces to the Riverlands on route to the twins after an epiphany about his sister. Targaryen forces crush all those who oppose them and pursue the Lannister forces heading North. During this time the long night officially arrives with a massive snow storm covering the Riverlands, Vale, Pyke and Casterly Rock. The masses are confused and scared.

    Jon has consolidated his control in the north and reinforcing the Wall with Bolton troops who have taken the black. During this time, WW move on the Wall and Castle Black is destroyed and utter panic ensures as the Nights king pushes south towards Winterfell. Jamie surrenders to Dany on the battlefield when his army flee against Drogon. Brienne and Davos parley with Dany at the Twins as the weather rapidly deteriorates. Dramatic rush to get to Winterfell for the season 8 finale!

  9. I just don't think Littlefinger has as strong a hold on the Eyrie as you think he does.  I think at some point Sansa tells Robert and the Lords of the Eyrie the truth about Lady Arryn's fall out the Mood Door.  I don't think Littlefinger makes it very deep into season 7.

  10. I wonder that when series 7 & 8 are done, they could actually make a few movies covering the characters and history that were only touched upon throughout the series. With such a large fanbase, these movies would no doubt be box office successes.


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