Season 7 Episode 3 The Queen’s Justice is coming and with it we may see one of the most important scenes in Game of Thrones. The meeting between Jon Snow and Daenerys Targaryen.

In this video I predict when this meeting will happen and what might happen. Will Jon Snow bend the knee? Will Daenerys give him Dragonglass? Is it love at first sight? Tune in to find out what I think!

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  1. Season 7 Episode 3 The Queen's Justice is going to be an epic episode! The meeting between Jon Snow and Daenerys is something most fans have been waiting for since season 1.

    Leave all your predictions for Jon Snow and Daenerys in Episode 3.

     The channel is doing great lately and I am really enjoying making these videos. It is all because of you guys! Thank you for all the support!

  2. I predict by the end of season 8, we will see that the night's king wins over the humans and rules the continent and that the humans are fleeing to essos, and then final credits in order of appearances.

  3. I think he spent to much time with the Free Folk. He will not bend the knee. The raven Tyrion sent left that out, so he will not even be expecting that part. I do not think he will like her on first impression. Not the way she has been portrayed so far this season. I don't at the moment. :/

  4. Great opinions Fentony. I definitely think they will set it up where Jon and Daeny are very attracted to each other. So that they are very embarrassed, possibly even in public or the Dragon Pit when IT is discovered making it even more dramatic. This might happen after they disclose they have decided to marry..that would be hilarious and impactful.p,and most certainly dramatic.

  5. Jon is ice and fire, black and white, the steel piece he wears around his neck with the wolves on it is darker on one side than the other. I don't see Jon bending a knee ever, problem at the moment, even if he did, he has nothing to offer Dany.. She'd want men and support of some kind to fight Cersie, he has nothing to spare for her, it is needed in the North.. If he bends his knee to her, it would make matters even worse, because the North won't bend the knee to her, that was clear from the last meeting with Jon.. All she cares about at the moment is the battle for theThrone… Notice other than interested in the fact that "prince" is gender neutral in high Valarian, she didn't ask Milisandra what in the hell the battle for the Dawn was about, or who the enemy was..

    All she was interested in was Jon bending a knee to her because he'd make a good ally against Cersie. Bigger mistake, if someone is your ally, he/she is an equal, not subservient to one's bidding. By the time she wakes up to the facts, it might be too late.. This is why Jon is going to be forced with his small band of believers to go North and capture one of the damn things for show and tell, to stop Cersie and Dany from killing their people over the Throne.. He has to bring both of them to their senses, a tall order.. Dany's part in the coming war might be one of merely supplying dragon glass for arms and ultimately her dragons, but at the moment the only one trying to unite the living to fight the war against the dead is Jon… When it is over, he may then bend a knee, as he has said, he doesn't want to be king, he doesn't care about that, but until it is over, he cannot afford to bend a knee to anyone.. Cersie might play along short term for survival, but her aim is the long game, the Throne in the end and she sill continue to try to find a way to screw both Dany and Jon until she dies or they do..

  6. I don't think Jon is bending the knee period. I think it will end up as an alliance instead. As for Dany, I could see her doubting the army of the dead is a threat due to the Wall, but anything more than that and it'd be inconsistent characterization.

  7. Tyrion left out the 'bending the knee' part in his message to Jon.There is no way the Northern folk would let him leave under those circumstances. If he does, he loses his grip on the North.(Which is what Baelish is counting on, probably.)
    Daenerys left Daario behind with the intent of marrying to increase her power.She may set her sights on Jon, but Jon is not ruled by his hormones; he has the world to save. Once he knows she is his aunt, there would be no inclination in him at all, but even before he learns that, I think he will see that she is not the best material for a mate. Again, he is not inclined to just fall into bed with anyone and everyone.

  8. She calls herself the mother of dragons, and she'll have a hard time believing Jon's story? out of all the high lords and two Queens in the South she is probably the most likely one to believe him


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