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Let me know which Dragon you think Jon should ride and if you think the show will ever pay that off. Posting my Episode 3 video after it airs tonight!
In s05e02 Drogon have been missing for a while. There is this scene where he lands on top of the pyramid at night. He and Dani look at eachother, she tries to reach him with her hand, Drogon smells her hand, pulls back and flies away. Compare that to the scene where Drogon meets John.
Maybe Drogon know what's up and was looking for the rightfull King back in s05.
Welp since viersions dead, rhaegal
Sniff my finger
I would like to see John Snow with Dragon.
I'm curious to know what people think about this possible hidden dragon egg in winterfell…I have read it is possibly hidden in the bottom of the pond next to the tree or down in the crypts…I've also read about Jon possibly having his own ice dragon….A lot of people think they won't air this on the show but only written in the books….I try not to give in to much to all the theories but I can't help the curiosity behind all of them…
Jonh is ice dany is fire
He should ride an ice dragon
Unless 3 dragons mixed together to form three headed dragon ..John Snow wont ride the dragon…đđđ
ghost will ride a dragon!
how are Dany and Jon related cousins, aunt- nephew?
Ghost is dead
In season 1, Jon saves Lord Commander Mormont from a White Walker by throwing a lantern at it. He burns his hand in that scene… Plot hole? Maybe.. maybe not?
okay thinking if one ot the dragons can be controlled once killed by ice king does the rider still has to be targean even when its an ice dragon..could Jon take control of the ice dragon>
I would want Jon to ride one of the dragons before his true identity is revealed.
Still waiting to see Jon snow ride the mother of dragons đ
Yall are gonna be surprised When hot pie takes the throne
Is Rhaegal a female? That name seems unisex and if so it would be very convenient under the coming circumstances for baby dragons.
So glad you did this video! IDK if it was because I asked (probably a lot of us asked lol), but thanks!
Who will get all three dragons at the end
Love it. Makes having shorter episodes livable.
Why did Viserys die from molten gold?it shows not all TARGS can handle fire
Arya is Littlefinger's daughter…….1) retaliation dalliance by Catelyn 2) Arya was ushered out of kingslanding by the Hound…why? 3) Littlefinger passed on ID'ing Arya to Tywin when it could have been in his advantage to do so 4) the books describe Arya as appearing different from the other Starks – horsefaced? 5) she is diminutive, like Littlefinger 6) did you see the look (of pride?) on Littlefinger's face after her sparring with Brienne? and did you see the strange look on Arya's face – as if ….why is he looking at me like that?
John Snow looks at Drogon, dude I'm totally banging your mom.
Ghost is his dragon!
what if Jon Snow and Dany are supposed to make the prince instead of anyone now being the person?
if the night king kills viserion i think jon snow will ride rhaegal and dany will ride drogon in battle together
I personally wish when HBO was told 7 ep season due to budget that they had thrown money at them and said wrong, 10 eps.
Jorah Mormont is my bet to ride the next dragon.
i feel like jon will be confronted by Drogon and everyone including dany would be shocked to see that jon could easily sway drogon and then that'd probably prove him being a targ
Ghost being absent sucks.
The young girl you're describing tamed Sheepstealer kind of sounds like Arya. Mabye she'll ride one? I don't think so but sounds like she's someone who could earn a dragons trust. If Dany dies next season I hope she gets to ride Drogon.
Btw gendry IS potry
He should ride Dany.
in the preview for the next episode drogon is roaring at Jon Snow what if Raghael jumps in between John and drogon and roars back at him? sick idea! go ahead game use it!
So I'm now catching up on your videos, I feel that Jon will ride a dragon and like you suggest he will ride the one named after his father.
What about warging? Do you think the show will use it from the books to allow Jon to not only ride the dragon but be it! That would be bad ass!!!!
People will shit bricks when they found out Jamie is Azor Ahai. He will put the sword inside Cersei's heart and hold the flaming sword.
He's going to ride Dibo the Gift Dragon confirmed.
I believe ghost will be given to bran for his personal security
They may not have a problem if bran tells them. Because they already believe in him.
john has to ride Rhaegar right ?
Jon Snow!
Bran will get his Dragon when the Wall comes down and "wakes a Dragons from Ice" it's this dragon that Bran will "You'll never walk again…but you will fly".
Dont kill Viserion đ * cries off in the corner *
where is the ghost vid
The writer said it would be a bitter sweet ending. I think Dany will end up on the throne but without John or her dragons. John will sacrifice himself to save others.
I thought season 7 was going to be the last?
i want to see the dead trying to climb the wall but die in masses i hope Jon will bring dragon glass quick and tons of it