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  1. Let me know what Game Of Thrones Season 7 Reveals you want and what you think George RR Martin will change for Winds of Winter. the show only does a fraction of the book material. Happy Mother's Day! Posting new Marvel next 🙂

  2. his parents will be huge..he'll marry dany and i reckon they'll take out the lannisters and by the time they're done the winter will have reached kings landing and big showdown with the whites

  3. I think Sansa is in Jon's corner, but wants to keep Baelish guessing. She can still be Lady of Winterfell without being Queen in the North. plus, having Jon as KITN put a buffer between her an Littlefinger. she's close to being a pawn in his games, but not there which will frustrate him and make him make a mistake.

    As to Lady Catelyn Stark, she betrayed her trueborn son, Rob. as a mother, that is understandable that she would want to protect her family. Hell, its even in her native House's words. but, as a mother, for all her love of her family, kin, and children, she fails. As painful as that is to watch, she proves herself unworthy to be the mother of Ned's children. these are for entirely human reasons, but there it is.

  4. I never understood why Ned never told Caitlyn about Jon. She was Ned's wife and I'm sure she would have kept that secret. I think she would've treated Jon a lot better had she known the truth.

  5. My one issue is why did Ned not let Kat in on the secret, it would have solved a lot of problems in their marriage if he had let her know John was his Nephew, even if they both had to pretend he was an illegitimate son in public.

  6. Littlefinger knows the truth of Jon Snow's parentage as well. In the episode where he turns over Sansa to the Boltens when Littlefinger and Sansa are in the crypt he mentions it. That is how he will screw up the king in the north. Why would they support a Targaryen?

  7. I hope he sticks to his original ideas for winds of winter even if the show does ruin some of the plot since he did give D&D some info ahead of time, but really hoping he'll have some more logical conclusions and more scheming all around!

  8. One can't help but wonder, if Catelyn's attitude towards Jon had been more loving and accepting from the start, would Ned have then felt able to trust her with the truth of Jon's parentage? As it stood, telling Catelyn the truth would have drastically changed her attitude and treatment of Jon.
    I do not fault Catelyn for her perception nor for her constant battle with feelings of jealousy, those traits, while negative, make her very human and relatable, as well as a fascinating character with depth. Most the people hating her and judging her harshly must recognize in themselves a similar trait or experience, because it would be uncommon for Catelyn, or anyone, to behave in the opposite.


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