The White Walkers are coming. In Game of Thrones Season 7 Jon Snow will try to unite Westeros against The Night King and the army of the dead. What is Jon’s Plan? Wait for the dead to come? Ask Daenerys Targaryen and her Dragons for help? And what about Cersei Lannister? Or will Jon take the fight to The White Walkers!?

In this video I give my theories, thoughts and predictions on what might await the King in The North when he goes Beyond The Wall. Thanks for watching!

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  1. I don't think that the Dragons will cross the wall, That was regular fire that the guy's put up as a barricade, Benjen will save his nephew and I believe the prophecy was that the Dragon has 3 heads.In season 8 each dragon will have a rider! Dragons are magical creatures that the Night King has NO power over!! If Tyrion will not be Viserion's ride, then Bran will be with his worging abilities! , We ALL know that the White Walkers will come South, where it's not as cold as the Lands of always winter! I hope the Night King will get Cersei, but she's doomed by the Valonquar!

  2. I swear that it looks like Tormund is fighting a bear. It shows some big dark thing that Tormund is fighting up on the ledge. There is a spot that if you stop it, it shows Tormund facing the camera and it looks like a hairy paw grabbing his neck??? It would be epic though if he does fight a bear with all the bear stories associated with him.

  3. So supposedly Dany will show up w/Dragons to help them when they are surrounded by a huge number of wights… Do They have some kind of connection(Jon/Dany)?? How will she decide to go and what will make her show up at the right moment? I find that curious… I thought Jon had to get a wight to convince everyone… so why would she & dragons show up. Is it because of Rhaegal? Is it Bran somehow?

  4. Has anyone given any thought to Ice? That is the real Ice? The one that Ned Stark used was a Valyerian replica of a legendary blade that the Starks were said to wield before. Maybe Jon is looking for it? Maybe its the only thing that can kill the night king? It would explain the tomb of ice we saw in the teaser before the season 7 trailers.

  5. Jon being a Targaryen is going to effect his role in the game of thrones. To me, that makes it more likely he'll end up near King's Landing at some point rather than Dany going up north. It isn't time for the series to abandon the pursuit of the iron throne.

  6. Would be cool if Rhaegal sensed Jon was in trouble like Drogon sensed Danny in the Dance of Dragons s5 e9. He just Blazes in to save him ooooh epic. It would be the coolest way Jon could find out his true Identity. I really want Jaime to get a dragon so I hope none dies. – Yeah I had to make it awkward 🙂 #jaimeisthethirddragonrider#

  7. I have a question. Do you think anyone else fromn Essos beyond those that Dany has bought over will end up involved in the Great War? The thought just occured to me because Jon keeps talking about uniting "all mankind" not just "all of Westeros".

  8. I believe Ragale will connect with Amon Targaryen at dragon stone when Dany tries to mess with Amon aka John snow. He will also come to Amons rescue behind the wall. Jon will be puzzle. Why is this dragon helping me. Sounds good anyway.

  9. I cannot wait to see the scene beyond the Wall. This shit will be absolutely epic! The dragons have to be in the north. There have been so many parallels between Jon and Dany. The scene from 310 Mhysa when the Mereneese lift her up in the circle and Jon in 609 when he rises out of the body crush in the Battle of the Bastards. I am thinking the moment we see on the small cliff when they are surrounded by wights, and the way they are standing in the circle of 12?…what if we see Dance of the Dragons 2.0 from Episode 509?? Dany is in a similar situation there, surrounded by enemies until we hear Drogon's scream and she rides off on his back for the first time..seriously, mo matter how it goes down, this will be epic!!

  10. If Beric gives the kiss of life to Jon, this might confirm the long-held theory that LSH will give the kiss of life to Jon in the books. The shot from the trailer I'm most confused about is the one where Jon seems to be fighting wights one by one (the last shot). Why don't they swarm him? What's going on there? They're all standing around in a big circle, as if this is some kind of test. There is a theory (related to the books) that the Others mistook Waymar Royce for some prophesied figure or enemy, and were testing him in the prologue to the first book, so perhaps they are now testing Jon Snow to see if he is this mythical figure? The only other explanation I can think of is that there's a huge dragon behind him, out of shot, and this is causing the wights to hesitate. Any other ideas? Maybe the Night's King is just toying with him, for a laugh? Maybe he just got resurrected by Beric and everyone is confused to see him standing? Maybe Bran has warged most of the wights? Maybe LSH finally showed up, leading a pack of fire-breathing spiders?

  11. I'm still not convinced that raising a fire dragon as a wight would turn it into an ice dragon. Is that what ice dragons are and that's why they're so rare most people don't believe they exit? I just thought wights were essentially zombies, but is the Night King fundamentally changing their DNA somehow? And if not, if ice dragons are a completely different thing, how would it even work to turn a fire dragon into a wight? Fire dragons are "fire made flesh" how would ice magic have any effect on them? Would they still breathe fire? Would they be susceptible to fire like other wights? How would you kill one? I honestly hate this idea from a story standpoint and I really hope the plot leaks were wrong….

  12. Excellent description you typed up there. Its catching and professional, good work. Very good narrating and structure. You put a lot of work into this, and it paid off. Subscribed -Soam Buddyempmortant

  13. I am sure the dragon is indeed greeting Jon. It seems to me how a dragon would greet someone. It seems fitting that even their greetings have some feraciousness.

    I think that while Jon is a dragon (well dragon-wolf) by birth he is at heart 100% a wolf and that won't change even when he learns his parentage.

    I really hope no dragons die beyond the wall.

  14. I have a feeling the trailer might be trying to trick us with the ravens and NK. What if he is looking up at the dragons that arrive to save Jon and his men! I also saw something about old nan and the last hero. she says that the hero and 12 companions a dog and a horse. they dont have a horse but benjen does. dog could be wolf > Ghost. but all 12 companions die which will make me sad if that happens but seeing jon fighting along at the end gives that feeling that the others are not there and the person (jon) riding off on a horse. I just want to see all this now!

  15. I think we all HOPE it's Viserion who dies, because we all hated Viserys. To go north of the Wallis NUTS. Maybe to prove to Cersei, now THAT makes more sense than Daenerys doubting Jon and everyone. I HATE the idea of the characters going there. We will lose so many in one, fell swoop.
    Congrats on your subscribers! I wish you the best, although I will miss seeing all the comments when you get too many to answer.

  16. if one of the dragons does die than he should breath ice i still think that the night king should have an ice dragon of his own probably won't i just want someone to mount all three dragons before any of them die

  17. I'm thinking the night king sees a dragon in that scene. You may be right about the night king notices Bran but I'm also thinking it will be another scene. I'm hoping they don't kill Jon again. If they do it is too repetitious unless he is gonna have to be killed like 5 more times by the time the show ends so that he can join whatever it is. Maybe they have 7 lives?? I don't know. But I don't like that part of it. Just me.

  18. Let me know what you think about Jon Snow's plan to go North of the Wall again. Who will go with him? Who won't come back? Will Daenerys and her Dragons be there to save the day and will we see an Ice or Wight Dragon?

    Share all your thoughts below and thank you for watching as always!

    Edit I used the wrong thumbnail for this video but it is fixed now. It should be the blue Jon Snow poster now. I love this thumbnail and it might be my favourite one that I have done so far.


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