Game of Thrones Season 7 | Leaked Scenes Part 1


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Game of Thrones Season 7 | Death Predictions

Game of Thrones Season 7 | New cast

Game of thrones season 7 | Returning Characters



  1. What a pair of evil little treacherous girls?! After all what Petr Baelish did for them? He rescued that Sansa prat and her basterd brother from imminent death and continued rape at the hands of the Boltons at the Battle of the Bastards. And at Casterly Rock, when he recognised Arya, he could have spoken and grassed her out to Tywin Lannister, but he didn't. Now they repay him with an uneventful death from multiple stabs off a used dagger, as if he was some sort of commoner. Very disrespectful. Those petulant girls should be ashamed of themselves and the stain they've brought on their family's heritage.


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