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  1. Let me know what you think about the Cast Interviews in the video and how it's a bigger problem than the actual Army of the Dead during Game Of Thrones Season 7. Posting new Spider-Man Homecoming Post Credits later tonight. Be sure to go see the movie!

  2. Q & A: I don't know that the Sansa vs Jon scenario will be a big problem in the end. Although Sansa initially displayed doubt and a bit of competition with Jon and his decisions, I believe this may fade. With Jon leaving her in charge of the north, this move may have given Sansa more faith in Jon's choices. It also will provide her with opportunities to have more insight with Littlefinger. She is cunning in not cutting him down too quickly and letting him believe he may be successful in his endeavors to win her over. She is playing his game now and I hope it will be his undoing. On the other hand, I cannot help but wonder why Bran has not told Sansa about Jon Snow. To me, this seems to indicate that Bran knows more than has been revealed to us. Is it possible that Bran knows Sansa would become jealous and possibly undermine Jon by aligning with Littlefinger so they both would have power and control? I still hear her whiny voice say, "it's all I ever wanted". Has she outgrown the desire to be queen someday? Maybe, not. Sansa may end up being one of the unexpected deaths we see this season. I do not see where she might have potential to be married to anyone else, except for possibly her cousin bratty cousin in the Vale. Has Sansa served her purpose? Is Sansa expendable at this point in the story? Quite possibly, yes. Any thoughts on this?

  3. IMO Sansa seems to think she's so smart but constantly makes dumb decisions. Made me lol when she was lecturing Jon about making his father's mistakes and I was like 'take a look at yourself, love". I don't know why everyone think she's a strong female character when she is constantly a damsel in distress in need of saving from the bad guy. I find her to be as much of a brat as she was at the start tbh.

  4. You know…there are several characters that I enjoyed that were Sadists/conniving/cunning/malicious individuals such as Geoffrey, Ramsay, Little Finger and Varys. There is no good story or plot without necessary villains, I will admit this. HOWEVER, the way Cerci and Sansa are as characters just irk me beyond words can explain.

    Cerci reeks of the typical 3rd wave feminist of today, wanting everything and everything to be about her and destroying what has been built because she has been victimized by those around her. I did not empathize with Cerci for what happened to her because you reap what you sow, however as a character she sought her way and did things with her conviction, which I can respect.

    Sansa is essentially following her model as a character and while that does not bother me per se, I definitely accredit her on the family deaths because she was too weak and stupid, however, (through fortune and fate, as it seems) she has a temporary hold over Winterfell, which I can only see that she will look to de-legitimize what Jon has done in some way. She claims she "she is thinking for herself" but she is basically following Little Finger. This is going to play out as any woman gets power and ability to call the moves, and it is going to end in a shit show. I envision Sansa getting revealed by Bran to Jon and then Jon has to make a life decision from this. Honestly, I hope Sansa gets thrown onto an isolated island with no cover and lives out her days alone, so that way she will feel terrible for what she did not do when she had the chance when her family was getting picked off one by one.

    Little Finger is playing her just as a violin player does and she thinks she is smarter than him? Varys? Cerci? PFFFFFTTTTT, right… Those characters are pros and she is not even out of high school yet. Even the actress said "she wanted credit for the victory of Winterfell", which shows that she wants to be glorified as a ruler. To that, no… you just got lucky because the man that had the army wants in that dress. I guess what it comes down to it is…I am irritated by dumb ass women that think they are smart when they really aren't…

  5. For a game well played, Sansa would marry Littlefinger before having him killed (and even before the wedding night, lol); she would become Lady Protector of the Vale and bend Robyn to her will. With Bran returning, Jon as King of the North and because she is a woman (and women here have only power through marriage) becoming the Lady of the Vale with just Robyn to deal with, would be a major win for her.

  6. I have a theory, I think at the end of season 7 Sansa will Marry Littlefinger and on the wedding night Arya will kill Littlefinger and use his face to control his army in season 8.

  7. i dont think there'll be sansa vs snow, if anything they are 'closer' at they're last table meeting she noted your' leaving winterfell so on but didnt say your leaving me' although that was the jest.. little fingers realization at the end.. after all they are cousins.. Sorta side tracking but i do think daenerys will repeat history & lose it in her power. The show is different to the books..

  8. I wonder if Benjen Stark will comeback this season and finally let the other Starks know that he's still out there somewhere if Bran doesn't ultimately let them know himself at one point or another. Also will Arya and Sansa join forces to outwit everyone—especially little finger's skimming arse—and play a key role in the events to come. Ever since I've got a glimpse of Sansa's unfortunate epiphany and new found ruthlessness last season, I've been dying to see her be even more assertive and cutthroat. Her and Arya both have gone through horrid character growth due to their respective struggles, whic ultimately steamed from the same tragedy. I'm really looking forward to the entire Stark clan reunion, even more so than Jon finally meeting Dany. Hopefully Bran will find his way to Winterfell as well at one point or another

  9. I love how they misspell Carice Van Houten's name in the interview chyron. I also love how you spend so many extra words to not say Aidan Gillen's name when you have no trouble saying Kit Harington. That was weird.

    Separate note: Anyone confirm that the huge crowd north of the wall surrounding Jon is the walking dead and not just more alive undiscovered and pissed-off wildlings? Every shot I've seen it's really hard to tell. If it is possibly more wildlings, which makes sense population-wise, it looks like Jon has some more convincing to do to make them friendly. Also the shot where Jon and Tormund is running looks a lot like the frozen water the wights popped out of to attack Jojen and crew outside the Three Eyed Raven's tree. Jon going back for Brynden's Valyrian steel sword and/or shelter from wights? Hold the door!

  10. How about Sansa's argument to punish traitors harshly coming back to haunt her when she is caught plotting against Jon with LF? Jon could execute them himself. I saw foreshadowing in their exchange in front of the Northern Lords.

  11. Sansa is on to Littlefinger. She'll create drama with Jon to make it look like she's sabotaging everything then run off with LF because his weakness has finally be revealed-its Sansa. The new version of Caitlyn who listened to him and has grown as his protege and he has transferred all his feelings for Caitlyn to Sansa. She's gonna wreck him and take over the Aerie, probably marry Robyn, and Arya will kill LF. He's on the list after all.

  12. I was surprised by Sophie's answer. I always thought it was because she has trust issues, especially with men, because of what she's gone through, although I do think she wants to be recognized as great too and always has. She wants to be loved.

  13. The second Bran Stark comes back to Winterfell, Sansa "loses everything". She is no longer "the Lady" of Winterfell , Jon Snow is "the King in the North" and all she has is Littlefinger….

  14. I watch multiple YouTube channels and none of you have really addressed thefact that Sansa and Jon both have no claim to Winterfell once Bran returns there. Yes one or two channels said he is the Three eyed Raven and not intrested, but that matters not he is the true heir, and ever though he is paralyzed that does not mean he can not produce an heir for house Stark. Sansa's only hope or possible power is at the Dread Fort, and I believe it's strong and backed by new costume changes in released photos with flayed men X's on the dress. I also believe the bitter sweet ending for her is that she is carrying Ramsey's child because of his last words to her "I am part of you" the reason he wanted her back so bad his heir in her womb. Sansa has no claim to Casterly Rock because she and Tyrion never consimated their union. Jon is a bastard as far as everyone is concerned, and will give up his claim to Winterfell to Bran he is not out for power. Truly when all is said and done Jon will find out he is the true heir to the Iron throne a true born Targaryen and son of Lyanna and Rheghar, and won't even truly want that responsibility.


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