Game of Thrones Season 7 | New cast


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  1. Marwyn the Mage meets Sam.
    Maybe the maesters have a secret circle of mages. At least one magister is watching Sam's real reading list priorities – the elimination of White Walkers ! I made an earlier prediction about Sam based on his S1 Night Watch oath taking. By swearing to the old gods it was jokingly suggested the option of training for Wizard was opened to Sam in the series. Enter Marwyn the Mage in S7.
    Online Sam predictions for S7 included finding a cure for Stonemen skin disease or a spell to fight the NK. What if Sam finds a spell to allow Jon to be the new NK that takes his army of undead back behind the wall ? Or Sam finds a way to jump start the Wall's broken spell preventing all of the undead army from moving beyond the Wall. Just think of the almost magical properties of Wildfire the maesters know how to make. Sam might discover other ways to fight the WW as well. Sam states constantly that he is no hero. Even if Sam can make half of the NK's army switch to Jon's uncle's not alive state (still independent enough to think for themselves) , it could win the battle for the living in the 7 kingdoms. Sam would be a hero.
    Sam is an exciting character. Will he survive long enough to make those important contributions ? GOT often kills off beloved characters.
    GOT might kill Sam leaving it to his girlfriend to tell everyone the secret to fighting the NK and his army. Don't forget her son still needs protection from the WW collection squad. Sam's lady friend could be "the Casandra" no one will listen to because she is a woman until an accidental meeting with Dany. Recall S2 when Dany said "All men must die, but we are women".
    More than likely, Sam's lady friend will smuggle him to a meeting with Danny when everyone thinks Jon is lost after his hopeless confrontation in the North against the NK 's army. Clearly, Sam is the pivot character. Isn't that exciting.
    Sooo important that Sam meets Marwyn the Mage.


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