
In this brief video I give my opinion on the most recent Game of Thrones season 7 news from “Watchers on the Wall”. I talk Rhaegar Targaryen’s possible casting. Sightings of Arya Stark, Bran Stark and Lyanna Mormont on set. And new set pieces as well as old Game of Thrones shooting locations.

Let me know your opinion in the comments down below 🙂

Watchers on the Wall:



  1. I always imagined Dany conquering King's Landing first, and THEN going to Wall.

    Cersei is smally fry stuff relative to white walkers.

    I support your predictions because a Stark family reunion needs to happen.

  2. I hope to see Nymeria reunited with Arya,and yes Lady Mormont would be a deadly combo with Arya,,hope they do a training swordfight before the war 😀 that would be epic as fk, in the books Arya dreams about nymeria and all stark childrens are more connected to their wolfs except Sansa but hers is dead. Nymeria is stalking the same lands as the brotherhood 🙂 hope the dragonnqueen sides with the north, i guess they will,, my question is,,who is gonna be the second and third Dragon Riders, John is half Targeryen and needs fire to kill the white walkers:P just sayin,,but who else?

  3. there is no way she woud dress like that if she wore going to Kingslanding if she did she woud have dressed up difrently…. someting more…. let`s say lady like and on the way thera I think she will meat Nymeria and bring her and her pack whit her and i think Jon and Dany whil rule in the end and Bran whil be lord of Winterfell and Worden of the North

  4. I still want Jon Snow and Arya together because they loved each other from the beginning even when they were still children..as brother and sister..but then it turns out they're not brother and sister..Jon had been missing Arya that he would do anything just to be with her in that moment….. My most favorite characters, by the way, are Arya and Jon Snow..next is Llyanna Mormont, then Tyrion

  5. The Beach castle at the end of the video looks more like Dragonstone to me. Daenarys is likely to land at Dragonstone before making her way to Westeros, so I think there could be a small skirmish to take the Island.

  6. Hi,i like what you sad about becoming season or seasons…(7 or 7 and 8)..Well,what i think is, that the Arya will be the one who will kills the dead walkers because she can change the face ,and my opinion is that she will be like the one of them ..and then kill them all…And Jon Snow(my favorite one )he will be the king with Deneris of all of 7 kingdom .. about north…i think that Sansa will be with hre uncle…i dont trust Sansa .. well that is all from me for know…

  7. I mean I get that George R.R. Martin is done or whatever with the book. Why not continue to drag out, and elaborate one the story instead of just an end. I mean there are a lot of successful series on network TV that have lasted for 10+seasons….. Why not write tv version with comic companion???????

  8. Arya appears to be in a form of Stark armor…think back to season one, the feast scenes and meeting the kings court. Sansa and the other girls weren't dressed anything like that….they were dressed like Cat, which is more ladylike. I didn't see this outfit as being as ladylike as you do, more warrior like. Which Arya may end up to prefer, as she's got no time for skirts and whatnot.

    I think most likely, Arya hears what's going on in Winterfell, that Ramsey is dead and Jon and Sansa rule. But she hasn't stayed alive this long by not being careful. So it makes sense to me that she would wear a face and sneak into WF to see with her own eyes before exposing herself. I see the reunion with Jon and Sansa being a true reveal….like in the middle of a meal "apprehend that guard there….guard, identify yourself this instant….." Awwwwww! It's Arya our long lost sister….etc.

    Just my take

  9. 2:00 it's an outfit worn by a noble boy of the north
    6:40 cerise would never leave kings landing and she is likely going to be killed by jamie attacking the north is so fucking dumb just asked all the people who succeed in attacking the north, there isn't one. The road is mostly for the frey civil war and littlefinger's liberation of the riverlands.
    7:00 Danny is fucked she is going to be betrayed by the dothraki, dorn, and maybe grey worn. 2 dragons are going to be stolen one by dorn and one by euron. John will declare northern independence and little finger will seize the riverlands work with john to unite the vale riverlands and north and make john at odds with danny.
    Highgarden is gone another family will likely seize control. Dorn is working to install ronish law and is trying to steal a dragon and or convince danny that she needs ronish law.
    Stormlands are a mess, maybe gendry most likely another house, if gendry then davos and jon will ally with him.
    Btw dont forget half of stannis men are still hiding somewhere and they have double the horses. (so they can eat them)

  10. Melisandre saw a victory at Blackwater in the flames. Obviously it wasn't Stannis's victory but it could Daenarys's. The Dothraki will obviously attack on horseback and will "maybe" rape their way down the king's road. But Daenarys's new alliance with House Greyly will surely allow her to attack and successfully conquer Kings Landing from the sea.

  11. It's possible she comes north. Littlefinger controls Moat Caitlin right now or at least that's where the Knights of the Vale where before the Battle of the Bastards. It could be that he plans to double cross Jon Snow and Sansa. Or thinks Sansa will be on his side. Cersei promised him the north at one point last season..or was it the season before.

  12. I wonder if Gendry will get Storms end with no other baratheons around. But the last castle might be Old town or Castlerly rock, getting sacked by Euron. Or maybe a scene with Euron and Cersei in Casterly rock, who knows. It could even be White Harbor.

  13. Hi, I loved it! Anyway, somebody has already told here on YT, that arena site would possibly be in Bran's flashback as the tournament scene where Rhaegar gave the blue rose wreath to Lyanna. I think it is very likely.


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