
In this brief video I give my opinion on the most recent Game of Thrones season 7 news from “Watchers on the Wall”. I talk Daenerys and Jon Snow meeting and their plan. I also talk about Davos, Gendry and Tyrion in Kings Landing.

Let me know your opinion in the comments down below 🙂

Watchers on the Wall:



  1. The daughter of Stanis Baratheon was cured of greyscale so why have this particular story arc if it was not to set Jorah up for a cure? Jorah is far more popular than the Dorn storyline ever was, so that would not be a reason to kill off Jorah.

  2. It's simple the reason that cerise and Danny are sort of 'working' together is that it builds the political tension in the show as it can't all be about facing the white walkers for the thirteen episodes over two seasons

  3. Hey Max and/or Trev. I wanted to get your guys thoughts on Syrio Forel. Many (including myself) thought he was perhaps Jaqen H'ghar but I don't believe that to be the case now. Do you think that he died fighting the gold cloaks they just didn't show it? Or do you think he will show himself at some point before the ending of the series? Or neither? Thanks guys and keep up the great work

  4. It's not too hard to figure out. If Dany doesn't kill Cersei, it's a momentary truce to team up and deal with the white walkers. No one wants them around. Cersei is going to betray them, but Jaime is supposed to leave her and take the Lannister Army north to aid in the battle of the Dawn. So, Dany is not betraying or lying to Cersei. It's a truce until the White Walkers are dead.

  5. How are people having trouble with Dany, Jon and Co having an armistice and A hopeful alliance with Cersei? THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO END!!! Sure Cersei is batshit crazy and Tyrion and all her enemies know this, but its TOTALLY logical that their hoping with the proof that they have of the WW and the undead army that she would help to fight for/with the living, instead of against the living. THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO END!!!.

    THE WAY IT GOES ACCORDING TO THE LEAK: Jon meets with Dany, he tells her about the WW she doesn't even believe him and continues to battle with the Lannisters. Tyrion advises her that Jon is not crazy and knows what hes talking about. While on Dragonstone, Jon realizes HE NEEDS PROOF to convince people that the WW and the army of the undead are real. He goes to get said PROOF and while getting it Dany sees that the WW and undead are indeed real. They meet with Cersei hoping for an armistice and shows her the PROOF hoping she would help fight with the living. She agrees, but tells Jamie later on she lied and is hoping the undead thin out her enemies.

    The last bit about Cersei going back on what she said is TOTALLY ON HER. You cannot, I repeat, CANNOT fault Dany and Co for seeking her out to help fight the undead. Their options are A) Join forces to continue fighting Cersei and weaken both sides further for the White Walkers. B) Splinter their forces and Jon fights the WW alone with just the North and Dany continue to fight Cersei and Euron and weaken their force for the WW. Or C) Seek Cersei out and hope she see reason and help fight for the living.

    This is not rocket science people.

  6. I think Dany will try to convince Cersei to make an alliance, and will at the same time try to assert her right to rule Westeros, and Cersei will be in denial about the White Walkers, and/or refuse to make an alliance just to keep her power as Queen, which will lead to Dany and her allies overthrowing her so that she and Jon can face the White Walkers. To me, Cersei would just be a complication that prevents everyone from focusing on the White Walkers, so she will have to die at the end of the season. Hopefully with a great plot twist

  7. It makes absolutely no sense that Daenarys is parlaying with Cersei. Cersei will betray her, & Tyrion knows that. Dany made an alliance w Highgarden, and Olenna's price was Cersei's head. How is Jaime still alive? Well, I suppose Dany will have him executed after she deals w the Others. But kidnapping a wight? That's a suicide mission!

  8. I don't understand what they're doing with this series (if the plot spoilers that have been leaked are true – please God, I hope not!) but none of it makes sense and it sounds like this will just be a mess of all these characters meeting each other, it doesn't make sense, any of it, and the whole Dany and Jon thing?? Please! If they get together, all my faith in the writers will disappear. The main thing I love about this show is how it always keeps me on the edge of my seat, even though I've read all the books, I still never know if they'll keep to the storyline of ASoIaF. The season 7 plot leaks make the series look predictable and boring. Rant over:)

  9. it's going to take Jon forever to go from Dragonstone, to the wall, beyond that to hunt down a White Walker, catch just one, then travel all the way back to Westeros with a captive ice man with magical powers …. uh …. that just doesnt seem even remotely believable … Danny could just fly over the White Walkers on her Dragon to prove it herself.

  10. In war leaders meet trying to discuss terms. Dany could just be given terms of their surrender. Surely mini hand wants to humiliate her.That could be a show of force Jon's group crashes. With there white skipping along. People of Westros likely hate their queen. Still raping, killing, and destroying all these poor people have tends to make you disliked.

  11. can someone tell me why they do something stupid like landing on dragons tone, a place we know got only a symbolic value the land is worthless, instead of pressing Dany's advantage, she comes with a massive army nobody is ready to face, wasting time with dragon stone while she can go straight on the offensive and take over key place in Westeros is seriously stupid on a strategic level. That s exactly why in books she go straight for the leaderless storm land….Also…. i have an idea lets capture a Wight, any intelligent person would ask why we already know how to destroy them, answer is: well because people writing tv show lack imagination and they need to fill the episode with something even if its very stupid, dont worry most fan will buy any shit we sell them. We could probably put a few more fart joke in there too


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