
In this brief video I give my opinion on the most recent Game of Thrones season 7 news from “Watchers on the Wall”. I talk Daenerys and Jon Snow meeting and their plan. I also talk about Davos, Gendry and Tyrion in Kings Landing.

Let me know your opinion in the comments down below 🙂

My Jon Snow News Video:

Watchers on the Wall:



  1. Your last theory re: Tyron in Kings Landing seems weak to me. I actually agree with the one where he's there to see Jamie and perhaps sway him to his side. Bronn, is not worth the risk to Tyron's life and has no sway in the battle ahead; Jamie does. He leads the Lannister army and has the Queen's ear – at least that's whatTyrion would think and therefore is worth the risk. I like your Gendry as Valeyrian steel Blacksmith too. All in all, good job

  2. I think Tyrion could well be going to speak to Jamie. Jamie is Cersei's younger brother and after she completed what the Mad King had planned, Jamie will become the 'valonqar' and kill Cersei after switching sides to join Tyrion and get behind Denaerys before a united Targaryen reign against the White Walkers.
    Just a theory but Jamie & Cersei may not be the partnership they once were.

  3. It makes NO sense Daenerys and Jon would hook up or marry.  Especially since they will find out he is a Targaryean.  I think Melisandre will come to Daenerys to warn about white walkers or learns truth about Jon and wants to inform her or him.  I think Tyrion will save Bronn if he can and Jamie.

  4. I think it's really annoying how cersie lanista is capable and able to manipulate everyone, she is Queen mother but I still don't get it how she managed to be crown queen of kings landing. it doesn't make sence

  5. He could be going to discuss terms of surrender on Danny's behalf with Cerci. Danny may be loath to just attack Kings Landing because she plans to rule over it and if she just sent her dragons and her army it would be the poor folk that would suffer the most. Plus everyone is still recovering from Cercci's stunt with the wildfire.

  6. So I had a thought. I don't think Jon Snow has the blood of the dragon. Let's say he is Targaryan, like I believe he is. Jon Burnt his hand in season one/ book one saving commander Mormon, like they said in season one/ book one, the blood of the Dragon can't be hurt by fire. But that's just a thought I had maybe you can look in to it some more.

  7. So you think Tyrion actually cares more about Bronn and wants to warn him about the coming attack than his own brother Jaime who actually saved his ass while Bronn refused to?

  8. Melissandre will cross Arya again. Like mel said in s2. And i feel that once they break into kingslanding deep enough. Cercei would set the wildfire. Wildfire will be ignited some way or another.

    And jon will see neds head

  9. Honestly I see it more as Jon plays the King Of the North for two episode, he goes to Dragonstone and then they develop for two episodes and then they plan for the battle in episode six and fight and defeat Cerci in episode seven


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