GAME OF THRONES Season 7 Official Trailer # 2 (2017) GOT, TV Show HD
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– cuando la nieve haya caido y los vientos soplen el lobo solitario muere pero la manada sobrevevive
What's the song?
Am i the only person who wants Syrio forell to return to the series?
Follow the sheep to Got.
what show is this ?
game of thrones just like the walking dead gas excessive seasons gets burtlnt out pretty quick
Basically what i want to say is this show sucks like many other modern tv/movie bullshit
the trailer is clearer now
Daenarys gonna go all out Dracarys on the lannisters next episode
Melhor série do mundo
that moment when you're looking for got7 videos, as in the k-pop group, and not the tv show, lmao
Holy moly
I am so glad I don't watch this show. I hope those two cunts who made this and that HBO Confederate show they are planning on impacts greatly on this show and all the effort made here leaves an everlasting sour taste in people's mouth and rots this show. CUNNTTTTS!!!!
this song? pliz
I can't fricking wait!!!!!!!!! ❄️❄️❄️
Idiotic.. Porn clip
I'm loving the parallel here. The War for the Dawn is pretty much the War of the 5 "Kings" [and Queens] all over again: Queen Daenerys, Queen Cercei, King Jon, King Euron and the Night's King. And we ALL know what happened to the original 5 Kings which were locked in the game… It's not gonna be pretty 😀
Please r.r dont kill more beauty personajes
i have some spoilers guys so if u want to see that come to my channel!!!!!!
Perhaps the lone wolf is Benjen stark?
lone wolf dies? john snow dies? dont kill him.