GAME OF THRONES Season 7 Official Trailer (2017) GOT, TV Show HD
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  1. Alright MF's tonight is the night!!! Let the games begin!!! Also, pray that poor Theon magically gets his dick back and becomes the ultimate weapon of mass destruction! J/K! 😂😂😂😂

  2. for those who think they will find out anything important, the 8th season is pushed out to 2019 so this season will be as shit as the 6th and the 5th was, you will have a lot of death and not one step progress in the actual story, the soap opera part will be the main thing again because that is what you want from a fantasy film with dragons and ice zombies , a fucking family soap opera

  3. SPOILER ALERT: daenarys arrives at dragonstone makes it her base dorne greyjoys come together with daenarys and fck the lannisters ..but somehow the lannisters defend themselves ..Baelish gets killed by sansa for betraying her family and then gets killed back by Baelish..clever man ..jon snow wants to go finish the job in south but davos advises to face the whitewalkers 1st ..all of these get united and fck the whitewalkers in the last season and snow marries daenarys and they live happily everafter

  4. 1:02

    Where is the rest of her firewood? That wood will burn quickly. She'd need a large pile to make it though the night. Why hasn't she found a shelter? A shelter can be anything from a building to a fallen tree. Why has she cleared so much snow from the ground? Why is he fire so small? Also is she not afraid people will notice the smoke? She seems to have bags with her. What's in those bags if not camping supplies?


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