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  1. Everywhere Jon or someone who looks like Jon, the white walkers soon show up, north of the wall. This is so obvious!!!
    Maybe you can do a new conspiracy video, tomorrow on this subject.

  2. *Season 7 trailer #2 released. Watches it. Immediately goes to TLH channel and finds nothing yet. Tries watching someone else's breakdown trailer, shut it down halfway through and checks TLH again…

  3. the night kings eye imo is a major gift to us viewers who love hints. the eye reps not just the night king but where he is headed. the place where he was created. the isle of faces within the gods eye. makes sense huh? The isle if faces is the home of the children of the forest and its last stronghold. the eye has a black pupil representing the isle, the iris surrounding the pupil represents the water surrounding the island, crazy? i dont think so. the final battle in season 8 will be at the island. also didnt Melisandra say a few times she needed a kings blood to perform her best magic? what if the night king was originally a Targaryen King used to create the Night King. something is up with that connection. i also think the lightbringer sword when being forged will require Dannys heart to come to life. yeah i know you think im nuts. But what if?

  4. Personally..I ..can't… WAIT… to see the look on Cercie's face when she's told.. there's a Targaryan in Dragonstone with Dragons…younger.. to take all she holds dear…ohhh I can't wait.. so if Bran crosses the wall he breaks the magick… surely he knows this…and perhaps when Jon goes North, he finds Bran.. who knows how it will play out?? It's going to be a great Season..

  5. 1:16 in to the trailer pause the video and look to the bottom right of the screen, there's a shield and it looks (to me)as if its a krakon (iron island) or a 3 headed dragon, with john running on a bridge across something

  6. So we all know the Valonqar Theorie ( Cersei Lannister received a prophecy from Maggy the frog that she would die at the hands of the "valonqar", which is the word for "little brother" in High Valyrian).

    So when Cersei and Jamie are standing on a map of Westeros in the red keep, Cersei is standing on the Neck while Jamie is atanding next to the Fingers (2:09).

    So in my humble opinion, i think they are showing us that and how Jamie will cill Cersei.
    What do you think of that?

    Cheers from Germany

  7. Also the Reagar Targarian theory, is he the faceless man. the white blond hair makes it seems so and he did cheat death which would make sence why he serves him now or he did he hid himself with the rubies in his breast plate just as the red woman uses them to hide her true form.

  8. Jamie Lannister's sword is clearly heart eater, could that foreshadow a some what of a Stark revenge. As you said Cerci is becoming like the mad king and could she meet the same fate. Struck down by Jamie, even though he loves her, to protect the relm and its people. The stark revenge would have occurred due to widows wail, as well as Brien of Tarth's sword oath keeper, was reforged from the Stark ancestral villiryan steel sword ICE. (and of course he would use widows wail because he carries it)

  9. Background into trailer: the Lannister family crest is in the battle between the unsullied and Lannister soldiers in the castle. Meaning Dany had to divide her forces, also this is a reminder of season 6 when Dario Naharess is being broken up with by Dany and is confused when she says he wont be sailing with her, his thought when she says this is that she is asking him to take Castly Rock to "take their home away to leave them no where to go". Theories: In addition I believe Azor Ahi will be Arya Stark, this can be proven by her ruthless and bitter want for adventure and peace just like the original holder of Light Bringer, and George R.R. Martin said that the end of the "others" will be a surprising event. And whats more surprising than it not being John but instead a fearless girl who when missing. Bran on the other hand was told that he is the only on who can end this war…. could this young crippled boy be the "savior that was promised".

  10. 13 episodes is not enough to wrap up the show in my opinion considering there are more then 13 characters left we care about and want to know how it ends for all of them. Idk how they are going to do it but im ready!!

  11. A plot leak said that the Lannister army is defeated by Daenerys' Dothraki and dragons. I think saying the Lannister army is "defeated" is too gentle a word. Considering what they will be up against, I think the proper word would be "ANNIHILATED"!!!

  12. In some of the released content, there is a hand reaching out from a prison door, and the markings on the arm seem to look a lot like greyscale…. So maybe ser Jorah is on his way to find a cure? hmhmhmhmmmm ?


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