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Game of Thrones Season 7: Official Trailer (REACTION)

Reaction @ 1:57
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  1. Give the first episode a shot. And react to it. Just a suggestion. I was exactly the same 6 months ago.. and now here I am loving the damn show! Well cheers bro! Hope u guys give it a try!

  2. Game of Thrones is easily one of the best shows ever made in the history of television. You guys should do couples reaction to game of thrones, studies suggest it helps couples bond (lol i'm not even joking, look it up). If you start now you can catch up before the season 7 premiere July 16. And GOT really is a show that everyone likes, regardless of gender, so both of you will enjoy it even if fantasy shows aren't your cup of tea. The fantasy setting is not as '' on the nose '' as the trailer suggests, it's very subtle and grows gradually. It's pretty violent and dark sometimes though but it's totally worth it.

  3. Yeah. A protest. For the same reason I don't have a cell, eat pizza or drive a car. Too many people love these things. I refuse to get in line. Smart move. You should also stop styling your hair, stop wearing clothes and making sense when you talk (except here of course). Sheep, everyone.

    By the way. The show is smart, exciting, mind twisting, smart (did I say that), frightening, enraging, saddening (bring your hankies), and chockablock full of intrigue and politics. It's also full of dead things, sex, and dragons. Also the most eye watering scenery and battle scenes you've ever seen. It's more than awesome, it's one of the best shows ever produced. It's also full of fans who for 20 years have not revealed spoiler bits. Take that for dedication.

  4. Its the best show in the world, no bull. Give it a chance, you'll be hooked! I wouldn't watch the trailers if you plan on watching the show. You'll start off as a sweet summer child….. Its just a game of thrones fan thing, which you'll know the meaning of, later on. Watch it, you'll love it.

  5. I'm a rebel too. My family and I haven't watched any of the fan boat shows and I mean none of them till this day but I have to admit Game of Thrones is a must watch. I started at the beginning and every season caught a new family member (even the husband's) now I have them all. It's the only show my whole family watches and got hooked off a single episode. Consider it and consider doing reaction videos to the episodes I love you guys personalities.

  6. Huge #GoT fan here (House of Targaryean FTW! 😊😊😊). I πŸ’™ you guys videos so much, and your jolly fun loving nature!!! You guys would be awesome friends to know IRL!!! πŸ‘πŸ˜ŽπŸΊπŸ»πŸΊ

  7. Haha.. ok thats kinda funny.
    i was a rebel for so long aswell, ALL of my friends always told me .. watch it .. its the best shit ever..
    so eventually watched it .. and believe me this show is beyond amazing..
    THE BEST SHOW IVER EVER WATCHED.. IT IS AMAZING.. ive actually never told my friends that because then they would be right and i just say its ok πŸ˜€ .. every episode is like a movie – production value of the roof and in addition no character is safe (main characters die randomly etc.), wars, intrigues, sex, magic .. its stunning #

    but yeah .. its ur decision.. good video mate.. have a nice day!

  8. why react to something u have no clue about? best show on tv for years btw. watch couple of episodes and guarantee you are gonna binge watch it all. is NOT lord of the rings crap either, this is full on .

  9. Man I was like you resisted seeing it for 5 seasons because I wasn't into that fantasy Lord Of The Rings stuff. Too many of my boys love the show so gave it try and was hooked after 3 Episodes and watched 5 seasons in just 1 one month. It is the best TV show ever made and you are missing out because it is much better than Breaking Bad. My girl has this kinda stuff and she is hooked and watched 6 seasons in just 2 weeks. Watch it now and you will thank me.


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