
I talk about the new Game of Thrones Season 7 plot leaks and why I believe they are fake. I reflect back on Game of Thrones season 6 plot leaks to compare with the new Game of Thrones season 7 plot leaks. I later give my opinion on why some of these leaks are wrong and give my input.

Game of Thrones Season 6 Hodor video –

White Walker Prediction Video –

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  1. the leak still sound authentic to me. I predict the final showdown (in Season 8) is with Cersei after the Night King has been dealt with. A bitter sweet dagger in the arse delivered by any/all remaining Starks

  2. I do hope that that a number of the rumors are false. The whole Viserion resurrection thing would be absolutely rubbish. Then to top everything off the Nights kings is meant to use the dragon to bring down the wall?!?!?! So how was he going to bring it down had Dany not shown up with her dragons??!! Complete rubbish

  3. As much as I agree that a lot of the leaks seem fan-service based and are speculation muddled with a few hard facts, as more set photos are seen a lot of the leaked plot points seem to have real merit. As for the ice dragon–it's ALREADY been mentioned in the series before. GOT is legendary for subtle foreshadowing. If they mentioned ice dragons, it's probably because they'll appear at some point. And the plot leaks, when put in the proper chronological order (as they are not in this video), seem to have similar pacing to the other GOT seasons, just on a larger scale, of course. I expect a few inaccuracies, but from all the videos I've been watching, and as a writer myself, the bigger plot points add up. If I'm wrong it'll be a relief, as I hoped some of these storylines would go another way. Either way, season 7 will certainly be the most epic season in television history.

  4. Reading the leaks read like a bad fanfiction, knew it was fake because they only mentioned Cersei once and she is suppose to be the big bad this season. I do believe a dragon will die only because the dragons haven't been touched since season 2, while all but two of the Stark Direwolves are dead, though which one is debatable, Drogon is the one Daenerys most attached to and the most powerful. The only issue is I find that Bran warging into a dragon is very predictable, as soon as they said he was a warg first thought was dragon. What do you think of the three heads of the dragon theory??? That Jon, Daenerys and/or Tyrion/Bran are riders. Very good work on the video

  5. Do you think that one Dragon will die?..i believe that will…but i call bullshit theory of ice undead dragon..it would suck so hard and it's not their style..thing that bothers me is that is in the video game..They don't have time for that shit..i do believe that wall will fall…and i think and i hope that those pictures from the set are at the Dragonstone..make sense and they love to repeat history..so i think that Daenerys will land there just like Aegon..with three dragons..yeah.. 😉

  6. I have speculated about, that after Dany leaves Jon in the North and Benjen comes and saves him from the wight and he returns to Eastwatch half-dead. What does it mean? Do you think it is possible, that the wights kill Jon and Benjen will come to save him from becoming a wight too? I mean: dragonglass shard punched into his heart, and he will be an icy dead, but still himself in mind just like Benjen. That would be cool, I think. And then he will be definately the Jesus in the story: an undead, eternal king in the end (well, if he wins the duel with the Night king, probably won't be able to die any more). And: it will be a good solution for the ironborn problem too: What is dead, may never die, but rises harder and stronger. And then Jon will become their propheciesed king too, so he would be able to unite whole Westeros after the War for the Dawn: including the free folk, the Northerners (because of his Stark-gene), the South (because of his Targ blood) and the ironborn too (being their undead king). Long (eternal) rule, peace, prosperity, farewell to feudal system. But for himself it will be a bittersweet ending: without Danaerys he won't be able to feel anything, he won't be a living man anymore.

  7. Well, I think it is not so crazy, that Jon is going to capture a a wight. What I don't understand, how can he leave the North twice (first with Davos, second time with the wight) without securing the Wall the most he can. Okay, he has not so large army as Danaerys, but he still could lead the Northern and the Vale armies to the Wall. He is perfectly aware of that, that the Watch won't be able to stop the Night king if he attacks. And it's already Winter, so he can attack any time from now. Why Jon didn't send his men already to the Wall from the very beginning?

  8. Nah these leaks are correct it isn't like those fake season 6 leaks. But all of these season 7 leaks actually makes a lot of sense if you think about it and apply yourself a bit. At this stage this leak is like a Wikipedia summary, you have to fill in the gaps to understand the story.

    The wight hunt is not actually a bad idea. Jon wants to assemble a force to fight against the White Walkers as soon as possible. He goes to Dany in episode 2 or 3, he tries to convince her to fight against the White Walkers but she does not see it as her first priority after waiting years to come to Westeros. She first wants to defeat Cersei.

    Jon becomes stuck in the middle of these Southern conflicts. Dany actually suffers some loses against Cersei, she rides out against the returning Lannister army, and ambushes them. In the meantime Jon has to hang around Dragonstone and wait for her return. This must make him impatient.

    Tyrion also comes up with the idea to talk to Jaime, to convince Jaime to give Kings Landing over peacefully. Tyrion and Davos goes to Kings landing in episode 5 while Jon is still hanging around. Jaime does not want to hand over Kings Landing, they are unsuccessful, but they do pick up Gendry along the way.

    At this stage Jon has been sitting around waiting, and has really tried to convince Dany that they need to be fighting against the White Walkers. The big problem for Jon is that no one is taking the White Walker threat seriously.

    Jon needs to make another plan in order for Westeros to stop killing each other and focus on the real threat. This is basically the same as him trying to save the Wildlings. The war between Cersei and Dany creates two problems. One is that they are killing off soldiers that can be used to fight against the wights and the White Walkers. The second problem is that wars creates a lot of dead bodies. All of these dead people could be resurrected. From Jon's perspective the fighting needs to stop. So he decides that he needs to find concrete proof.

    Jon wants Dany for an ally, but Dany doesn't want to fight unless the cersei problem is resolved. I dont necessarily think the wight is shown to Cersei with the idea of creating an allience with her. It could be more about creating a temporary truce or a ceasefire.
    The people within Westeros at least just has to stop killing each other for a time, and focus on the White Walkers. After the ceasefire they can go ahead and start killing each other again. I think this might be the main idea and motive.

    Now of course Jon and his group of adventurers leaves Dragonstone in episode 5. After they have left Dany suddenly has an epiphany that she has to rescue them, and she flies after them with her dragons. This is some place where Bran might be having an affect on the story, if could be Bran who sends her some kind of message.

    As for catching a wight, they are not always together like at Hardhome. We have often seen only a few wights attack at a time. When uncle Benjen rescues Bran there are just a few wights for example.

    Of course what Jon doesn't realize is that the Nights King is also a greenseer like Bran, since he touches Bran when Bran is using the Weirwood network. He can see that Jon and Dany's dragons are on their way. Also there are actually wight bears in the books, but I think they are called snowbears. There is one when they attack the Nights Watch on the fist of the first men.

    Jon decides on a small party because he wants to move quickly, but of course the Nights King knows about his movements. They become surrounded by wights, Dany arrives and with the help of her dragons she saves them. But Jon tells them to get a wight and leave while he stays behind and keeps on fighting, to give the others a better chance of escape. That really does make sense for Jon's character. And Dany watches and tries to help as he keeps on fighting until one of her dragons is killed.

    And again Bran could save the day, by sending uncle Benjen to save Jon. This is really something that I think would make sense. In the books we see that Bloodraven sends Coldhands to help Bran and his party. Jon escapes, and returns to Eastwatch. They organize a parlay with Cersei in the Dragonpits.

    After showing the wight in Kings Landing, Dany and Jon goes North. After Jon had just once again seen the Nights Kings, and had even seen the Nights King kill a dragon, he feels that it is imperative that he would do anything to get help to fight against them.
    It makes sense that he would kneel if Dany promised to really help against the fight with the White Walkers. Ultimately he wants to try and save the North, it does not help to stay independent if everyone is dead and turned into zombies.

    But I think Dany will turn down the offer, or she will at least tell him that they would fight as equals. For the last couple of seasons we have not seen that much character development from Dany. She is always acting very righteously, and she does have some justification for acting in such a manner since she has been dealing with slave masters, and she has been on a mission to free slaves.

    But I think we might see Dany being slightly humbled by Jon. Dany will witness Jon going on this dangerous mission, in order to warn other people about this ancient threat. She will witness Jon, who is a King, staying behind in order to give others such as the Hound who is known as a criminal, a chance of escaping with their lives, and in order to complete this mission so that people can be warned.
    She will finally see this great threat for herself, and she will also see that Jon is willing to lay down his title in order to protect his people.
    This is completely different and opposite from the people and rulers that Dany has seen. Unlike most other characters Jon isn't driven by righteousness, vengeance, revenge or even a sense of justice, he is just trying to save as many people as he can. I think she will feel slightly humbled and she will tell him that they should fight as equals. Then we will properly get boat sex.

    People always predict that all of the poltics will be completely sorted out by the time the White Walkers arrives. Many people always think that people such as Littlefinger and Cersei should die before before the White Walkers arrives. But isn't that actually extremely neat and clean without any complications?
    People think we will only see the good guys battle against the White Walkers. But that doesn't really make much sense with what we have seen in the story so far.

    It would create utter chaos if the Nights King can get his hands on a dragon and pass the Wall while there also still conflict and fighting going on between the different human parties. But that chaos has always been the idea. There has always been this idea that people will be fighting and scheming against each other while they should be working together. It would be much better to see enemies suddenly have to work together against a greater threat. The end is suppose to be chaotic and things are suppose to be difficult.

    One could perhaps say that is what Jon's arc in the Nights Watch has always been preparing him for. He has to work with Alliser Throne, he has to work with the Wildlings, he has to ask the Boltons for supplies for the Nights Watch.

    The White Walkers might not even be the end game of this series, It would be interesting to see them working together through various difficulties and to see them somehow defeating the White Walkers together. Wouldn't it then be utterly ironic if they just continued with their war again, right after working together to defeat this insurmountable enemy?

    The final big war might still be men fighting against men. And perhaps this would be where Jon's legitimisation comes in. Jon loves the North, he loves his Stark family, he has always just wanted to be a Stark.

    I could see Dany finally winning her war for Westeros, but she might die just after winning the throne or perhaps even in childbirth. Or Dany will win but she will decide that Westeros isn't really for her. There are still slaves to free, and she is more of a conqueror, she might even decide to rebuild Valeria without the slaves. She didn't grow up in Westos, it has always been her one goal to become the Queen of Westeros. But after she has finally won the throne she might not feel like ruling Westeros is really for her.

    Who would be left to rule if Dany wasn't in the picture? Especially if Jon is now officially a Targaryen. Jon has always been more of a Stark, and that is all he ever wanted to be. But he might be left with the duty of becoming the King of Westeros.

    The legitimization will not be there to prove his heritage towards other people. His legitimization would be for him personally, because it would be or become his duty to rule. Jon is really man of duty. As the son of Rhaegar he was in fact born to be a prince or a King, he was born with a duty towards the realm. It is somewhat similar to how Stannis sees it as his duty to become the King after Robert died.

    Jon might a Stark, and he might want to be a Stark, but if there is no one else to rule then he would have to step up and do his duty as a Targaryen. It would really be a bittersweet ending for him. He would not be able to stay in the North, he wouldn't be with Dany, and would have to be a Targaryen when all he really wanted was to be a Stark. And he would have to keep on being responsible for the realm.

  9. I really hope that danny goes and invades or sacks kings landing or whatever in season 7 because tbh i feel that more of the white walker threat should be more focused in season 8 but anyways love your video and your opinions.it explores so much and is so relatable to what other might be thinking keep up the good work 🙂

  10. My take on Jon/Dany paradigm is it will echo Torrhen Stark (the King who knelt) and Aegon the Conquerer. GRRM loves for shadowing and the parallels are obvious. Plus in the first series there's a little reference to it when Robb is declared King in the North and John Umber says 'it was the dragons we knelt to'

    It will be the dragons they kneel to again.

    insert hype

  11. Jon's name is Jahaerys, I think and hope. Jahaerys was the only Targaryen king who had connection with the Wall, and the North). I Rhaegar was aware of that what is coming against the Realm, I think Jahaerys would be the perfect choice to name his half And he was the best Targaryen king, long and happy rule, peace, prosperity, disbanded the Warriors of the Faith, code of law, etc. I can definately see Jon (rather book Jon than show Jon) to be a great king, demolishing the old feudal system and building up a new system, kind of a democracy with a king.
    And: if he is Jahaerys, it will be perfect covername the Jon as the first letters are the same. Funny thing, if he changes his Targaryen name to Stargaryen or Starkgaryen, then both of the first letters will be the same: Jon Snow / Jahaerys Starkgaryen.

  12. Must say, after reading the plot synopsis for season 7, I was rather annoyed with the whole 'zombie dragon' concept of how the wall might be brought down. Seriously, after all this time, they couldn't make it more interesting, more mysterious or mystical, more rooted in ancient GoT-verse history? The Night's King just 'happening' to have an opportunity to raise a dragon makes it look like he just got lucky. We'd otherwise been led to believe something prophetic about the wall was at work (i.e. I was under the impression the whitewalkers simply knew the wall would collapse at a certain point, hence suddenly reappearing and 'harvesting' to strengthen their army, while the actual history of the wall, its limited magical longevity, and the whitewalker peril they would soon face when it finally failed, was forgotten by most of the Westerosi). Also, aren't dragons supposed to be the most ancient creature IN the GoT-verse? Making them subject to the magic of a man, merely one magically altered by the Children of the Forest (i.e. the Night King), diminishes their apparent power and significance. I would have assumed that dragons are social creatures (i.e. they can bond with other species such as humans), but they are magically immune to younger species. In the same sense, the Children of the Forest would have been magically immune to any 'human' magic UNTIL they infused a man (the Night King) with their own magic and, for whatever reason, that man went rogue.

  13. Jon's name should be Aemon, not Aegon. As you said, there already is an Aegon, who was supposed to have been killed by the mountain (although only a very brief reference to him was made on the show, by Varys as he killed Ser Kevan Lannister). His name being Aemon would fit, since he always pretended to be Aemon the Dragonknight when he was play fighting with Robb as a boy. He was also close to Maester Aemon at the wall, who appeared to know more than Jon knew about his birth. He used the same words to Jon as he had used to Aegon (Egg) when he was about to ascend the throne. "Kill the boy and let the man be born".

  14. I agree whole heartedly.  These "supposed" plot leaks are merely poorly written fanboi fiction.  It is extremely lazy writing on the part of the moron who came up with it.

  15. Great video, I agree with you- LOVE your Westworld videos, I should've known you did GOTs videos as you repeatedly called Dolores 'Daenarys' that time. Use Advantix on your dog & you'll never have fleas again 🙂

  16. I actually have a theory that D&D are behind these "plot leaks". I mean, they know which parts of the filming are most likely to get photographed by fans (e.g. the Dragonstone parts), and the most effortless and less expensive way to throw people off is to "leak" a fake plot. That would explain why some of the stuff mentioned seems to have some merit in them. Misdirection is something that they have done before, I believe that during the filming of season 6 they actually had Shae's actress dressed up in costume and walk around the set to throw people off. Some people have even speculated that they are filming some fake scenes, which I don't personally buy, because that would cost money and time that they could otherwise use for something more important.

    So I believe that they have constructed these "leaks" from some actual scenes coupled with people's fanfiction-y predictions that are circling around the internet.

    Of course it could well be that D&D are not behind it, but I like to think they are. I find the idea funny in a way, especially because the people that actually believe that those leaks are true are very vocal about how much D&D suck and how horrible that plot is.

  17. Okay so it may be Drogon instead. Makes sense that after dany dies drogon is revived by the night king. Thanks Guys. Also, I wanted to ask if there are any wildfire left in the red keep? Or Cersie used it all to blow the Sept ?

  18. I agree that Dany is going to die as she saw in her vision.. However Bran isn't a Targ, he cannot ride a dragon.. It will be Jon on the dragon.. I agree the name for Jon is dumb.. You mean Cersei on the Iron Throne not Queen of the North…

  19. This is the 2nd video that debunks the leaks the best. What if Jon goes North not to capture a wight but to get Bran? Like Bran is still on the other side. I still don't know how he'll get back across the wall.

  20. You really do seem to not think why a character would do some of these things.  Dany wants to rule all seven kingdoms so of course she wants Jon to step down as King of the North.  She could easily still keep him as the Lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North.  Of course if the spoilers of them having sex at the end of the season is true then he would probably be her consort/advisor.

    On top of that, there is a reason for Jon to want to go and capture a wight.  If Dany is skeptical about Jon's claims about the whitewalkers then Jon may realize he needs actual proof and capturing a wight is the easiest way to convincing everyone about the whitewalker threat.

  21. Only reason Danaerys wouldn't want Jon to be King in the North is because she wants to rule all 7 kingdoms… But I think that Dany will realize that it doesn't matter who is king if the Walkers destroy the realm. So I think you are right in that way.

  22. i think jon is thinking about Rickon as he died before the battle with ramsey….. Rickon was alive before he was arrowed down by ramsey. So if rickon was alive up to that point, that means that theon didn't kill the stark brothers and if that's the case where is Bran?. So that could be the reason why Jon heads up north again. Also Bran might not be able to cross over the wall down south again, because he has a 'tracker' put on him when the night king touched him (hence thats how he got found at the 3 eyed raven tree), so he could send some sort of message to Jon to tell him to go up north, so jon learns his parentage……………. I think the ice dragon theory is down to bran and that there are wild ice dragons knocking about so bran wargs into one, or he controls them so they are obedient to bran so he can ride one (the ''you will not walk but you can fly'' theory)

  23. I really don't buy many of the rumours about season seven and I certainly hope the one about a dragon dying and being resurrected by the nights king and thus used to bring the wall down, is not true. This would leave a serious question mark about how the nights king intended to bring the wall down had a dragon not landed on his doorstep

  24. Like season 6, these plot leaks obviously have some truth to them. But, again, after reading the season 6 spoilers I realised that they are all probably based on what someone has seen being filmed (e.g- they probably thought Dany walking out of a burning building was Drogon's work) and so they have filled in details that might explain what they've viewed.

  25. You have ignored prophecies and legend sir.
    Jamie will be the death of his sister.
    The wall will be breached but will remain mostly standing.
    There is yet one male Targarian that's not John.
    John is half blood.
    You left out the portly man in the huge library, who will figure out how Valarian steel is made among a few other things.
    Their will not be a ice dragon!
    Our intrepid group has a lot to do before the wrights breach the wall.


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