Rumors and Spoiler: Entire Season 7 Plot Leak?
Game of Thrones is one of the most speculated and pirated shows in history. This show also spends a great deal of time trying to prevent spoilers but it doesn’t always work. This week we have a huge spoiler to talk about. Apparently the entire plot for season 7 has been leaked online! Now there are some things for us to consider before we talk about some of these leaks first is that this happened twice last season. The first leak was early on during filming like this one and was just a piece and well-crafted fan fiction. Now the second one was much later and was very spot on in predicting what was going to happen.
Much like this current leak it was also dropped on Reddit and the user quickly deleted their account making people speculate at its validity. Now to fuel the speculation fires even more The actress who plays Missandei, went to twitter the same day to show her disappointment in spoilers for this season. Now we don’t know for sure if its legit or not but we are going to talk about a few of the things that caught our eyes in the leaked plot and discuss if we believe it’s going to actually happen.
The first thing to talk about is what Danny will do. The post says that she will land and DragonStone and send out Raven to all the lords to discuss surrender and alliances much like her great great great great great …. Grandfather Aegon the Conqueror did when he began his conquest of the seven kingdoms. Now these all seems very likely and the wonderful parallel would be a nice twist.
Now Jon and Davos will go talk with her with the hopes to get some dragon glass from DragonStone. Jon will try and explain to Danny of the Whitewalker and the impending doom. She will not believe him and this sets Jon of on a journey over several episodes to capture a wight and to bring it back and prove to Dany and the other Lords of the land that he is telling the truth. Now this also seems very possible in the fact that the story now need to shift to the Whitewalker threat. Jon and the North seem to be the only people committed to stopping them and they need to bring the other kingdoms in to fold to prevent it. Could it all play out like this or is this just cleaver fan fiction…?
Now’s when things get a little crazy. Jon will lead an expedition to capture a wight they will run into the Knights king they will be facing certain doom when Dany will arrive with her dragons and rescue them. Jon will be left behind and the knights king will kill one of Danny’s Dragons then resurrect it as his mount. Jon will be rescued by Uncle Benjan and the season will end with the Knights king using the now raised up Dragon to knock the Wall down. The wall falling down seems to be something that many have believed will happen for a long time but not in this fashion. This last part is two specific this is either pure fan fiction or it is truly part of the leaked plot.
Now there is a bunch of other little small details as to where people are and what they are doing but what we have mentioned seems to be the big main story arch. What do you think do you believe this is true do you want it to be true or does the just piss you off? Let us know and stick around because we will be doing another video talking about all the other small details from this spoiler leak in the near future.



  1. If it was going to ruin it for me, I would have the sense to NOT WATCH/LISTEN.
    It's not terribly different from general speculation, which everyone is going to do anyway.
    If the show folks didn't want people to do this, they shouldn't leave everyone hanging for so long. Sheesh..

  2. I will admit this from Jump .. I am a read the back of the book kind of reader then quickly read it all and then reread it multiple times .. For me there is no great story that can be spoiled because if it is that good then knowing the ending doesnt matter lmao.

  3. I think it's very plausible. It seems to have the pacing of the show in that plot. I think if it is real, we should all be excited for the upcoming season. I'm stoked either way! I can't wait to see an undead bear and undead dragon! It can't get here fast enough!


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