HBO has announced that Game of Thrones Season 7 will have 7 episodes, so whats does this mean for Season 7?






  1. Think about Season 7 in having a prediction: When the Wall fails and the White Walkers and Wights to invade the North, it’s not when it happens, it’s how we fight back the dead army. The White Wolf will need to a strategic method to evacuate these all commoners from North to South and establish a second defensive position as mean of stronghold and kill them down.
    The massive area of the North is to big area and they could not fight this type of the dead army. When the living people died, they would to transform to the Wights. Plus, the Night Watch does not have enough people, resources, and decayed infrastructure without maintain/upgrade in thousand years to defend to hold the Wall (300 miles) and against the dead army.
    Moat Cailin had already established a strategic stronghold in causeway which carries the Kingsroad through the bottleneck of the Neck, at a point in Westeros where the swamps extend almost from coast to coast (20 miles) that to establish a nature basalt curtain. The Neck land protects its own. The dead army will find in the Neck an endless morass of suck holes, quick sands, and green grass that looks solid to walk the dead army but turns to water the instant you tread it fetid swamp.
    The Neck are this point with these swamps are so overgrown and flooded (reference Children war) to the east and west that any army can only pass north or south by narrowly following the path of the Kingsroad (which was built over a more ancient road). Moat Cailin's position completely dominates the path of this only route, making any attempt to invade the North from the southern land route futile. The present they have three towers in capable of defending the Moat Cailin's of defending the passage to the North, provided that they are fully manned.
    The biggest problem is the Moat Cailin has a weak point, it’s to be as designed to resist attack from the south, and thus its northern flank is relatively exposed to attack by even a small force. I believe the main GoT story would be how the White Wolf to: vacate the North people; stop invades the dead army that comes down South; and kill the dead army. The King in the North must to plan an invert the Moat Cailin a defensive position the dead army is coming from North to down South. I am not sure about these 3 dragons would support, but it would be good to really help airborne fighting with fire! Also, I believe we would see Howland and Meera Reed of Greywater Watch – the House Reed, the gatekeepers of the North, has the responsibility the Neck and the Moat Cailin.

  2. Great predictions vid, man.

    Cersei will definitely die, but will not be easy and that fucking bitch will definitely take someone important with her. Sansa, Arya, Tyrion .. one of those I would say.. Unfortunately. She and Euron Greyjoy will be the great villains in season 7.

    Sorry for my english.

  3. oh FFS, if there has been 6 seasons of 13 episodes and then there is an announcement that the next 2 seasons have the episode count of 13 AND they are cutting out content they normally show then there isn't an 8th season. All this is is a 7th season with a break in the middle 🙁 Just bite the fucking bullet and run it as a final fucking season. Why the fuck will we have to wait 6 odd months in between? Just a cynical play for extra box set sales and some more subscriptions. Course it fucking is.

  4. I hope the battles come out really great. I hate to see too much CGI on a movie or a show. It only works best as an enhancement tool or when there's simply no other way to realize a character. But, of course, dragons and direwolves are CGI. No problem with that. It's good that the White Walkers and the Wights are extras and have good makeup that makes them believable. It's not just the same flavor if there's to much CGI.

  5. Epsiode 5: It starts at the Crossroads in sevral Lanniosters Soliders who Fled are there see Sansa and Brands her as Traitos Hot Pie and Brienne are both Killed but then Suddenly Gendry and Arya Apear and Savwe them andother Reunoiun With Jon, Sansa and Bran (who has also gone south). Then the Huge huge BAttle Ensues between Danseres and Cerei Tons of Characters die incuding Bronn. Ollena is Killed by Greyjoys goons, Yara is Killed by Euron and The mountain cruseshs Tyenes head and Tryion Mows down Sevral Gold Cloakes the Dragons Come and Kill the Golden company and Then Cleagaine bowl The Hound Emrges out of Nowhere (Jons camp is a Mile off and has agreed to only come when needed) and then Clagaine Bowl Sandor Wins. Elsewere Part of the Wall comes down and Edd, Satin and Wyryk Willan (antoher wathemn) are Killed by whights however the Handsome watchmen (Named Fredrick) has a Plan and Crossbows Fire at the Wall the Wihts are killed but part of the Wall is Down. Epsidoes ends with BVArys Realesing an Improned Littlefinger and Varys says "you will be amesed what will happen" Epsiode 6: Cersei is Deposed and shes locked in a Cell with Jamie Daneres has a Coronation. Tormund dies on the Way back from a Large Wound. Littlefinger reapers in the Eryie but has dicoved its been overrun byy Hilltibesmen. Sevral northern lords and Ladys are sent beyond the Wall. My character sacrifiecs his life. Lady Mormoth, lady Hronwood, Lord Madnerly and a new Lord Umber (who has conved Jon hes not his Brother and has was given a Parodon under condition) Theodore Tyrell (who was intorducned in Epsiode there, and Is a COusin of the Main Brand and Marired to Maces Sister) Is just as sharped tounged as Ollena and were Mortal enameys and is Susepct in her Death and is killed by a Prostitue sent by Littlefinger and Then Littlefinger kills that Prostiitue. Vication is Hanged. And Daario is Killed somehow aswell. Episode 7: Edric (who decided Cersei was More a Danger than a Help decided Sansa was a Better option) Arives at Winterfell but He is told sansa is already married to Robin. Wendal Maderly is Killed by White Walkers and Dickon (who has sown to Jon) Gives a Huge speech to his men enign in LTS KICK THERE ARESES clearly he is complatly ignorant of how powerfull here are he probably as Doomed as his Nothern Near Namesake. Wyllard and Edirc Swere to Sansa aswell Arya kills Melasandre by Stabbing her In the Heart and then the sword catches fire. Kinvar the Other Presitess is Also killed when Deanres is Called and then we end on the season for a cliffhanger. But first Bran wargs into the Hound Because Tyrion and Jamie watch as He Kills Cersei by Stangualtion and Ripping Out her spine. Under Denres AOrders. Euron is Hung Drawn and Quarted. Jorah dying from the Greyscale Tells Danneres to Marry Jon and Kisses her and Then Falls limp in Dannereses arms . New Chacters: Wyllard Tyrell Alaire Tyrell Lyeness Mormont Paxter Wedrwyne Theodore Tyrell Daven lannister Tyrek Lanndister Genna Lannsiter Rebbecka Tyrell (Maces Sister) Aimee Redwyn (Maces other Sister) Xollo (Oberyns bastard son) Telisas Brother (He has a realy hard to spell name) Victarion Greyjoy Arrianne/Rhannella Martell Satin Freidrick Wyrik Edric Dayne Lady Hronwood Alys Karstaark Boderik Umber Deaths Ollenna Bronn Euron VictarionAeronBrienne Mountain Jamie Cersei Mellisadre Grey Worm Theon

  6. Hello, I'm currently working as an actor on the game of thrones TV series, I play Cley Cerwin and (seeing as ive got the dreaded call) Ive decided to spill it all out Epsiode 1: The First scean is Tommens funeral he has the same eye thingys as his siblings and grandfather and jon Aryn the bells are ringing its taking place in the Throne Room as Qyburn suggested, The Then have a pyromancer walk up and set the body on fire Cersei has a Thousand mile stare at the Corpse, Jamie and Cersei has an Argument Cersei reasons that it was not as bad as what Tywin did with the Raynes who drowned and died slower, Jaime has a mental breakdown and Cersei sends him to Casterly Rock to Rule as Lord of the Westerlands. Ollena (who didn't go on the ships with the others) visits highgarden And we meet Alariee Maces Widow and Margery and Loras's mother a Kind but Stiff woman who drinks like a fish even morso from what happened to her family and……….. A THRID Tyrell child meet Wylard Tyrell He's a fusion of the two Tyrell brothers omitted from the show basically a Younger version of Willas with Garlands personality and book plot from what I gather Willas dies in the Books with the Other Tyrells in the Sept explosion . He was paralysed from birth as Alarie came down with pox while she was pregnant with him and walks with crutches despite this disability he is a determined fighter and is an excellent archer. He forms a fast friendship with Tyrion. He is believed to be incapable of conceiving children but he wants to disprove that Hes the same age as Arya. Also present is Lysnesse Alaries sister Ollena dosent like her shes Snobbish but much kinder than people say and is a surprisingly good jouster. Also theres is the Maester whos so fat he takes up a whole couch and Serves as Wyllards ride seeing as Wyllard cant sit a horse. Daneres Arives and then they have a huge meeting Tyrion has an Argument with Ellaria about Mycellas death thells her to "DROP DEAD" and Daneres and Ollena Meed to restain him Varys has a conversation with tyrion and gives him a Letter from Jon Snow, Tyrion nods and Puts it in his POcket. Now we see Bran Edd finds him they have an Exchange as soon as Bran says who he is Edd Rushes him Inside The Brotherhood and the Hound are at the Wall the Hound who dosent want to Join the Nights Watch decides to deliver him to Winterfell. And geuss who else is there too GENDRY. YES! Turns out He ended up in essos and was EVENTALY was abducted by……………… VICTARION who meets with his BRTOHER in Skagos he then shows antoher prisoner JORAH euron takes Jorah prisoner and then as the two Brothers set sail Gerndry escapes by diving into the water and arrives in Eastwatch the east watch memebers led by a character with a BADASS wit and dashing looks and Satin is there too withanthoer watchman with grey hair and a beard They pick up Gendry and Gendry is now a Recurit too Beric relisesis this and Agrees to Send Bran back home with a party of seven (BRan, Meera, Sandor, Gendry, Beric, THros and Anguy) the rest of the brotherhood stay in castle back to join the watch Beric THros and Angruy say they will join when this jobs finsished) Sandor carries Bran to winterfell and notes how Boring Bran is compared to his sister. Then we have a surpise appreance of two Provosly rejected characters from the BOOKS Edric Dyane and DRUMROLL ARRIANNE MARTELL!!! named Rhanella in this verison there ralling against Ellaria (Its never explained fully RHannelas absence from Dorne however its been impiled to was part of the faceless men) Edric has Named himself KING OF DORNE and Arriane is his queen (But Arrianne is realy running things) they send there armys off shore to a SHip its the Sand Snakes Obeara and Nymeria Sand Ellira sent them to kings landing to steal Cerseis wildfire this leads to Arriane and Edirc sneaking onto the thip and they Kill Obara and Nymeira (Obara is stabbed in the BAck and Nymerias throats cut) They steal the Ship and Edirc sails for kings landing Arriane and Edric embrace before shes jumps into the water and swims to the reach (I know I don't realy understand Either) Daneres lands in the Stormlands the Firghted remaing Stomlandians flee and the New Stomlord Richard Granidson commands his men to Kings Landing. Sansa is Realitvly calm with Jon as King preferring to work behind the lines. Epsiode 2: Millasadre Finds Arya and Arya (who thinks Sansa is Married to Tommen and is still at Kings landing) Obsiosly she had no Way of king that Sansa marriage to Joffrey was annulled and Knows Joffreys dead and Assumeds Sansa then was Re-Married to Tommen she also has no Idea that Tommens now dead too) Danneres forms her Council with Tyrion, Varys, Ollena, Alarie, Wyllard, Yara and It would have been Elliara but Arrianne dressed as a Servant Poisons Ellaria she dies and Arrianne after convicing the murder was justified is let on to Replace her. Tyene is Spared on the counter she didn't kill any of her family memebrs and admits she never liked Areo Anyway. At kingslanding Aryais put before Cersei who tells her about the current state and then Tells her Rickon is dead and Thows her in the same sell her father was in. However Dickon Tarly (Randall never liked Mace and has Joined forces with Cersei) whispers to her to not worrie and he will recuse herat night. Bran and Meera and the Brother Hood Arive at the Reeds Home and Meets Howland. Edric who grudgingly sides with Cersei to Fight against Ellaria attempts to propose to her But Cersei denies but Takes a liking to Edirc and Takes him on (and Dickon) on as Cup Bearers. THeon is Taken Priosner by Cerei and is Killed. Epsiode 3: Sansa and Jon recive a threating letter from Cersei she is Fearfull and read shes taken Arya and Presents the Burnt Heads of Loras and MArgarey in a box. Sansa disguseted at the murder of her friends and the Improsiment of Her sister. My Character agrees to Go saying theres no hope for his house anyway Then Bran Enters Winterfell and ahtoher Renioun Sansa hugs Bran and Jon Hugs Bran too Bran then Tells Sansa and Jon about his pwer and Decides to Warg to Kings landing and Wargs into the Moutnain and Kills Qyburn and Witnesses Dickon Saving Arya with Paxter Redwyns help . Gendry is Sent to Fectch her. Randall is also killed by Cersei in a Rage force fed wildfire. Epsiode 4: Dickon and Arya form a Freindship and are confronted by Brigands and that's where Gendry saves Arya. Bran tells Jon about the coming stom and about Daneres. Jon, Sansa and Robin go south to Help Daneres and Gednry sands them a Letter From the Citadel (Dickon, Genrdry and Arya make a stop in old town, to fetch Heartsbane) and tells them to meet the the crossroads inn. Davos has Doubuts. Robin and Sansa are Quickly Married. Littlefinger (who was Exieled in Ep. 2) Goes to Castly rock and Jamie who is a VERY unpopular Lord of the Rock is Sent down back to KL, to serve as Hand and Littlefinger is made master of Whisperes. Just then a Hord of Dothracki stom the Gates but Daven Lannister agress to hord them off twith TYrek both chacter sfates are left hung.

  7. Regarding who will kill Cersei:
    I think if the "little brother" thing comes down to Tyrion or Jamie, Jamie is the more poetic and slightly less obvious compared to Tyrion.
    However….The Hound is technically a little brother, and I can imagine a really cool sequence where maybe the Clegane-Bowl technically happens, but maybe The Hound wins and stabs Cersei immediately afterward or something in service of Arya.
    Sheesh, but now I'm unsure of whether Arya would want anyone else taking her kills, she already referred to the red god "stealing" from her, so maybe she will try to charge Cersei and/or the Mountain and The Hound rushes in to save Arya and hence Clegane-Bowl occurs in that moment.
    Super fun to think about

  8. I think Khaleesi quickly kills Cersai to claim the Iron throne, but ultimately turns into the villian herself as she conquers every house in the 7 kingdom's. That is, until she gets to the North where Jon stands up to her. She unleashes Dragon fire upon him and he is not harmed revealing that he is not only a Targaryen but a Dragon like her. Jon defeats Khaleesi but turns down the Iron Throne or destroys it once and for all.

  9. Everybody isn't talking about the fact that Edmure Tully is now in charge of the Twins by marriage. With that new development The North is secure from the south, free to take the fight to the White Walkers under Aegon VII Targaryeon's/Jon Snow's leadership.


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