Game of Thrones Season 7 Predictions- New Filming News Spoilers
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Game of Thrones Season 7 predictions and filming news, Davos and Tyrion meet at Dragonstone confirmed. This means that a meeting between Jon Snow and Dany will likely come sooner than we think. Also unconfirmed, but Gendry may be involved in this meeting as well. What does all this mean for Euron Greyjoy? Thanks for watching, discuss!

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  1. thanks chris. great update. seems like Gendry has a warhammer on the beach. some think he got roberts..I'm thinking he made one to honor his dad..maybe a Valyrian steel one after Sam or jon asked him too? or just happened to make it out of obsidian while he lived on the shores of dragonstone waiting for it to be safe to come out of hiding? maybe he sees Davos then saves him and tyrion from the gold cloaks guarding dragonstone and thereby helping Jon and Dany's hands take over the ancestral Targaryen spot (both jon and Dany's ancestors). now Gendry can use the hammer against the white walkers as well…ok done rambling..bring on the season!!

  2. Well one way Gendry and Daavos could end back up together could be that Gendry sees him come across shore or enter town. I don't think you forget the face of the man that saved you very quickly. So in my eyes it would be most logical if Gendry recognizes Daavos, talks to him and then gets convinced to help him. It doesn't even matter if he is with the brotherhood without banners or not for this to work. I just hope it will feel convincing and not too much as fanfiction.

  3. I'd like to see Gendry follow in his father's footsteps and pick up a Warhammer and go kick some Lannister ass.
    Also, I'd like to see Drogon roast Cersei like a fuckin' marshmallow. The "valonqar" portion of Maggy the Frog's prophecy doesn't appear in the show, so… it could happen, right?

  4. Why would Gendry go to the Brotherhood Without Banners? Didn't they hand him over to be killed? Jon also has a scene with Davos and two Dothraki guards. I have no clue what is going on. But I do believe we will get a Stark/Targaryen at some point next season.

  5. Nah, Euron's not gonna be important – he's still got to build a fleet of a thousand ships without any trees on the Iron Islands – so first he's got to plant trees, then wait decades for them to grow big enough to be of use…

  6. Dan & Dave wouldn't spend any moment to such a useless character then, of course I'm talking about Euron. He is a villain an he is here to serve a purpose. Aaaanndd I believe that he will come to realize supporting cercei or fighting with dany wouldn't make much sense. HOWEVER, if this guy is a crack plus a VERY bad guy, what if he joins and serves the dead? They do not swim and only way they can pass is either wall coming down, or a traitor mad man helping them cross the sea???

  7. There's a few mini-dramas set-up that have to play out. Daey and the issue of 'love' vs 'marriage'. Varys, the Sandsnakes, the Queen of Thorns, the Hound, the Red Woman, Jorah and his greyscale and dedication to Daey, where Essos goes from here but that's all minor plots and nothing of value in the end though Jorah may play a big role in helping in the end – the end, of course, being the big battle against the coming dangers of the long winter…… Jon or Sansa in the north? Does it REALLY matter? I think not. Jon has a big role to play as does Lady Llyanna, to some degree, now that she's made such a big impression. Sam, the baby (who a night king came for if we remember rightly), and Gendry (who can make hella good swords) all have big roles to play as of yet. Ha ha – I have so many opins – I should do my own video and quit making a nuisance of myself in these comment areas……

  8. Cersei is, of course, a goner – it's just a question of how that goes down. Live by the sword, die by the sword. Live by power, die by power and she does have to pay for Ned's head – I think her army will turn their backs on her in a traitorous move. My thoughts anyway. Her little medicine man and the mountain will, of course go down with her but Jaime has some play left – his relationship with Brienne has been given a lot of screen time and that has yet to play out. Some bittersweet may be Brienne and Jaime finally declaring love but prob on the deathbed of one or the other. I'm guessing Jaime will die with Brienne defending him and promising to put the truth of his deeds in the white book which she will do. She's mostly played out by that point but doesn't necessarily have to die.

  9. Arya's story was dragged out cuz it was just 'prep' for her role. She'll have a lot to do and will probably replace Littlefinger in the show as a major pot stirrer in that each of her assassinations will change the game considerably. Littlefinger is pretty much played out once Jon and Sansa reach a level of agreement/trust which they are just about at. He may stir the pot a little as Arya's position in the big picture is fully reached – that is until she reaches her family and becomes a big player in the game of thrones in her own way. I doubt Nymeria will come into the picture, at least not with her pack of wolves because of the cost =( but I could be wrong…..

  10. We have a three character set-up: Euron, Yara, and Theon. A lot of screen time was put into all that. There's going to be something big going on there esp considering it now involves both Daey's committement now to Yara and Theon. Add the ties set-up between Theon and various Starks, both good and bad, and there's a lot of potential for things to happen with plenty of emotional sparks. Might also mention there's still the situation between Yara and Theon to be played out. Will Theon somehow give his all to save Yara from some horrible doom knowing he's played out and she's a great leader?

  11. I think the show runners are going to make us wait for the Jon and Dany (ice and fire) meet up. I could see that being the end of season 7. My guess is this is mid season stuff where Davos and Jon meet with Tyrion to begin discussing the threat in the North and the Mad Queen in the South. My guess is Tyrion and Dany will be much more concerned with killing Cersei and taking back the Iron Throne. I can't wait for that first conversation between Tyrion and Jon. I'm sure there will be some good bastard and imp jabs thrown between them.

  12. Awesome leak, huge fan treat, love both characters. Each have grown wiser with each parting sorrow of friends, family, and knowing the undead are coming- you have to work with your enemies to survive.

  13. There is a video of the scene being filmed, and there are two gold cloaks there, and it looks like Gendry is there, and he kills the gold cloaks with a warhammer. The video length is 5:47 if you want to look it up. Love your videos by the way!

  14. Do you think Tyrion is the main reason Daenerys goes North?  I know Davos is a smooth talker and can make a nun willingly give there virginity to him. They're are two leak meets.  First the dragon pits with Brienne and Davos and this with Davos and Tyrion as shown.  Other then the North, no one is taking the white walker threat serious.  If Tyrion hears that they're down there because Jon is preparing for the white walkers, he will take it serious.  People don't believe the walkers are real, but  Tyrion knows Jon to be an honorable, honest and trustworthy man,  if he says something then it must be serious.

  15. In my opinion I don't think Dany & Jon are gonna link up in this season, if they do it'll probably be on the finale. Also, hopefully they do bring Gendry back bc him just rowing around endlessly for seasons is just dumb lmfao


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