Game of Thrones Season 7 is shaping up to be a wild ride and Winds of Winter the 6th book in the ASOIAF series can’t come soon enough! The Golden Company has gathered again to discuss the future of Arya Stark. In part one of this Game of Thrones Season 7 Prediction video we will discuss in depth what has went on and what is likely to go on with Arya Stark in Season 7! This video will contain some spoilers for Game of Thrones Season 7 so please proceed with caution! Thanks For Watching and check out my bannerpeople! Like this Video if you like it!!!

Episodes of The Gold Cast:
The Night King Part 1-
The Night King Part 2-
Cersei Part 1 –
Cersei Part 2 –
Jon Snow Part 1-
Jon Snow Part 2

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How Big is Daenerys’s Army?
The Red Omen of Doom?
Why the Starks will win?
Arya and Melisandre meet again?
What do the White Walkers Want?
Bran’s Destiny
Jamie Lannister The Last Hero
The BlackFyre Prince
The Doom of Valyria

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  1. I think Aria is going to make it to the very end and I think she would actually be in charge of protecting I think John will have a a baby with the queen and she will be the protector of their kid

  2. Okay so fast forward, since the Entertainment Weekly cover shows Arya carrying Littlefinger's Catspaw dagger, and LF is pulling a knife on someone, let's just assume Arya kills LF. Now if Arya is carrying a Valyrian steel dagger, I'm assuming at this point that everyone that owns a Valyrian something is going into the big fight against the dead. I just hope that's not the end of Arya!

  3. Arya's destiny is a gray area, because she is a lone wolf, wild like her direwolf, but I don't think she's too far gone. Her vengeance kills are no worse than Jon's & Daenerys' kills, which were also justified, but why didn't she release her Uncle Edmure after eliminating the Freys? If Jaime & the Hound can be forgiven for their deeds, why not Arya?! Arya's life is a journey to discover her identity, like Jon. Jon is a Snow, but also a Targaryan & a Stark. Arya has always been wild & a lone wolf, but had to become no one in order to realize her destiny through discovering her identity. Just as she sent Nymeria away, part of went with her Direwolf. I can't wait to see an Arya & Nymeria reunion. It will be what Arya needs to realize she needs to be with her pack, which will send her back to Winterfell with Bran & Sansa.

  4. I also think Arya is gonna die. The lines you read are preceded by others abouth certaint wolf with a fish in her mouth and that was Nymeria pulling Cat from the river and lets be honest… that was the first "prediction" base in symbols from the houses and Arya had other prediccions based on houses too.

  5. I think jaqen h'ghar solicited her to be a faceless man knowing that she wouldn't ever actually be one but that she was instrumental in the war to come and needed the fighting abilities only he could give her. Also I think he needed her to realize the people who should actually be on her assassin list.

  6. Arya doesn't know Jon Snow sent Milessandra away. What if Arya wears her face and Jon assumes its Milessandra, hangs her for treason, only realising its Arya once she is taken down and the execution over.
    It would mean for a dark and very assassin ending for Arya. Pretty fitting, twisted and dark enough for Game of Thrones to do.

  7. I think Arya will become "no one" when her list is finished. Her identity is wrapped in vengeance and retribution. There is nothing left for her after that. She will kill those her family would not agree with – that will cut her off from them. I think that makes her becoming a faceless man worse than death.


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