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  1. I think it's possible that she will die in childbirth. Killed by the valanquar – her children's little brother, in a bed of blood like Lyanna Stark – the woman she always despised. Maybe even Tyrion ends up adopting the child, ironically being the one to save his family's name.

  2. So here is an alternative ending, a bittersweet ending: Daly and Jon survive, marry, and live in wedded bliss… or not. Maybe,
    they just don't get along; but they are married Maybe they are completely bored with each other. Dreadful.

  3. I still think her smartest move was having Qybern fashion teleportation and cloaking devices for Euron's ships. There's no way he manages to take out both the fleet bound for Dorne and the fleet at Casterly Rock without them.

  4. Hi! awesome video, as always! good point about Cersei becoming suddenly super smart and cunning, I had forgotten about the stupid decisions she had made. I've been rewatching the entire series and it's shocking how much darker and smarter it used to be, especially Littlefinger! He was such a bad, evil, cunning person, with no regard for other people's lives and no empathy, and he's become such a pussy in season 7, he hasn't been very convincing. Could it be because he is in the north? The game isn't played that way in Winterfell and he's out of his place? Also, there never was any word about Littlefinger recognizing Arya as Tywin's cup bearer in Harrenhal, wouldn't they have a conversation about this? Unfortunately, I don't have much hope that season 8 will be better than 7, it feels like they just want to get it over with. Thankfully, we have the novels to turn to and look forward to 😀

  5. Now that Gendry has returned as the smith, we know Arya MUST die. He will have to use her blood, filled with the warrior wolf spirit, just as the last smith to forge Lightbringer killed his wife Nissa Nissa to create the ultimate weapon.

  6. Who or what White Walkers might be?

    In one of the older The X Files episodes there was an amazing exchange between Dana Sculy and some general who lost his son:

    General: "We bury our dead alive, don’t we?”
    Scully: “I don’t know if I understand.”
    General: “We hear them every day, they talk to us, they haunt us, they beg us for meaning. Conscience is just the voices of the dead trying to save us from our own damnation.”

    Later on, at her sister's grave she sums it up for Mulder by saying: "The dead speak to us from beyond the grave, that that what's conscience is."

    That's White Walkers might be — the sum of all sins of Westeros.

  7. It's strange how I hated Cersei more than any other character before this season and now she's one of my favourites, and how my favourite characters before this season (or the past few seasons) such as Littlefinger and Tyrion were some of my least favourite characters this season.

  8. Cersei in season 8 loses the child in miscarriage. Euron while in Braavos to get the Golden Company, pays a visit to the Iron Bank. He tells them Cersei is a bad investment but he is a good one. IB contacts Faceless Men in the House of Black and White with the Name Cersei. Jacquan Hagar is dispatched with Euron to go to give the assignment to Arya. Meanwhile Cersei not knowing Euron has betrayed her weds him. Arya with the Hound comes to King's Landing kills Cersei. Hound destroys the Mountain with a flaming sword. Euron plans succeed he is crowned King. GC disobeys Euron and Joins with Dany's forces on Dragonstone to fight the Night King. Dany dies in child birth. Everyone leaves Dragonstone then attacks the army of the dead now in the Vale. John dies so does Drogon. Euron deserted by the Iron born is now attacked by Theon after surviving a wight attack on the Iron Island. Theon kills Euron then burns the bodies. Everyone has learnt to burn every body that falls. Theon has rescued Yara. Jamie's left over army comes to King's Landing still thinking Cersei is queen. He is met by Theon and Yara who tells him his Sister is dead killed by Qyburn. The Mountain was killed by wildfire. Tyrion along with parts of Dothraki and GC appear too. He and Melisande carrying the Future ruler of Westeros. Jamie learns that the war is over the Night King was dispatched by Jon but tragically died doing so.

  9. Cant stand Cersei. Hope she dies knowing Jon is the true King, who could have been her son had she married the handsome Prince, and she is pregnant with a Dwarf. Locked in the cell with a wight.

  10. Ok, so Cersei wasn't 'smart' but it's arguably consistent. Her irrational actions were inspired by her overburdening love of her sons and daughter. She wanted rid of Margery as she wanted control of Tommen even if the Tyrells benefited the Crown. With the 'burden' of her children gone she can be less emotional and more strategic for a bigger goal. That's why I think she's smarter and has more ability to play the game of thrones.

  11. D & D have already revealed that Jaime will strangle Cersei with the shot of her standing on the neck of the map and him at the fingers. I can't see it going any other way. But WHY? What will she do that causes him to do something as profound as that???

  12. You guys should do a video about how Ned Stark and Jaimie aren't so different after all. I mean, they both betrayed their kings to save innocents. Ned raised Aegon and Jaimie prevented the Mad King from Burning King's Landing.

  13. Maybe Cersei should not die. Everyone wants her to die, but good stories challenge expectations. I think it would be a more interesting arc if she survives but loose everything she has: her brother/lover, her power, her money, and if she is exiled even her country, so neither wins nor die as she wants, but she gets trapped in a limbo of middle ground.

  14. I think she will withdraw court to Stormsend. Robert told her that it was the best kingdom in all the realm to withstand a siege and that it has magic woven in to its foundations. Magic that maybe can keep the dead from entering a bit like the three eyed Ravens cave. Maybe Qyburn will learn about this from an old book from the citadel. Arya will sneak in to the castle wearing face and kill her. That would be interesting.

  15. Cercei should win. She deserves it more than the boring Starkgaryen and the Meereen bimbo.

    She played the game well.
    It's called Game of Thrones. Not boring hero wulf guy marries dragon blondie.

  16. I think Jamie will kill her. When everyone returns from the north, Jamie will ride ahead and they'll all think he's giving her extra notice. She'll be suspicious, but also on some level think Jamie won't kill her like she couldn't kill him. But he does, in a mirror of his Kingslaying of the Mad King. He does the right thing, even though it's hard, even though it breaks loyalty and oaths.

  17. well all scenario leaked 2 years ego. So what is the point to show your old videos? What is the point to make predictions videos about this horrible show. You should do videos about the books. Not – as you pointed many times – this ridicules TV series


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