Game of thrones season 7 | Sansa Stark prophecy

“I dreamt of a maid at a feast, with purple serpents in her hair, venom dripping from their fangs. And later I dreamt that maid again, slaying a savage giant in a castle built of snow”

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  1. Sansa is the smartest of the Starks. She’s the only one who could have survived what she went through. Proof: Ned got beheaded. Robb didn’t see his betrayal coming. Rickon dead. Bran a cripple. Catelyn too loyal to her children which doomed her. Jon Snow is too brooding and in fact died and was only brought back to life with some magic stuff. And Arya -too confrontational to survive the capital. Young Sansa is very much misunderstood. She’s excelled in whatever she was set to do, whether in penmanship, knitting, sewing, or preparing to be a princess. These were what was inculcated in her growing up and she did nothing but do it well. 
    Then she got exposed to the cruelty of the real world. All alone in the capital, surrounded and under the power of her family’s enemies. Any other Stark would have succumbed to such a dire situation.  But Sansa not only survived, she emerged as a veritable strong person out of it.
    When Joffrey announced that he will marry Margaery instead, Sansa allowed herself a laugh but for a brief moment, a sigh of relief which told us she wanted no part of Joffrey in spite of what she was saying all along. Then she was back to her guarded self not allowing anybody to know how she truly feels. She lied about Littlefinger’s deed because she did not trust the inquisitors aand would rather stick to what she knows and what she feels she can control. When asked to marry Tyrion, she acquiesced with grace, and acted the same when Bolton told her she will marry Ramsay. In both circumstances she could have expressed how repulsive she found those situations, but that would only have spelled her doom.
    She knew Jon had no chance to win the Battle of the Bastards and she tried to caution him but was wise enough not to oppose him Instead, she took matters in her own hands by asking help from the Vale. Baelish thought he was playing her, but the opposite was true – it was Sansa who was playing Littlefinger all along.
    As Lady of Winterfell, she worried about the amount of provisions for her people to survive the coming winter. She wanted leather lining on men’s armor to better protect them from the cold. These are details that would have escaped Jon Snow as King. Arya wanted to cut off the heads of men who turned their backs on Jon in his absence. Sansa knew that’s not how to control the men and instead used her persuasive powers to toe them in line.
    Among all the candidates, Sansa is the one emerging ready to rule successfully. She is full of wisdom but has an abundance of compassion as well. She can play dirty if that’s what the situation calls for, but always with the grace and dignity of a royal that she truly is. Yes, I’m convinced that Sansa will be the next queen of Westeros which will fulfill the prophecy that someone younger and more beautiful will succeed Cersei as queen.

  2. correosque sansa no le a dicho a jon que brena mira a arya y esta viva vimos el video brena diciendole a sansa que se mira bien y no lucia como una muger yo no e visto ningun videi donde s entera jon que arya esta viva

  3. While this is a good video, the problem here is that you're taking book information and applying it to the show. Sansa's story had changed drastically, and other than the fact the Ghost of High Heart isn't in the show, the fact her prophecy labels Sansa a "maid" when she slays the "giant", makes the prophecy basically invalid. Sansa isn't a maid anymore.

  4. Good vid 🙂 I've been thinking about this theory lately and I now wonder if the 'castle built of snow' is not a literal interpretation, but rather a metaphor for Jon SNOW'S re-built Winterfell…..but I do think the Savage Giant is Baelish.

    Littlefinger has really lost his game if he thinks he can pit Sansa against Jon, her only surviving family member (as far as she knows). She has learnt, and lost, too much to let his words seep into her head anymore.
    Sansa is Littlefingers weakness, and she knows it now. She is going to play him like a fiddle. Learn what she can, and then dispose of him.
    I can't wait to see that!


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