The Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer was epic but it has caused some confusion. What did Sansa Stark mean when she said “The lone wolf dies but the pack survives? Does it foreshadow a Stark Death or is there more to it? In this video I explain what the poem means and what I think could happen! Thanks for watching!

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  1. Which of The Starks are you most excited for in Season 7? I am a huge Jon and Arya fan but this trailer has gotten me hyped for Sansa and Bran too. Winterfell is going to to the place to be this Winter. Thank you for watching and for all the support. It means a lot.

  2. me mque digan que sansa tiene derecho ala dama de invernadia se les olvida arya tambien tiene de recho es hija leguitima auque savemos que a arya no le gusta nada de dama sansa no estan inocente noms porque a pasado muchas cosas y era una nina inocente pero vien que queria ser reyna aparte es mentirosa cuando yon recibe carta dice crey arya muerta crey bran muerto porque sansa no le digo que briena miro a ara con el perro sansa le sigue la corentie a dedo porque save que el dedo puede decir es cmplice del asecinato de su tia esa es la inocente sansa

  3. if another stark dies it will be Bran or sansa arya will that valyraian dagger to kill some whites and Jon already and is suppose to king of westros according to the line of suggestion bran propose will end once everyone knows the truth about jon and sansa cant do anything but make a cool outfit for everyone

  4. I believe Jon and Bran have the same agenda ie defeating the white walkers but Sansa & Arya have different agendas. Sansa wants to be the Lady of Winterfell & Arya wants Vengence. So neither girl sees the real threat. Hopefully Bran explains it when he gets to Winterfell

  5. I hope Arya reunited with
    Her dire wolf Nymeria on S7.

    But I also wants to see
    The Starks family reunion to,
    especially seeing Jon reunited
    with his younger siblings
    Arya and Bran they are more close
    to him than Sansa.

    Yes I know Jon isn't really
    Sansa, Arya and Bran Brother
    but Jon still is related to them
    He still a Stark family,
    He still has Stark blood in him,
    thanks to Lyanna Stark his birth Mom.

    Jon is Sansa, Arya and Bran first
    real blood big Cousin however,
    Jon sees them more than that
    He sees them as his Siblings not
    Cousins and I'm pretty sure
    that how Arya and Bran sees Jon to now Sansa I don't know but
    no matter what, Jon still her family
    Her blood real Cousin but She will
    probably sees Jon like her brother to after all, Her Father Ned did raised Jon like a Son.

  6. In regards to Jon being alone there is also the fact that you could call him a lone dragon or lone dragon-wolf. A lone dragon is not in as much danger as a lone wolf, as Dany has shown many times. The same seems to be true of the lone dragon-wolf given how good Jon has been at surviving on his own.

  7. Gut feeling- This is part of Sansa's contribution during the meeting of the northmen. She is being motivational and trying to unify everyone and sort of saying they have to stick together.

  8. I think the whole Sansa narrative has been about her ascendency to (hopefully) a capable young woman, especially given what she has experienced at the hands of Joffrey and Ramsey. Which brings me to the scene last season in which she confronts Littlefinger with her ordeals. I can maybe see her having a wobble over Jon influenced by Littlefinger but I can also see her coming to her senses, lets be honest Littlefinger can be quite persuasive.

  9. What if that is Bran behind Sansa? He could have just told her everything he knows. I feel like this scene is later on in the season. Her line about the pack has got to be spoken to Arya, IMO. She has voiced so much regret for betraying Arya at the Inn at the Crossroads leading to the death of Lady. Bran could have possibly seen everything that LF has done…it is a Time for Wolves, 😉 Great video as always, Fentony!

  10. I really think its time for the Starks to deal out some justice. Jon wants Sansa to be the Lady of Winterfell, and he is only King of the North to unite Westeros to defeat the Others. I would not be surprised to see Dany and/or Jon die by the end of the story, with Sansa becoming Queen.

  11. I totally agree, what Sansa is saying the wolves/Starks need to be a pack, or stick together to survive. I think this is foreshadowing how strong the Starks can be when they are back together as a family. They are really the strongest family remaining in the game, and I think the show will ultimately show that.

  12. Good video again dude, and you're totally right about the trailer trickery , I've been trying to talk to people about "the lone wolf…" line in the trailer as they think it means Jon is going to die but as you said i think it is going to imply sansa declaring that she has ALWAYS been in with her family, I'm pretty sure these may be the last words little finger hears before his despatched, but saying that I'm also preparing myself for it not appearing in season 7 whatsoever.. people have short memories, remember the trailer for season 5? (it may have been 4, but saying 5 cos can't remember ha ha) when the voice over was Jon doing that "when i woke it was like id slept for 100 years…" speech that right up tis now has never been mentioned in the show, i actually thought he'd say that to davos or sam when he was resurrected ha but nope, still hasn't happened yet, can't wait for Jon and Sam – Maester Tarly – to meet up, properly mental that Sam still doesn't know Jon was killed, and by olly an all!!!, and of course resurrected too, thats gonna be some conversation and i reckon that speech will probably happen between them, or between him and Danerys… good times to look forward to!!! been a subscriber for quite a while now bro keep up the good work!! much love from the south coast!!! english riviera ha ha thats a laugh!!

  13. I agree I didn't think about Jon dying at all actually. They've all been lone wolf's in a way if you look at it. Each ofthem had great mentors they learned from that helped equip them for winter good or bad along with Ned's teachings. Although they survived by themselves they'll survive winter if they stay together. I remember the poem by old nan about not hearing any other animal surviving winter but the wolf. Benjen though, might definitely die if that's his horse Jon is on at the end. Great breakdown.

  14. Although I think that Sansa is completely wrong in wanting the Umber boy and Alys Karstark dead, what did they do bad ? They have no fault and executing your bannermen is clearly not a good idea and we saw that when Robb beheaded Rickard Karstark. I think Jon is actually very smart here (politically speaking) he doesn't want to start another useless civil war in the North, he wants stability, he is a great leader, too bad the fans underestimate him so often, he's actually a good player in the Game of Thrones you'll all see 😀

  15. Indeed between 1:05 and 1:06 there is a guy standing behind Sansa, I see armor and cloak, it must be Jon. Some are saying that Jon and Sansa could have an intimate relationship (I mean they could literally kiss there near the Tree). I might be wrong tho

  16. I took it as a different forshadowing 🙂 I wondered if it referred to Benjen as he became a lone wolf and he dies while the rest of the pack survives. Probably completely wrong but thats what I thought of when I saw the film played at the time of the audio. SPOILER** Seems like the Benjen sending his horse to save jon north of the wall might be true after all with that visual of someone on a horse 🙂

  17. I think she will say that quote just before killing him. And he will know there is no where to go or escape now that he is exposed. So he will just accept his defeat or fall and give in. But before he dies he will give her one last lesson “Don’t fight in the North or the south. Fight every battle everywhere, always, in your mind.” She will then kill him and as she walk away she feels a bit sad and tears up knowing he was her mentor but also satisfied that she killed a man who betrayed her family. Bittersweet.


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