The last season of Game of Thrones was a huge deal – many questions remained unanswered like Melisandre’s purpose of heading to Volantis, Tyrion’s concerned look, and many others. This led us to speculate on the end-game for the final season. Another popular debate among fans is the truth of Cersei Lannister’s pregnancy and how it will play out in the final season? But, here’s a major revelation from the scripts that actually proves wrong the ones who think that Cersei’s pregnancy could be fake.

Check the official photos from Game Of Thrones season 7 finale, "The Dragon and the Wolf" - Cersei-Jaime-Kings-Landing-1-Season-7-707-The-Dragon-and-the-Wolf

The popular theory of Cersei’s fake pregnancy is supported by two facts: one being Cersei lying to Jaime in order to keep him and other is, of course, Maggy the Frog’s prophecy. The prophecy whose most parts have been proven true until this point in the show, not only suggests Cersei’s demise but also of her having only three children – all of whom are dead.

“Will the king and I have children?”

“No. The king will have twenty children and you will have three…”

Two key details that come from the iconic scenes from the last season are the biggest nod to the fact of the Mad Queen actually being pregnant. The first one comes from a scene from the fifth episode ‘Eastwatch’ where Jaime confronts Cersei prior to his secret meeting with Tyrion.

There Cersei tells Jaime that she is pregnant with his child. Qyburn too seems to be observing her while Jaime was away. But the planning of the scene had this direction:

“She nods, it’s true… Her happiness is contagious. They get another chance at a family. This time with no one standing in their way.”

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The second and the final nod to this truth come from Tyrion meeting Cersei in private in order to persuade her for a truce for the Northern threat. The scene ends with Tyrion realizing that his sister is pregnant. Here’s the info:

“Tyrion sees what he sees and knows what it means. He can hardly believe it, but knows it to be true… She stays silent for too long, long enough to tell him that he’s right. And once she knows he knows, she can think of nothing else to say.”

Game of Thrones is airing in April 2019 which is just around the corner and I believe, the truth will finally be revealed. What do you all think? Is Cersei actually pregnant? Join the discussion in the comments as we brace ourselves for the new season where – ‘Babies are coming!’



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