Game of Thrones cast & filming news for our Season 7 weekly spoilers report. Daenerys, Tyrion, Jon, and Connor McGregor?
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Game of Thrones Season 7 filming spoilers & Game of Thrones cast news is flowing freely! We have Daenerys & Tyrion sightings in Spain, and Jon Snow in Belfast. Joining Jon we have a large cast of Game of Thrones characters who’ve never shot together. Jorah Mormont, Tormund Giantsbane, and the Hound.

These are filming spoilers for what many have been calling the Field of Fire part 2. The attack of Danerys Targaryen’s Dothraki on the Lannister and Tarlys where the Queen herself comes to help on Drogon’s back. We know there are going to be three major battles in Game of Thrones season 7, and this ambush looks to me amazing from the set photos.
Lannister banners are flying in King’s Landing, but the ambush scene doesn’t look to be going good for them while they are caught by Daenerys’ forces. We also have Connor McGregor Game of Thrones news, and much more.

This our weekly spoiler report where we pull together all the Game of Thrones Season 7 news we can find.

Book giveaway preview link:

Season 6 DVD link:

Game of Thrones Theory Videos:
Are the gods real –
The Isle of Faces –
Howland Reed –
Bran’s Purpose –
Tourney History & Lore –
Bran & Three Eyed Raven –

Game of Thrones Season 7 Spoiler Videos:
Dragonfire scene leak –
Mega Battle –
Casterly Rock & Highgarden –
New Throne –
Huge GoT Cast scene –
Filming Weekly Spoiler Report –
Mega Spoilers Pt. 2 –
Mega Spoilers –
Northern Spoilers –
News Recap –
Greyjoy Production Spoilers –
Dragonpit –

Westworld Playlist –

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#GameofThrones #GameofThronesSeason7



  1. At first when I saw the leaked photo of de Las I thought maybe we'll get a shot of casterly rock this season since we know that Danny sends greyworm and the unsullied to lay siege to casterly rock . But I don't think that we're gunna see casterly rock till season 8 and she send greyworm to capture casterly rock in final episode when cersie tucks her lion tail and runs home . Keep up the great work man . I really enjoy your videos . They are very well prepared and made . So thanks for taking time out to keep us GOT crazy fans entertained till season 7 .

  2. daenerys targaryen army
    8 000 Unsullied
    100 000 dothraki
    2 000 ironborn

    50 000 tyrell soldiers
    by olenna tyrell

    25 000 dornesh men by the sand snakes

    and three dragons

    cersei army

    60 000 westerlands lannister soldiers

    10 000 tarly men

    5 000 euron greyjoy ironborn

  3. stop making excuses for bullshit writing. stop it. Game of Thrones has been poor since season 5 started. Stop the bullshit. Making excuses for bad writing such as with Loras. FFs. cut it out!

  4. Weird that every dead soldier seems 2 be missing a boot… The quarry scene is already going to be amazing bc of the events/effects, but seeing Jon, The Hound, Tormund, Jorah, Beric Dondarrion, Thoros, & Gendry all together, on the same mission sounds like a GoT fans dream team nobody ever thought we'd see. I can't wait to see the Hound & Tormunds interactions, & Jorah and The Hounds dialogue will be priceless. Also I bet Beric will have a strong loyalty to Jon bc he is Ned Starks "son", & Beric gave his life numerous times in Ned's name, since the mission Ned gave him is what he is living/fighting for. Hopefully Thoros & Beric use their flaming swords against the Wights. Lastly, I hope the part in the Plot Leak ab finally getting to see Eastwatch By the Sea is true bc I'm really looking forward to seeing more of the Nights Watch, besides Castle Black. I always wondered where the hell Denys Mallister & Cotter Pyke have been since we last saw them in Season 5 when Jon was elected Lord Commander, but shouldn't Denys Mallister be Lord Commander now? & I wonder how he would've reacted to Jon being betrayed/murdered by Thorne & some of the Watch?


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