Jon Pets a Dragon, Jaime will meet Brienne, Varys on Set, Maester Ebrose will appear in season 7.


Source: Watchers on the Wall & DailyMail &

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1) Game of Thrones Season 7 SPOILERS – JORAH MEETS DANY

2) Game of Thrones Season 7 – JON AND DANY FILMING TOGETHER

3) Game of Thrones Season 7 – JON & THEON’S and JON & TYRION’S REUNION

4) Game of Thrones – What’s Hidden in the Crypts of Winterfell

5) Game of Thrones – Who Jon will Sacrifice to create Lightbringer



    I wanted also him to ride a dragon but that isn't happening season 7 sorry to say. As for the prophecy 3 dragon riders it's not happening in GoT sadly I really wanted that but it's not coming true. But it will be a spin off serie and as article no main char will be in it. I can't help to think Jon and Dany gets a kid and that gets kids and maybe 200 years after we will see that prophecy finally happen. Her dragons are guys so how's that possible you may think. But they find a twist maybe an egg in Dragonsone cave in spin off. I can't say I just want prophesy to come true. But it's breaks my heart to say to you it's not going to be in GoT about Jon ride a dragon in season 7 don't look bright as we all want so much can't say for season 8. But I can say Jon and Dany end up toghter many don't like it cause she's his aunt but that's going to happen in epi 7. They are Targerian its natural in there lines so nothing dirty. It might be strange for Jon but it will start before he knows he's a Targerian and love is love special in GoT look at the Lannisters. So we need hold on for the prophecy sorry to break it to you all. But the link gives me hope it can come to true in far away future.

  2. If Emilia posted the pictures, Im sure its the fake photo,s the game of throne made to confuse paparazzi. They not alowed to leak for as much as i know tho. So think it was the joke they made to fool the paparazzi. It suposed to look like a real thing to. Cause she posted a leak i cant get that together. BUT well I do hope John will get close to a dragon, but not sure of pictures the HBO let out. Not that big spoiler. But who im I to tell, I have no clue at all. Just think its so strange she would post spoiler pictures and HBO was in for it. Also its really give away Johns interaction with the dragons, so its to big spoler to accaly be true. They so secret about big stuff. But when I know they made a fake setup for paparazzi foto pictures and filming. It was to confuse them, so cause she leak the picture for me its natural the fake set they made. BUT i hope its true so much, so I hope my doubt about this is wrong.

  3. Rhaegal bonding with Jon, will mirror what happened to Tyrion and Viserion last season when he unchained the Dragons.

    Tyrion is a Targaryen too. The Dragons can smell a Targaryen which is why Tyrion wasn't burned and eaten by Viserion last season.

    The riders of the Dragons have been identified. The names of the Dragons support that riders as being Daeny(Drogon), Jon(Rhaegal) & Tyrion(Viserion).

    Sorry folks. But Daeny MUST DIE AT THE WALL next season. See saw her death at the House of the Undying.

  4. I wouldn't read too much into which dragon. The dragon head we see could be a placeholder for any of the 3. It is probably there as a marker so the CG folks in post production can place the dragon in the right place in the scene. But what it represents in the plot line could be cool.

    After seeing that moment, Davos will be like Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Jon, we thought it was bizarre when you came back from the dead but this ability to be friends with a dragon is REALLY impressive.

    And then Dany could definitely turn on to Jon after this dragon buddy scene. She might think, ya know, he kinda looks like Daario, my dragon is cool with him, but he is a little moody….. but as a single mother of dragons its SOOO much harder to find Mr. Right. Maybe she will be able to work around the King in the North thing?

    It appears to be a great scene. It adds yet another layer of mystery on Jon for the rest of the characters because we know who Jon's Dad is, but none of the characters do, except for Bran and Meera.

    If that set made up for snow and winter is for Bran, I reckon its more about his continuing plight to get back across the wall. Whether he can because of his mark, or if he does cross the wall, does the wall then partially lose its magic spell to keep the dead on the other side. We will see……

  5. So I'm guessing the show is going to give the fans their bullshit fantasy theories; Jon, Dany, and Tyrion all ride dragons to save the day!
    We'll get a Cleganebowl too! 100%

  6. Awesome video and awesome news! I have always believed Jon would ride a dragon and this is just the beginning I hope! You were the first that I have seen to report this news on Youtube…. Thanks! I don't keep up with any other media so I really appreciate it! Take Care!


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