Game of Thrones Season weekly spoiler report. Game of Thrones filming and cast news from Spain & Belfast.
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Game of Thrones Season 7 filming is in full swing in Spain, and we have gotten a lot of leaked info. Check out the new filming locations and the massive battle/ambush involving the Lannister & Tarly armies. Daenerys’ Dothraki horde looks to be attacking the Lannister army as they transport their spoils from Highgarden. This looks like it will be one of the biggest actions scenes in Game of Thrones Season 7. This our weekly spoiler report where we pull together all the Game of Thrones Season 7 news we can find.

Book giveaway preview link:

Season 6 DVD link:

Game of Thrones Theory Videos:
Howland Reed –
Bran’s Purpose –
Tourney History & Lore –
Bran & Three Eyed Raven –

Game of Thrones Season 7 Spoiler Videos:
Casterly Rock & Highgarden –
New Throne –
Huge GoT Cast scene –
Filming Weekly Spoiler Report –
Mega Spoilers Pt. 2 –
Mega Spoilers –
Northern Spoilers –
News Recap –
Greyjoy Production Spoilers –
Dragonpit –

Westworld Playlist –

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  1. I think after cersie does something even Jamie can't forgive he will ride north and be there fighting in the real war against the night king . I think he will see that cersie is going the same way as the mad king and by that point will know about the real threat. we have seen that deep down he is an honourable man , tyrion might have something to do with convincing him about the real threat after speaking to Jon snow when he visits dragonstone.

  2. The thing everbody is forgetting about Born he's a sale sword he won't die he going to sale his sword back to Tyrion when he see that the Lannisters will lose and Jamie will surrendered setting up a Jamie and Bran reunion. The only bad thing Jamie has done in the series was push Bran out that window.

  3. Good job! Interesting & to the point with no fluff! I like it! Your voice sounds similar to actor Thomas Hayden Church… I can't get past thinking that the character Lowell from 'Wings' is speaking.


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