Game of Thrones Season 7 is shaping up to be a wild ride and Winds of Winter the 6th book in the ASOIAF series can’t come soon enough I have brought you some Juice to get you thru the long night!!! The Direwolves of House stark were found in the first episode of Game of Thrones. In the books They were found in the first chapter, The Direwolves were a gift to the children of house stark from the old gods! Robb got Grey Wind, Jon got Ghost, Sansa got Lady, Arya got Nymeria, Bran got Summer, and Rickon got shaggy dog BUT… What Does it mean? Nymeria and Ghost are the only Direwolves left on the show and they have an importance in the wars to come!
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she said "RONE" KEK MAX KEK
that summer death scene still gets me everytime that is one of the few death i will never agree with the wolf would've ran to protect bran not stay and die smh
Daaamn the children of the forest are scary as fuck
Technically speaking, Bran Stark died in that cave where Summer died. It was Three-Eyed Raven Bran that emerged. So you could say that their fate was shared after all, and the link between the wolves' fates and the Stark children holds true.
Y do u talk like that? U know ur white, right?
Only 2 wolves are alive they really haven't done much
Have you ever thought that george r r martin kills the direwolfs everytime a stark makes a mistake? Brans direwolf died fighting wights while bran was doing that warg/ three eyed raven thing. Remember bran was told to not spend so much time warg'ing. But the kept doing it. Lady (direwolf of sansa) died because sansa lied and said she doesnt remember what happened while she could have say the truth about arya and joffereys fight. Whatelse… Well robb starks direwolf died because he didnt kept his promise and he said he was going to marry talisa
and the night king kills Jon Snow he raises his arms and Jon Snow comes back alive. We look behind them and Ned and the rest of the dead Starkes walk out of the mist with the direwolves beside them…as we see reborn Jon look back at the Night King, Hodor walks up beside the Night King and daenarys and her three dragons land behind Jon with their Child. As the look around they can see the many faces of ppl that were killed emerge and come toward the group. "Now we are all together forever.." (That'd be cool!)
the direwolves return??!!
Awesome video as always gray! Now that season 7 is over I need as much juice as possible to get through the long night! Lol! Big fan of your videos!! Thanks for all the work you put in. πΊπΊπΊπΊ
I want to see Ghost and Nynerua tear some shit up in Season 8! Imagine Jon riding into battle on Raeghal with Ghost running with them. Ooooo chills
Do you have a Snapchat? I don't have any of the other social sites you posted π
So much detail and amazing facts thank you very much Gray xx
Anyone have a link to the source for that picture at 4:00?
Where the hell is Ghost?
I LOVE your voice π
The Direwolves are to Starks what dragons are to Targeryans. I'm still waiting for the day Jon rides into battle with a whole pack by his side :'(
In the books the direwolves didn't like Tyrion. Still not sure what to think of that. Maybe just because he smelled like a Lannister.
Sansas wolf was named lady… Sansa wasn't treated like a lady she was abused knocked down and raped but survived that and grew she killed herself on the inside and became brave as for Bran yes Bran will die when the walkers come he won't be in winterfell he will be just outside it sitting next to the tree with Meera sadly he can't wake up and his to heavy for her to move him but she doesn't save herself and run she dies protecting him sadly she dies and so does he his stabbed in the stomach then as he dies so does the dragon the dragon is also stabbed in the stomach and killed
where is ghost? he is talked about in a spoiler for season 8, however, i do not do spoilers
damnn whyy you giving me weird goosebumpsssss π―πππ
i subscivd
i supskri
I saw D and D talking about the episode where Sansa sees Nymeria again. They said it WAS Nymeria and when Arya said that's not her, she meant Nymeria was a wild warrior dog,leading her pack,not a house pet for her. She is what Arya would be if she was a wolf. Similarly,Arya had told her father,"That's not me,"when Ned talked to her about being the lady of a castle
Daggone auto correct agggghh! SIGILS —Not sibilant or digits! I'm sorry
Bastards digits are the reverse of their fathers,so Jon's sibilant is the white wolf on a grey background,so a white dire wolf is the perfect match for him as an illegitimate Stark-at least until his Targaryean legitimate blood is revealed
Love this video
You sound black…do you have some african river running through your veins?
So Sansa's going to get her neck snapped? And is Arya lost just like Nymeria? I'm scared for Bran π
We have four Wolf Hybrids, which is what they use in the show…Amazing, beautiful creatures!
Lady's death is the most foreshadowing death among all the wolves. We all know that she was innocent and didn't hurt anyone. She was chained to up and couldn't escape her faith. Yet it was a Star that put a dagger to her throat so that Nymeria can live.
Sansa's death will be of the same. She will be blame for something she didn't do. She will also not be able to escape her faith as though she was chained like Lady. Last of all, I believe it will be a Stark that will kill her with dagger. So that another Stark, probably Arya can live for her crimes. Both situations involve the Lanisters.