Game of thrones season 7 | The Iron bank of Braavos

The Iron bank will always have its due one way or another


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  1. The only inroads for the Iron Bank are with Dani, they can only influence the outcome with money and mercenaries. Unfortunately for the bank, Dani's mercenaries usually swear fielty to her eventually becoming part of her growing horde. Banks don't like situations where they have no leverage, so it would be assumed they will find another house in Westeros to champion their debt collection. The only person who would do that, is Littlefinger.

  2. 1. The Iron Bank might end up like the Medici Bank, London Branch went bankrupt in in 1478 because the bank debt from the Plantagenet after the war of the Roses was not paid, because the Plantagenet no longer existed as a political entity and the succeeding Tudors decided not to pay the debt.

    2. As long as Dany has her 3 dragons, she gives zero shits about the Iron bank. For example, if I had super saiyan or even just normal Saiyan powers, do you think I would repay back any loans that I made to the banks? This would lead to the iron bank, no longer being an important force in Westeros.

    3. The Iron Bank could use Little Finger and help to finance his own large Northern Army. The loan they gave to King Stannis must have been small, because instead of fielding an army of 10,000-20,000. Stannis only had 6,000 soldiers with him before he was stuck in the snowstorm.

    4. Just like what my bank will do to me, sending in repomen to take my car :-(. But for the Iron Bank, they might have to send in the faceless men and try to kill Dany or many even just one of her dragons. The death of one of these dragons would later on turn it into an Ice Dragon.

  3. I think the iron bank is finally gonna meet its own due in the wars to come. Danny doesn't need them and Snow can survive and come up with something from nothing as always. The iron bank is almost a joke at this point I'd say. He prolly shows up only to be killed off this season.

  4. I feel like they will fund Emilia Clarke because the seasons of game of thrones are getting shorter so they don't have that much time to tell what they need to tell so therefore they wouldn't give mercenaries
    A battle scene. If they give it to Emilia it basically kills to birds with one stone


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