Game of thrones season 7 | The younger, more beautiful queen

Maggy: Aye. Queen you shall be… until there comes another, younger and more beautiful, to cast you down and take all that you hold dear”

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  1. The Night King will come to Kings Landing riding a ice dragon and be frisée alive in the red jeep just like Harrenhall but with ice, it was forshadowed in season 2 episode 7 Tywin talking to Arya about Legacy, I also believe the Ice Dragon is the Valonqar , but this might not happen until season 8

  2. I think Dany is too obvious a choice. Since irony is a part of prophecies, I vote for Brienne the Beauty (of Tarth). She could marry Jamie and take the throne (maybe for a brief period).

  3. The Iron Throne and Jamie are all Cersei has left that she cares about, but I'm not sure if she truly cares for Jamie the way she used to. *If she ever really did.

  4. I hope both the book and the show stick to the same person. I doubt it though. I think Daenerys is almost as obvious of a choice as Margaery considering we have known from the very beginning that Daenerys is coming for King's Landing with her dragons. Daenerys doesn't fit as well as Marg though because other than Cersei's throne she will not be taking anything she holds dear. Cersei loved Jaime, her children and power. Maybe if Daenerys took Jaime I would like her to be the younger queen from the prophecy.


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