The whispers continue to haunt the lonely editor of this channel. So he decided to yell “NO SPOILERS!!” and film their ideas so he can be at peace again. Today we shine light on that dark corner and let me tell you it’s good. SEASON 5 & 6 SPOILERS IN THIS EPISODE AND BOOK SPOILERS!

Previous theories scoring – 20:54
Season 7 and 8 Predictions – 35:31

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  1. question? this probably has nothing to do with the video but the last time I remembered Varys went on a secret mission since then nobody has seen him can anybody tell me if he's still alive? I almost want to say he's dead I don't know why but I think he is

  2. Thanks 4 da vid guys! #tinfoil I spotted a rogue dragon in the Battle of the bastards burning other ships (think it was the yellow/green one). What if it connects with Cersei (proving A+J=J&C) and she will burn the red keep on dragon back. Dany's vision s2 e10 did show the roof burnt it wasnt blown up like the sept – not wildfire. #tinfoil     🙂 A

  3. I think the forces left in the north will withdraw south. Their best chance is to withdraw and defend the neck, which is the best defensive point for them to try and halt the advance while trying to get support from Dany and the south.

    Easiest way to defeat an army is to divide and conquer, if the north stand against the white walkers on their own they will fall. Jon knows they'll need more help and when he hears of Dany with her dragons he'll probably try contacting her to ask for help. Especially when he finds out Tyrion is her hand as he'll assume she must be a good person for him to have gained her trust and respect.

  4. @40:56 Maybe Cersei tries to destroy Dany with wildfire (not dragon fire), and Dany emerges from the green flames to fulfill the Valonqar prophecy. The word is high Valyrian, and isn't gender-specific…so it means "younger sibling" as opposed to "little brother."

    Dany is Rhaegar and Viserys's younger sister, so SHE could be the Valonqar rather than Jaime or Tyrion or even Arya.

    Just a thought…

  5. 16:45 The Queen of Thorns

    I'm not sure whether you delve into this, but I doubt Tyrion will be very happy with Ellaria Sand and the Sand Snakes when he learns that they killed Myrcella. He loved his niece and nephew (NOT Joffrey), and him learning this fact may change the dynamics of the alliance considerably.

  6. Um…I don't think we should be quick to assume the Blackfish is dead. Do we even know if that was a Tully man or a Landis term man who reported his death?

    Also…EdMURE Tully, not Edmund. And a major point made by the books and the show is that Walder Frey had many, many sons, and grandsons, and great-grandsons…not to mention bast bastard versions of all 3. Edmure may end up the Lord Paramount of the Riverlands, as his father was, but I can't see him ending up Lord of the Crossing at The Twins.

    Just my 2 cents…

  7. Why do you think Sansa wants the throne so bad? I think you are dead wrong… Sansa was so happy for Jon when they proclaimed him King of the North. She had a big smile on her face. If she wanted the throne she would of took Littlefingers offer already. The only reason why her expression changed was because of the look littlefinger gave her, she doesn't care though.

  8. Ok guys, this is what happens. Sansa will die (her wolf is dead so she will end up dead). Bran may die. (his wolf is dead) but remember the 3 eyed crow did say. You won't walk, but you will fly. might end up as a dragon, he'll warg into one and then die. Dany will die. remember the foreshadowing in the temple of the undying when she was with Drago. (that was the future). she always wanted to be with Drago and her son. cersie with be killed by Jamie as the prophecy was that she will be killed by a younger brother. tyrian will be king. not about arya. jon will save everyone as he is "The song of ice and fire" being half stark, half Targarian (ice and fire)!! What ya think??

  9. My predictions: Yara and Theon will take the Ironborn to King's Landing while Dany goes to Highgarden. Yara and Theon will try to trick Cersei into forming an alliance with them, so that they'd be on the inside for when Dany came to take the throne. Cersei will listen to Yara and Theon's propositions, admiring Theon's lies about being the one to kill Bran and Rickon, and will agree to form an alliance with the Ironbron.

    However, just as Yara and Theon are celebrating Euron walks in and announces that he had already informed Cersei about Yara and Theon's alliance with Dany. Cersei will then have Yara and Theon killed in the most cruel way possible, furthering Jamie's fear of her. By the final episode of Season 7 I believe Euron will have murdered Cersei, strangling her (this fits with the "little brother" prophesy as Euron is the younger brother of Balon), and Jamie will flee with the Mountain.

  10. Cercei told by qyburn (in series 6)that their previous conversation about the "
    rumors "were proven to be true. They were obviously discussing wildfire. She was clearly on that arc. I also believe Valenquar was mentioned on the show.

  11. Guys. With due respect. Saying that Littlefinger is side by character means that you see GoT more as a fantasy series than THE Game of Thrones. He and Varys are the key characters of the whole book and series and the only one who will get to their level of importance will be the Night King who endangers their plans. Maybe also Bran who will allow White Walkers to go through the Wall and get into the game or rather destroy the whole board (for good or the bad – bitter-sweet ending). The remaining characters are mere puppets and if they try otherwise they die (in the game of thrones you win or you die). The second level of characters are Arya, Melisandre (other red priests including BwB), Jaquen H'agar (and faceless man) and some of the Maesters (incl. Sam). They are only little below because they are unpredictable. It is all about mind over passion and politics over mere combat.

    The only thing I can not really think through is the role of Iron Bank who would be most influential in real life (and maybe is – but no signs of it just theories).

    On the other hand…after season six you may be right but it is because both script writers are stick to the legends, myths and dragons, rather than to the main plot from the books. This is making it more the LoR like with the good dragon-riders, family reunions and great individual heroes.

  12. Sansa is not lady of winterfell, she married into the boltons so now she's officially a bolton and Arya is not gonna want to be in charge of winterfell since she was never into the whole "lady" thing so the only one left is Snow. After all, he is Lyanna's son and Benjin is dead, no one is gonna support an undead looking king with the white walkers invading, for crying out loud. I don't know what allies would Sansa or Arya have other than the veil but all other houses have pledged to Jon.Just saying.

  13. you call littlefinger a 'sidebar' character? seriously?! he is the reason for everything after Robert's rebellion. he WILL sit the iron throne. period. he is the winner of game of thrones, as much as I want Jon to be.

  14. Episode of Flashback ☆☆ from vantage point of Little Finger. Arya kills Little Finger.

    Flashback of Varys as Valaryan Perspective.

    Flashback of Sam from Targaryan Library.

    3 Targaryens Daenrys; Jon and Tyron will unifym

  15. Season 7 is an Episode of Flashback ☆☆ Tourney Sommer Hall and the living has to adjust among themselves thus the South tows the line with Queen Slayer and Killing Himself and Tyron Lanister a targaryen son of mad king arrives late. He is still married to Sansa Stark. Arya marries Baratheon Blacksmith Bastard. Daenrys marriea Jon of Mormont. Jon Stark meets Ygrette who has risen from the Dead. Season 7 prepares everybody of for Season 8 Winter is Coming.

  16. Jaquin Hagar is Aryas "dance teacher"!You can find proofs on yt.And Jorah ex wife is living in the library where Sam is with her father and sister.Sam and Jorah will probably find the cure together and maybe find out how to make valarian steal or smth that will help them against the white walkers.They are important.

  17. Direwolves matches personalities and stories of the owners. Sansa wanted to be a great 'Lady" and her Direwolf Lady died. Sansa no longer wants to be a lady as that ambition was killed. Area wanted to be a great warrior like her direwolf. Shaggy Dog was a shaggy dog story. Jon Snow, has a white wolf and he is the white wolf king. Bran's direwolf has died and Bran has more or less moved away from life. Rob and his direwolf exchanged heads.

  18. Arya won't be killing Cersi. It will be either Tyrion, or Jamie, because the prophesy she got from Maggy the Frog said 'The Little Brother' will kill her. Also, Jon Snow and Daenerys Targerian are aunt and nephew, because Jon's father is Dany's brother, who are both children of The Mad King. I don't think it is a stretch that Jon and Dany join in some manner, thus why this whole thing is called song of ICE and FIRE (Snow and dragons.) Let us not forget, also, that there is another potential Targerian in hiding… Tyrion. There are many who believe he is the bastard child of Johanna Lannister and The Mad King, because everyone knows he fancied her. I think Samwell Tarly will actually play a bigger role, being the bookworm that he is, and may be the one who brings everyone together with the knowledge that he finds. And don't forget that Millesandre has predicted that she and Arya will meet up again, the time when she bought Gendry from the Brotherhood. Bran, actually, just saw the explosion of wildfire, and the shadow of a dragon flying over King's Landing. There is nothing saying it was the cept explosion he saw. There are a lot of people theorizing that Bran is the Lord of Light and whispers to the red priests and priestesses. I think that Jorah is going to find Quaithe, and together they are going to find the cure that Daenerys ordered him to find. Jon and Arya have a very close bond, much more than her other siblings. At the time of Jon's death, his last thoughts were of her, and when she was getting rid of herself, she couldn't get rid of her sword, because it was too much of a reminder of Jon. Oh, remember that Theon Greyjoy, who feels EXCEPTIONALLY guilt ridden about what he did to the Stark family and losing Winterfell is currently beside his sister sailing across the Narrow Sea with Dany. Who is to say that after they finish up with the Iron Island story, he suggests they join with Winterfell to atone for what he did. Let's also not forget there is an ice dragon resting under Winterfell that has been talked about in stories and predictions, and there are three castles in Westeros that are magic: Winterfell, Storms End, and Dragon Stone. Three magic castles, al built by Bran The Builder, who also built The Wall and founded the Stark Family and was the first King in the North. A lot of people believe Bran is all incarnations of Bran throughout Stark history. Is it possible there will be three kingdoms instead of seven and the seats of those kingdoms will be the three magic castles? The Red Keep will be destroyed, we saw that in Dany's vision in the House of the Undying so nobody will be able to rule from that castle. She will also see The Wall as well. Also, remember that George R.R. Martin has said the ending will be bitter sweet. There are, four Starks left, and three (potentially) Targarians. One of each is the same person, Jon Snow. Bran Stark is pretty much sealed to his Fate. His future is known (maybe his past as well) so pretty safe to say he won't be eligible for marriage. How much of a stretch would it be that Samwell learns the key to keeping the White Walkers at bay is the combination of fire and ice (as in Targarian and Stark blood) and thus, making Jon Snow the key to peace and so, the remaining Starks and Targarians join up and start having little fire and ice babies all over the place? I think the history of Valeria will come into play somehow, the Doom that destroyed that place will hold a key to keeping the same thing from happening to Westeros. Samwel is going to figure it all out. Also, did you notice the astrolabe they showed as they panned back in the library and the maps of the world below it? Maybe Samwel is just the one telling the story, like writing down the history, because Westeros meets the same Fate as Valeria did, and since the knowledge of that Doom was lost, Samwel wanted to make sure it doesn't happen again. Also, with dragons back in the world, magical practices are more potent, we are told this when the pyromancers of King's Landing are making wildfire, and they ask if there is any word about dragons being abroad in the world, because they haven't manufactured wildfire this fast since dragons were alive. Maybe, Samwel will get to be the Wizard he always wanted to be.

  19. I don't get the theory of varys going back to mereen along with the entire dornish and tyrell fleet. It would be more logical to think that dany has sailed to dorne to meet both fleets and then move into kings landing

  20. Rhaegar Targaryen is the knight walker king.
    He survived/turned (mostlikly by Brandon rivers) and went north of the wall
    Thats why it seems like brandon rivers main mission is to fix things, he knows what he has created and wanted to fix it with the little time he had.
    Rhaegar is building an army to take revenge.
    Also if you take a note in the walkers hair color.

  21. per ASOIAF, Faceless God requires life for life. as such, Arya is evening the score: every death she brings is a payback for a life taken.. she's actually honoring the Faceless God, not pissin' Him off 🙂


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