Game Of Thrones Season 7 TOP 10 Predictions. Daenerys Targaryen vs Cersei Lannister, King Jon Snow R+L=J, Arya Stark Frey Pies and Lyanna Mormont Badassery ►
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  1. house targaryen and stark already joined house( through johns snow blood) so no need for a tradition( joining house through marriage).the lightbringer must be forged back together( wonder why the starks, guardian of the north keep the ICE with them?), probably by gendry so john can stick it into misa misa aka dany.the night king saw/ felt the promised prince when john killed one of his officers,saw no lightbringer( only valerian sword that can kill him),fuckin bran already knows a lot but dont share to speed up defense preparation.oh wait,that could end the story quick, my bad!

  2. Targaryen bastards are named waters or rivers NOT Targaryen. Naming Jon the Targaryen bastard name would have been a dead give away. Robert would have killed the child. Giving the baby the bastard name Snow was the only way to protect the child. Cersei is going to marry Euron or either the Night King. She will not be slayed in season 7 if at all. Cersei going mad would be a better bet.

  3. I'm looking forward to seeing whats coming! HYPE another reunion that we don't talk about as much is a Lannister reunion…I think a scene with all three Lannisters together would be intense and awesome

  4. Seeing the Battle of the Trident in action would be amazing!

    However, I have little faith they'll be able to pull that one off, as most of their "huge battles" tend to be quite underwhelming. Lets be friggin honest; merely Hardhome and Battle of the Bastards have really delivered.

  5. The marriage between John and Dany is almost certain – neither knows of their relation both would have loads to gain nothing really to lose. John needs soldiers for the war against the walkers and Dany needs political legitimacy in Westerns. Your argument against it seems weak and unsubstantiated

  6. Spoiler (brilliant) prediction — foreshadow S6E6, Dario says to Dany, "You weren't made to sit on a chair in a palace." Danny asks, "What was I made for?" He replies, " You are a conqueror." So… she was made to conquer enemies of the 7 Kingdoms and humanity, yet not rule in peace… she'll conquer Cersei, White Walkers, help to barely save humanity through sacrifice, and others will rule in stead.


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