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  1. So crazy trailer! Wow! Will do a more in-depth video later! Just had to get the excitement out of me and talk about it. Lol. What are your thoughts on the trailer? The shows premiering in like 25 days! 3 and a half weeks! Super exciting!

  2. I hope Arya finds Nymeria while she's back up North! I'm reading the books but I'm not quite that far yet, but I really hope that happens! She is so bad ass, having a direwolf by her side would be the icing on the cake

  3. Bran is supposed to stop the Night King. If the Wall falls, the fight will be impossible to stop. I'm pretty sure that's Vicerion, not Drogon. Also if you look close, there is no rider. Drogon is supposed to be bigger than that.

  4. Hello, I love your videos! I have a question: when the Mad King was in power was the kingdom wealthy? if so, do you think that the people of king's landing will be happy to see Dany because they are starving and Cersi isn't doing anything about it? And Robert ran the kingdom in to debt.  Do you think they will help Dany? Will they believe in her? Or will they think that she's Mad like her father?

  5. Same awesome Musical Score from the final episode in last season. They are most likely invading Lannisport & Casterly Rock-not Kingslanding, The last dragons in Westeros were roughly 150 years back not 1,000.

  6. It has been way shorter than a thousand years since dragons were last in the region, in both the show and the books.

    Aegon's conquest was just 300 years ago, and the last dragon died only 150 years ago.

  7. Alot of people think the Unsullied are Besieging Casterly Rock because of behind the scenes leaked pictures of what looks like a brand new, never before seen castle location with Lannister Sentries and Banners. Note: I said SENTRIES not Guards.

    Even look at the last Trailer, those are definitely Lannister Men, but they don't look like Classic Lannister Soldiers or Guards. Their outfits and Armor looks distinct and the place the Unsullied are fighting doesn't look like anything we've seen in King's Landing. just thought you should know of the theory floating around. Its just a theory but its seems very likely.

  8. I can't take it anymore!!!!! Sansa is so much wiser then she was before and she straight up told Littlefinger "the lone wolf dies but the pack survives." So she knows her and Jon need to stick together. She won't ever betray Jon the way others think. And can we talk about how freaking badass Jon looked standing amongst the fighting between living and the dead. Jamie in the FILED OF FIRE!!! The way the Night King looks up at those crows because he probably knows Bran is in one of them. Bran looking like freaking Professor X chair and all. Someone give me all of the episodes!!!


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