As Promised, here’s the Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer 2 Breakdown and Analysis.

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Game Of Thrones Season 7 Trailer 2. Jon Snow Night King, Azor Ahai Flaming Sword, Bran Stark Winterfell, Sansa, Daenerys Dragon official HBO Theory Breakdown Analysis



  1. between you and gray area, bloody hell, tin foil hats all round, there is so much to see yet you guys take it to whole next level… tick tock tick tock Days and hours now 🙂

  2. Probably an "old" theory, but do you think Jon and company's reason for going north of the wall is to save Benjen? If Bran arrives at winterfell with news that Benjen is north of the wall, I doubt Jon would sit idle by, knowing what awaits. Could the party of 12 we see be a rescue mission, or are they looking for something else? Love this channel by the way, it's by far the best one I've seen, with amazing analysis.

  3. A flock of Ravens is called an Unkindness and a flock of crows is called a Murder.What i had to look up is the difference between the two lol.Common Raven and American Crow.Love your videos.

  4. The Dagger u have seen being sharpened in both the trailers is an Unsullied dagger. When Deany is meeting with the Second Sons and one of the Captains is being vulgar towards Deany, Grey Work offers to cut out the Captains tounge and u can see a good shot of his dagger. And the man drawing his sword in the dragon pit is Bron, not one of the Cleigane brothers. The blade being drawn is not a Great sword, it's small and thin, more like Needle, and the way he is standing is not the stance of the Hound, that is almost a water dancer's stance and Bron is from Bravos. Also, the way the belt is tied is the same way Bron tied his belt.

  5. Hi Gemma, I love your channel and I'm always excited to get notifications of new videos. This has been probably mentioned before and this is nothing new, but I have been rewatching and rewatching

  6. Few longshots on what I think you thought Jon saw – ice spiders (mentioned by characters in the books, not actually seen yet, but the White walkers were supposed to ride them), ice dragon (too soon or too far fetched? ) or a bear perhaps? I'm way off aren't I 😀 ?

  7. I loved your video. This is the first one of your i ever seen and now i have subscribed. Now. With that. And i do love you now but all i will say about Jaime is. I will not let myself like him no matter what. HE CRIPPLED BRAN!!
    The glared guy we cant see. Could it be Ned. Back from the dead!!! Oh. Tornund could be hitting the mountain!
    Lastly. Jon at the end! Could he be taking down a living man as THE NEW NIGHT KING?? The whight are not attacking but seem to be standing there awaiting orders !

  8. I know what the noise u r refering to is ….A HARD heavy crap coming down John's anus,with some farts .Now u know ,go get a real job and stop making those stupid meaningless videos

  9. The scene that is glared out so you can not see the face…could that possibly be Daario? There is Lannister soldiers in the background. Also, what is that giant crate/box thing behind him? Whoever it is, he's got some nice legs on him.

  10. Why do people assume that Jamie is running towards a dragon. 🤔🤔🤣🤣… Highly unlikely being that he is always so determined to make it back to his insane sister wife. It's more likely that he's trying to get the hell out of there. He may be on a heroes arch, but only a fool charges a dragon with a horse. 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️💀

  11. In the last seen after Jon takes down the white. In the horizon there is fire on both sides of him then another flame ignites in front of him. Could it be Dany coming to his rescue? Or am i just seeing what I want to see?

  12. ice spiders as big as hounds
    ice dragon
    the great she-bear with half of tormunds cock in her mouth
    an undead Ghost-i think this one is most likely and fits with the idea of the Legend of the Last Hero

    but fingers crossed for she-bear

  13. The growl is the polar bear. The crowd is cheering Euron in with Yara. Small boat is Theon and survivors or could be Dany. Jon on his black horse looks just like Alexander the Great fresco on his famous horse Bucephalus. It is Maester Walken. Jaime has to jump into the water with Bronn to survive the dragon fire. Tyrion might be riding, but I think it's just Dany ad Drogon :). The Mtn and Hound get to tear apart the whyte. Jon get injured by this whitewalker. Aha if he loses Long Claw, Jon will have to grab Dark sister from Bran!


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