Game of Thrones Season 7 is shaping up to be a wild ride and Winds of Winter the 6th book in the ASOIAF series can’t come soon enough I have brought you some Juice to get you thru the long night!!! Game of Thrones Season 7 dropped a second trailer teaser and its action packed! I was on my lunch break and dropped everything to break this trailer down and edit it! Lets Break it down in slow mo and see whats going on! Let me know what you think!!!!

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How Big is Daenerys’s Army?
The Red Omen of Doom?
Why the Starks will win?
Arya and Melisandre meet again?
What do the White Walkers Want?
Bran’s Destiny
Jamie Lannister The Last Hero
The BlackFyre Prince
The Doom of Valyria

Music: Artist: Ross Bugden

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Game of Thrones Season 6
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  1. Slap a like on this video for me (it really helps me out) like Tyrion slapping Joffrey! Let the slapping begin! 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼…. and that is NOT the Hound it's Bronn! 😉👍

  2. I'm pretty sure the man standing beside Bran at the tree while he is sitting in the wooden wheel chair is blood raven… Looks just like him as far as his profile!!! could be him reaching out to bran beyond the grave or some kind of connection they share. let me know what you think. Thanks

  3. Gendry meeting Jon will be interesting. Yes Arya thinks Melissandre killed Gendry. But Gendry thinks Arya was on her way home. He will probably hear she never made it back home to Winterfell. Jon doesn't know Gendry knew Arya…unless he asks about her or Melisandre brings it up Jon won't know…so I think Gendry will ask about his little lady. 😘 I don't think Arya will be back home before jon/gendry go beyond the wall, simply cause she would want to join them. Like she is sitting out that fight. And like she will let jon and gendry walk into surten death and not want to protect them. That would mean they will all reunite after they come back from the north. I'm really starting to think jon's group will (mostly) make it back…jon is just the last hero to return. Will Arya go north when she hears they are missing? Will she know its not just jon but gendry up there as well? Bran doesn't know Arya knows gendry….him coming back down might be a surprise to her…especially cause she thinks he is dead (by mel) already. Can you imagine the gate at castle black going up and she thinks its jon but its gendry instead… SURPRISE! They better not kill off Gendry before he can meet Arya again thats all I'm sayin. I'd be fuckin pissed.

  4. I love your videos! Also melasandra and greyworm scissoring 🤣🤣 had me laughing so hard! Love the theories def think that Tyrian will ride one of the dragons this season. Def think stark sisters will kill little finger. Def think that Jon is azor ahai! Def think that Bran will help Jon when he and the white walkers battle. I can't get enough of these videos – it holds me over until season starts!!

  5. OK, this IS worse than waiting for Christmas!! Time seems to be slowly dragging on! Any way- loved the vid as always! I did see a couple of this I will highlight- @ 5:13 there is a flag- far right in the back- Lannister? Nowere did I see Tarly flag/ or colors, maybe new division of Lannisters? @ 5:39 Crow eye clouds over like he was warged, maybe Bran? @ 7:00 Flames on back side could cause a shadow to darken the shadows of Jamies white horse? @ 8:20 Greyworm, I hate to say but I feel he may die, hes a lesser main character, and I wonder what future he would have in romance with all the sex on show and him….missing stones and pillar- Not meaning to sound mean here just my thoughts and wonderments. Not sure if this is good or bad comments- mostly wondering in excitement and trying to be patient……but its HARD!!!!!

  6. This trailer is the best one that I have seen from game of thrones! Love some of the details that u noticed like the dragons on the doors behind dany and then tyrion talking to someone with furs on-totally passed me by!

  7. There was talk about Brien being one of the people going beyond the wall. First I didn't like it, but what if the last hero isn't the only one to survive, but the last one to make it back alive from beyond the wall? He probably finds something there or something like that. In that case I'm ok with Brien going beyond the wall…..on 1 condition: when she gets lost she gets lost with Tormund. 🙂 Thats his neck of the woods, he can show her he isn't some savage hick but the man got skills and is a nice guy if she gives him a chance. Its a nice opportunity for Tormund to impress his girl and keep her safe. 😉 And lets face it she won't give him a chance otherwise. That would be funny as hell….Brien trapped God knows where….all the while Tormund is grinning like an idiot. LMAO  And Brien is looking like "can some WW please kill me now, anything but this guy". LOL Hell maybe they can go looking for Jon or something, Brien sworn an oath after all. And there is no way Tormund will let her go looking for him alone. Leaving Sansa alone at winterfell is kinda fucking up Briens job again….but not if one of the other Stark kids is in greater danger (as far as she knows). I'd be ok with this, otherwise I don't like Brien dying beyond the wall….its a stupid end for her….if she dies it has to be keeping her oath…dying while saving Sansa or something.

  8. You can see a man behind Sansa almost by the end of the opening scene, she clearly looks upset, that same man is next to Bran when he's sitting on his wheel chair in front of the weir wood tree. According to the leaks, Bran would help Sansa see through LF's schemes, so could it be this scene where she finds out that LF is trying to get Arya and Sansa against each other ? Perhaps in that scene Sansa finds out through Bran that LF betrayed her dad, very interesting

  9. You're also the first person to mention that something's weird about the final shot of Jon cutting down the solo guy in the snow with fire in the background. Everyone has pointed out the weirdness of the wights standing there rather than bum-rushing him all at once, but the figure itself that he hacks down with Longclaw- doesn't exactly look like a wight, does it? Something about it makes him look like a (living) man, but it's a quick shot so who knows? Either way, it was a good catch. Something's odd there for sure.

  10. Wow, this is the first of your videos I've watched, as Y/T just recommended your channel to me. You rip right through the trailer fast but I think you're really on the ball with almost all of your picks for who's who and where's where. You even called Bronn in the dragon pit, and almost everyone's gone with the Hound on that one. Impressive, GrayArea, might just have to subscribe. Good on ya, thanks!

  11. 55 people don't like Scissor time.

    I am pretty sure at the end, that Jon cuts down another Northerner.. Not sure, but the man that got cut down had a weapon with a unique shape. I wish it was Peter Baelish. Probably wont be

    BUT…this was a great, I mean GREAT review that was beholden to the books and the series. Totally subbing to this

  12. 1) When we see Sansa walking in the beginning, there is someone behind her. I think it's Littlefinger and I think that look on her face is her realizing what she has to do, that she has to get rid of him. Or perhaps she decided it already and was feeding him a line of BS and hoped no one overheard. 2) When Tormund is fighting, he's looking up at whatever he's in combat with. Tormund is no small guy. I personally think that's a wight Hodor he's up against. 3) I've been watching several of these review vids and someone suggested that due to Jon having died/returned, the wights/WWs may see him differently, and that's why they're all kind of standing there just staring at him in the end.

  13. So in that solo shot of John from behind it totally looks like he's cutting a human down and there are like dozens of whites in the background and instead of bracing himself he lowers his guard what if since he's undead he can be taken over by the nightking I mean bran is the new 3 eyed raven and John could be the new night king

  14. Greyworm, Theon or/and Yara, Euron, Littlefinger are the ones I think who die this season. I want to add Cersei to the list but I can't see the showrunners getting rid of the actress one season before the very last one idk. If she dies, it HAS to be by Jaime's hands though. Him or Arya.

  15. I think Bronn is following Jamie on horseback and will jump and pull Jamie into the water right before the dragon breathes fire. The last trailer shows them in the water as the fire flows above.


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