Game Of Thrones Season 7 Trailer 2. Jon Snow vs Night King, Azor Ahai Flaming Sword, Bran Stark Winterfell, Sansa, Daenerys Dragon Battles and Episode 1 Theory ►
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  1. Let me know what your favorite part of the new Game Of Thrones Season 7 Trailer is. Jon Snow vs Night King, Dragonstone or all the Daenerys Drogon Battle scenes! Posting new Star Wars Han Solo and Watchmen HBO TV Series videos next. New Game of Thrones soon too!

  2. I loved that shot at the end of the trailer, where Jon strikes down a (seemingly) undead and just returns to a bad-ass stance where he looks like that strike took absolutely no effort, nor was it of any significance. Just slice and badass stance. fucking great!

  3. I don't think that's Davos who we see with Bran at 5:56 I think its the Maester from Winterfell, that same Maester we see give Jon Snow the note that came from Cersei by raven, demanding him to go to Kings Landing.

  4. Ok so. Why is Jon the "lone wolf"? Shouldn't that be Arya? And second: Wasn't that burning sword Thoros' sword? If he gave it to Dondarrion, that would probably mean that Thoros is already dead at that point. And not gonna bring anyone back. I think it would also be stupid to resurrect Jon AGAIN. Maybe someone else though, like Hound perhaps?

  5. So I just had a theory, it probably isn't true but here it is:
    So the Night King became a wight walker because of the dragon glass that went through his heart, but what if that did not happen to the other White Walkers. What if the other white walkers are the bodies of dead Targaryen's. It would explain why fire does not affect them, and why they have long silver hair…

  6. Ye know taht part near the end of the trailer where Jon kills something in the north, people say that's a wight but I think it's a band of Wildings and one of them challenged Jon in one on one combat and if he won they would join him

  7. The closing monologue by Sansa makes it look like she's talking to Jon, or about him. This has been used very cleverly in the trailer to make it look like Jon is going to die. But what if she is in fact talking to Petyr Baelish…
    I think we all expect Littlefinger to die at some point in Season 7 – most likely at the hands of Arya or Brienne, who will have been ordered to kill him by Sansa. But what if his death is a little more poetic…
    What if Sansa learns that Littlefinger has been manipulating everybody all along. If he was responsible for Jon Aryn's death, the thing that set the story in motion; what if she learns that he betrayed her father, resulting in his death and causing a bloody war that resulted in the death of thousands of Northern men including her mother and brother. Combine that with the fact he gave her away to the Bolton's where she was raped and abused, and the fact he is trying to turn her against her half-brother. She will be pissed!
    Now she could have Brienne behead him or Arya slash his throat, and she might very well do, but I think he could die a different way…
    What if she sent word to Cersei via Raven that Petyr Baelish was responsible for Joffrey's murder, and he confessed it to Sansa. [WARNING POTENTIAL SPOILERS START] And according to the leaks, Jaime takes Highgarden and before Olyenna Tyrell dies she confesses that he and Littlefinger were responsible for Joffrey's murder, meaning the Lannister's will be more likely to believe them. [POTENTIAL SPOILERS END]. Similarly she could contact Robyn of the Vale, or just tell Lord Royce, that Littlefinger did in fact murder Lysa Arryn by pushing through the moon door.
    She then casts him out of Winterfell in the freezing cold. Where does he go then? He can't go back to the Vale or Kingslanding, he'd be killed. Similarly he can't go to Daenerys. [WARNING POTENTIAL SPOILERS START] I think we all know that Jon is going to meet up with Daenerys and Sansa would contact him telling him what she has done. [POTENTIAL SPOILERS START] Plus both Tyrion and Varys are with Dany and neither of them trust or particularly like Littlefinger. So where does he go? Back to the place where he was born: the fingers. But of course he could die before he gets there. He could either be frozen to death or even mauled to death by White Walkers. 
    I think this would be a very poetic ending and fitting character end. He has built all his way up 'the ladder of chaos' and now it's all come crashing down around him and he is back to where he is at the start. Now thinking back to what Sansa says. Petyr Baelish is a bit of a 'lone wolf'. He has no family, no distinct house. He has come from nothing by betraying and manipulating everybody. He has no particular loyalties to anyone. We also know from Ramsay's death in Season 6, Sansa enjoys giving very dramatic monologues, so I wouldn't be surprised if she says this to him before she forces him to leave Winterfell. It has been cleverly used in the trailer to misdirect the audience into believing she is talking about Jon and implying that he is going to die.

    Of course, he could be killed by Brienne or Arya or someone else entirely. Or he might not even die! In which case, I spent ages writing this for no reason! Ah well!

  8. When Jon Snow voice-over line "For centuries our family has fought together against their common enemy despite their differences… " it actually shows Danny then the 3 dragons then Tyrion. Is it hinting us the 3 heads for the dragon (Jon, Danny and Tyrion) and the "family" means Targaryen, and "differences" refers to their known last names and upbringings?


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