Check out my Game of Thrones Season 7 Trailer 2 Explained video! So many epic talking point. The Night King, Jon Snow and company North of the Wall, the sea battle between the Greyjoys and so much more.

Do not miss this Game of Thrones Season 7 Breakdown.

There is even a major Game of Thrones Season 7 spoiler right at the end which confirms a huge plot leak!

I will also be uploading another video tomorrow covering possible content from Game of Thrones Season 7 Episode 1 as well as Game of Thrones Plot Leaks and Spoilers.

Game of Thrones Official Trailer Breakdown.

Game of Thrones Official Trailer Explained.



  1. I think the person in the pit is Yara! We know she is captured and Cersei has no real beef with her, but also no use for her. So I am thinking the only person that makes sense is Yara.

  2. Also when you look at the shot with Yara jumping, brighten you TV and to me it really looks like she is jumping down to attack Aeron. The man she is bounding upon has a strange hair line, just like Aeron, and the same facial hair. I could be way off, but it is worth a look after seeing what he looks like in episode 1 season 7.

  3. It is confirmed, it is the HOUND! Check out episode one, the jerkin he has one is the same as the image of the man in the dragon pit. Beard is a match, and look at the very top of the head, you can tell there is a lack of hair with the right side. So, after seeing in the fire the great war, did the hound give up the hunt? Abandon the priest and Barick? He is one of my fav people, and I bet he is about to meet his end, on the end of his brothers sword. The biggest question is did he return to Kings Landing just to face his brother, or was he captured. Or do he and Arya meet up again and head to Kings Landing to kill the Lanisters?

  4. Hello! I love your channel and theories! I have a theory I'd like to get some clarity on! Since Lyanna Stark was older than Ned, and Jon is the son of Lyanna. Wouldn't Jon be the true heir of Winterfell? Now I get no one in the shows knows this, all except Bran, who now knows that Jon is the son of Lyanna and Rhaegar Targaryen! Still I believe that Jon if legitimized he'd technically be heir to Winterfell and the rightful Lord of the Seven Kingdoms! Does this make sense or do you believe the patriarchic society of westeros would not allow this? Still no one seems to realize that he should technically be Heir to Winterfell over Ned and his children! What are your thoughts??

  5. What I love about your channel is that unlike others you really know your shit and that you don't go on talking for twenty minutes what can be said in 5 (in this video actually 8). cheers

  6. That look like Ser Jorah in the the pit!! He came to help queen of dragon again!! We don't know if the grey scale make him stronger and fight the mountain. We see him again in the first trailer! So he got to be back!

  7. I highly doubt it is the hound in that pit, the hound doesn't normally carry a dagger and that person is carrying a dagger exactly like the one Jon carries in leaked photos of season 7 or like the one Yara carries in season 6.

  8. Before jumping to who the person with the covered face is lets do this rationally. Who isn't it. Well let's see, it's not Daario Naharis because of the dagger at the side. Daario's dagger doesn't look like that. It could be The Hound, that does appear to be the belt that the hound wears. But does the hound carry around a dagger? As far as I can see he doesn't carry one like that around with him. Okay so who else could this be, who else do the bannisters care about that much? Well there's Jon, Arya, Petyr, Theon, Gendry, Yara, Euron, Jorah and so on and so forth. Okay so it can't be Petyr, Jorah, Euron or Theon because of the hair. It can't be Arya because of the sword. So that leaves us with a few options, Jon or Yara or Gendry. I'm eliminating Jon because of the belt, it doesn't match up with some leaked set photos of Jon from season 7. Though Jon has a dagger that looks extremely similar to that in season 7 I do not think this is him. Okay so Yara or Gendry. Well we've seen that Gendry is at least able to handle a sword but no one knows where he is so it is highly unlikely that this is him. My best guess is that it's Yara, she went missing during the attack and got blown off course and found herself with some Lannisters. Actually it might be Arya, Arya is a lot bigger and she's heading probably for Kings Landing which would put her in enemy territory. And all this time I've been basing my guess that that is a dagger at the persons side just like the one Yard carries but Arya carries around Needle and that dagger if you watch in the trailer is quite long, long enough to be needle perhaps? Nah, I'm sticking with Yara, it's Yara.

  9. As to the scene of the sun glare fighter…. don't know if anyone has suggested this, but the scene may be a fight among champions with the Lanisters on one side and probably the Dornish on the other side. The Dornish champion and the man in the shot- Gerold Dayne- the Darkstar!


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