Here is Trailer 2 For Game Of Thrones Season 7



  1. This ice dragon plot is full of shit. giving the n8 king the means to breach the wall is so fucking stupid that whole westeros deserves to die for that especially Jons Snow and Daeneries. I hope it will be different in the books. Daeneries should have killed Cercei and burned kings landing to the ground then squashed the remaining ressistance and go straight to the wall using the dragons as auxilliary from behind the wall. The fucking n8 king wouldnt have stood a chance against that. In life there is only the utilitarian way of doing things which is the right way. Sacrificing a few for many. The end always justifies the means!
    Like Darth Helmet once said: "Good always loses because GOOD IS DUMB!"

  2. the wicked queen has a weapon to kill the dragons, I must prepare myself in the event that happens…. as well as those who are her allies…. I was not prepared for the last episode of Spartacus… and its still hard to watch….. but it taught me to remember that anything and anyone can die…..I would hate to see the dragon (s) die-but who will kill the nightwalkers? fire is needed to kill them

  3. SPOILERS: …..

    Littlefinger's starts at 2:53 –  After watching the trailer a few times, Littlefinger smiles in the Crypts of Winterfell after sending Jon Snow, then Littlefinger sends in an ambush to kill Jon, which is stopped by a counter-ambush – and ultimately Jon Snow strangles Littlefinger (who will probably be killed by Sansa, after she warns Jon about going into the Crypts with Littlefinger.)  That's a lot to give away in one Trailer!


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